Part 4

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'So, what kind of powers do you have?' Fred asked curious while the three of them sat down on the couch. I sat down across from them in a chair. They looked at me, enthusiastic and curious. I sighed.

'I'm an Elemental. It means I can control the elements' while I said that I raised my hand a little. The fire in the fireplace shot up. Their eyes grew wide and I laughed.

They wanted to see more, so I threw a little stone at Lee's head -he did NOT appreciate it- and I let some water float in the air and fall down on George's head.

Lee and George looked at each other and then they evil glared at me. I jumped off the couch, they did the same. I ran as fast as I could around the couch. But they were with the two of them, so they almost got me in no time. I jumped over the couch, just when Lee reached out to grab me. Fred had stood up and was looking at us, laughing.

'Freddie!' I yelled, grabbing his arm. 'Help me!' He grinned.

'I still remember what happened on the Quidditch field' I put on my puppy dog eyes and my lower lip. Knowing he couldn't resist that. I saw him give in. He sighed. 'Fine, because you are so darn cute when you do that' I saw a light blush appear on his face, but didn't really had the time to think about it as Lee and George were comming closer every second. I grinned and hid behind Fred.

'You're amazing Freddie!' I exclaimed.

George and Lee were slowly heading in our way.

'I see. My own brother turned out to be protective over a girl and choses to stand against me!' George said.

'Like you said, we will always protect her, even if the one against her is one of us' Fred said, arms crossed in front of his chest. I sticked my tongue out at George. He tried to take a step forward, to grab my arm possibly. But Fred stood as a wall in front of me.

Later that night, when George and Lee pranked me back by throwing one of their dungbombs into my dorm -don't ask how they did that. The truth is: I don't know. They are boys and not allowed in the girl dormitories and they are Gryffindors so of course not even allowed in the Slytherin dungeons-. I had to clean it out by myself, it took me over an hour, but when I was done I walked up the stairs again, leaving the Slytherin dungeons. The boys stood leaning against the wall, talking and waiting for me to arrive.

I sat down on the couch. Fred sat down on my left side and Lee on my right. George wanted to sit down, but there was no place left.

'Why am I always the one left out?' George said, dramatically laying his hand against his forhead.

'We can make some space' Lee said, grinning meanly.

'How?' I asked. Lee grinned meanly. He leaned closer to me. 'Lee! What are you doing?' I asked firmly. He didn't take notice of it, he put an arm under mine and one under my legs. Then he lift me, just to let me fall again on Fred's lap. George laughed and sat down, Lee was also meanly grinning. I looked at Fred and saw his face had almost the same color as his hair, probably mine was too. I tried to climb of Fred, still in my awkwardness.
Fred had calmed down and now saw the fun of the situation. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer against him. I now leaned against his chest.

'Fred, can you let go of me?' I asked. But I didn't really want him to let go, I was comfortable. He shook his head, I saw when I looked up at him. Our faces were only a few inches apart.

I gazed into his bright blue eyes. They were like the sky, or the sea.. Wow, I sound like a love struck teenage girl! But if this is how it feels, maybe I wanna be? No, no. Lucelin stop! It's Fred we are talking about here! One of your best -don't forget to say only- friends. We don't want to wreck that friendship, for some feelings you might have. But his eyes were so beautiful and he was also staring into mine..

Big world, small me ~Wicked seriesWhere stories live. Discover now