Part 9

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Christmas went past in a rush. We exchanged gifts, celebrated new years eve and soon it was time to get on the the train back to Hogwarts.

"OUT OF BED EVERYONE! PACKING TO DO. TRAIN LEAVES IN TWO HOURS" Mrs Weasley yelled up the stairs. I fell off my bed. Ouch.. I rubbed my elbow, that was going to become a bruise..
"Ginny, wake up" I said as I shook her shoulder. She groaned and turned around. I wondered how she could even sleep through Mrs Weasleys yelling.. "fine, your mistake.. I just thought I wake you up before the twins try to do it" I sighed. She immediately shot up.
"I'm awake!" She exclaimed. I grinned.
"Good. Now get your lazy ass out of bed and start packing. We have a train to catch"

I walked into the twins room to see them already busy packing. Still wearing their pajamas, which were only pajama bottoms..
"Morning!" I said as I yawned and sat down on the bed closest to the door.
"Morning!" They replied in unison, without even looking at me for a second.
"Is this my shirt or yours?" George asked Fred while holding up a shirt.
"Does it matter? Just pack it" Fred said without even looking at the shirt. George shrugged his shoulders and put it in his trunk.
"Wow! Lucy.." Fred said with big eyes as he finally started to pay attention to me. But not to my face, a bit lower than my face..
"Fred" I said, his head snapped up.
"Sorry" he muttered with a red face. George also stared at me, open mouthed. I looked down at myself. Shit! Forgot to get dressed before I walked in.. I was wearing only a way to short shorts and a small tank top. No surprise the boys couldn't stop staring, the could see the biggest part of my breasts!
"But wow.. Lucy. Never new you were so.. pretty" George said, his gaze not focussed on my face.
"Well, thanks George. I appreciate it, but next time you say such thing, if you ever do that again, at least try to look at my face" instead of becoming red in the face like Fred, he grinned.
"Sorry, Luc. But what do you expect if you come walking into my room wearing only that"

We said goodbye to Mrs Weasley and with her in tears we got on the train.
"Thanks that I could come with you, guys" I said honest. I really loved them for taken me with them.
"You're welcome, besides you are our best friend. With your permission or without you would have spend Christmas at the Burrow" Fred grinned. I smiled up at him and ruffled his already messy hair.
"When the lovebirds are ready, can we finally go look for a compartment? I need to get the sleep I didn't get last night" George asked yawning.
"Sure" we started looking for an empty compartment "what were you guys actually doing last night?" I asked curious. They grinned down at me as they led me into a compartment.
"To most people we would say: you will see-" George started.
"but to you-" Fred continued.
"because you are our best friend-" George interrupted again.
"and we need you to do it" Fred said.
"we tell, so listen up, because this prank is going to be awesome" George finished the sentence. I grinned at them as they were already smirking down at me. I didn't knew what they were planning yet, but I was soon to find out. I did know that I liked the way their brains worked.

Back at Hogwarts we went to the Great Hall. We sat all down at the Gryffindor table, meaning: Lee, the twins and I.
"So what are you guys planning?" I asked over the food.
"Well, you know Marcus Flint?" Fred asked. I nodded
"He's a seventh year in my house, so yes, I know him" I replied.
"Good. Because he's almost a bigger git than Malfoy and we need you to flirt with him"
"What the-" I started, my mouth filled with food.
"Don't start complaining just yet-" Fred said.
"You are going to lead him into the trap. We know he will follow-" George said.
"Because he always had a crush on you-" Fred continued, when he said that he didn't look so pleased, I don't know why, they could use it in a prank.
"Really?" I said, while looking over at the Slytherin table, Marcus was staring at me and when he saw me looking he turned red in the face. I fake smiled at him, it made him even redder in the face.
"That's good!" Lee said. I rolled my eyes.
"Are you in?" Fred asked.
Meaning I could prank the son of a bitch that bullied almost half of the school, including my best friends?
"I'm in"

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