Index, Geneology and Cross Reference

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The Seal of Light

A divine seal marked on a carrier's body. The seal function as battery to the special ki-weapon/s that a carrier wields. It is also a symbol of allegiance to the light or the Supreme Being.

Fish (also known as the Ichthys). This is the symbol of the messiah or the one who saves. This rare seal was given to Mat Adam.

Cruz Anzata - a line cross with an oval head. The symbol means life and death, energy and balance. This rare seal was given to Rigs.

Hikari - A Japanese character for the word light. This is a common type of seal carried by the Fang brothers, Sieg and Jimmy.

Ethnic Butterfly - This is a temporary seal given to a carrier who will perform the role of healer or support. This common seal was given to Summer and Willow.

Ethnic Sun = this symbolizes the origin of all. This rare type of seal was given to the team navigator. Navi'Sai.

Supernatural Weapons

Ki-Blade – A weapon made of pure condensed light taking the form of a sword without a hilt. It is. It extends half-meter long from the closed fist of its wielder.

Ki-Whip - rather than the straight, half-meter long ki-blade, it extends a flexible 5-10 meters long light emitted whip.

Golden Flame Sword/Divine Flaming Sword – Twice powerful than an ordinary ki-blade, but it is said that it can only be drawn one carrier at a time. This is the weapon used to kill master level demons

Light Chain /Binding Light – The upgraded version of the ki-whip, much sturdier and extend much longer up to more than 10 meters.

Temporal (Astral) body = A temporary physical body used by a human soul when he is in an astral dimension.

Soul Snatch – A technique learned by Mat to pull the human soul from its astral temporal body.

Space Clearing – A procedure of cleansing one place from any form of evil entity

Instill Energy – transferring of partial amount of living energy

Quick leap – Unlike teleportation, quick leap requires muscle effort, it is a quick jump from one point to another in exact or less that 3 seconds. Average length of quick leap is 5-7 meters. Using the seal to perform this will allow the person to do this more than 3 times in an instance but will surely drain some amount of energy from the seal.

Black Pillar – A black energy container, 2-3 meters high, used to hold captive human souls.


(unnamed mother of Navi'Sai)1st gen

> Navi'Sai(2nd gen)

Dr. Winterfrost (1st gen) father of Rain and Lily

> Rain Eve(2nd gen) married with John Eve(ordinary human) > daughter Summer Eve(3rd Gen)

> Seth Autumn(2nd Gen carrier) marries Lily Autumn(2nd gen) > daughter Willow Autumn(3rd Gen)

Guang Fang(2nd gen) - untraced geneology of 1st gen

> Jimmy and Zild Fang(3rd Gen)

Mat Adam(chosen, 1st Gen)

Rigs Prez(2nd gen) inherited it form his father

Ethan (2nd gen) untraced geneology

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