Part 6

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Fred didn't talk to me again. Not that I expected him to. By the weird thing was, George and Lee treated me like they always did. Like they didn't knew what had happened. Could it be Fred hadn't told them?

I saw Fred walking in the big crowd, who just came out a class. It wasn't difficult to spit him as he was taller than almost all of the others.

I walked to him, I front of him were Lee and George talking. They were so heated into there conversation, they probably wouldn't notice if I took Fred away.

I grabbed Fred at his sleeve and pulled him with him. He struggled, trying to get lose. But I didn't let him, of course he was stronger than I am, but I knew his curiosity would win it.

I pulled him into an empty hallway.

'Why haven't you told them?' I asked. He grinned meanly and that's when u realised no matter what I would do, I had lost him. He had tricked me into believing he could forgive me. He won't.

'I'm gonna, believe me' He said, then he walked away. Leaving me behind.

I cried all night, knowing that in the morning I wouldn't have any friends left. Maybe I was even going to be expelled from the school. Or worse: thrown in Azkaban, my father would break my out, but still..

Fred, George and Lee were whispering, I could see from the Slytherin table. I stood up, not baring the looks that were coming from them.

I headed to the kitchens, my usual diner place. But a hand grabbed me.

I turned around to see one of the twins. A smiling one. So it was George.

'Didn't Fred tell you?!' I sneered. He nodded.

'Fred did tell me' I was confused now.

'So why aren't you running away in fear?' I asked. He laughed a little, rubbing over his knuckles.

'Because you don't run away from a friend' I smiled. 'Also I told Fred it's pretty normal that you hadn't told us yet' He said. I was again confused, wasn't he a little mad I hadn't told him?

'Why?' I asked.

'Because you feared that what happened with Fred would happen with all of us and probably that we would tell it to everyone so they would kill your dad and maybe you. Of course you wouldnt tell it. If there is anything us Weasleys stand for it is caring for family' He said. I smiled, true. All the Weasleys cared for each other. 'So because Fred was being a prat, I punched him in the face' He grinned. I chuckled.

'Really?' I asked. He nodded.

'Yes, I think I broke his nose. But wait until Lee's done with him' I grinned. They kept the promise Fred had broken, the promise they had made on the Quidditch field.

'George you're the best friend I ever had!' I exclaimed. Throwing myself at him, My arms around his neck. He grinned and lifted me up, his arms around my waist.

'I know' I rolled my eyes, so typical for him to say that. Then he said something that made me smile brighter 'and you're mine'

Fred ended up in the hospital wing. One broken nose, a black eye and a scratched arm. Lee only had a few bruises.

Fred didn't want to see me anymore and I didn't want to see him. Still he hadn't told anyone else yet. If it was because afraid of George and Lee or because he didn't want anyone else to know because it could hurt me, I couldn't say. I think only time can tell.

The weeks that came were as normal as can be when you are me. Fred still didn't talk to me. Harry had came in second in the second task. I also hadn't spoken dad since the accident. But he also hadn't send a Death Eater to kill my friends, so I don't have the slightest idea to what he's up to.

Not long after Fred decided it was time to talk to me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me with him, right after I came out of potions class. He pulled me into the empty hallway that led from the Gryffindor Tower to the Slytherin dungeons.

'What are you doing?!' I hissed, trying to pull my arm away from him. But he pushed me against a wall, leaning on his arms, which were on both my sides, so I couldn't get away.

'I want you to know George explained' I was confused. 'The whole.. you-know-who thing.. but I just don't get it. He's a murderer, a killer.. a.. a..' Fred said, trying to find his words. I sighed and nodded.

'Father' I said. 'My father. I know he's all of what you have said. But still he's the man that was always with me, he brought me up. He's family. My only real family' I said. That lit up a sparkle in Fred's eyes. I had finally hit a spot. He let go of me, putting an hand through his already ruffled hair.

'I want to forgive you' He sounded desperate when he said that. I couldn't see his face, because he had turned away from me. 'I want to forgive you so badly!' He exclaimed. I now heard he was on the verge of tears.

'But you can't' I sighed.

'You don't know how hard it is!' He yelled, turning around to face me again, the water standing in his eyes. 'How hard it is to forgive someone who's working for the enemy! The girl you love and will always protect works for your greatest enemy and fear! You don't know how hard it is..' the last part he said softly, looking down at his hands.

'Y-you love me?' I asked in shock. He nodded slowly.

'Ever since the moment I met you' He said silently. I felt the peace rise inside of me, Fred was going to forgive me.

'That moment was at the start of this year when you pushed me against a wall, threatening to hex me' I smiled, remembering the day Fred and I had met. I had lit Angelinas robes on fire and he had known it was me.

He smiled, also remembering that day.

'But it was George who really brought you into my life' he said smiling.

'Thanks to your brother than' I smirked.

The look on Fred's face turned dark again, not dark as in evil, but as in sad. I noticed and knew I had to say something before I lost him again.

'I know how hard it is, maybe a different kind of hard, because my dad always tortured people in front of me, I had to see it, every time he did. The first time I saw him kill someone, I was five. No matter what he does, he would later still be my dad and I will always love him in that way. But you and the others made me realise that what he did was bad and I don't want to be like him anymore.. I don't want to see it happen again, I have seen enough death. I don't want to see one of my friends die. I-I don't want anything to happen to you' a tear rolled down my face as I said that. He reached for my face and whipped the tear away, a weak smile in his face.

'So, even if it's against your dad, you're on our side?' He asked. I smiled up at him, tears in my eyes, but I can't say if they're happy tears or not. What I said next didn't came out louder than a whisper.

'On your side, always..'

Big world, small me ~Wicked seriesWhere stories live. Discover now