Part 10

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What they had meant with 'went wrong' I found out soon after they had said it when Ginny barged into the room.
"O! Lucy, you are awake!" She yelled as she entangled me in a hug. "What do you think of your new hair?" She asked. I gave her a confused look. She glared at her brothers and slapped them on their heads.
"You haven't told her?!" She exclaimed.
"Haven't told me what?" I asked confused and with narrowed eyes.
"We kind of-" Fred started.
"We were just waiting for the right moment-" George continued. They were so busy talking to each other they forgot about me.
"Hello?!" I yelled. They all stopped in their tracks and looked at me. "What's the problem?"
Ginny began to search for something in her bag and then handed it to me as she found what she had been looking for. It was a little mirror. I looked at her with a razed eyebrow. She nodded her head at the mirror look.
I looked in the mirror and was really shocked with what I saw. My mouth fell open and my eyes got wide. I grabbed a strand of my hair and held it in between my fingers.

It was red.

Not red as in the orange red hair like the Weasleys. No, really red. Bright red. I felt the anger in my body rise.
"Fred, George.." I hissed between gritted teeth. I cramped my fists together. Calm down, Lucy.
The boys looked at me with a bit of fear in their eyes, but still wore their always lasting, never leaving grins.
"Look at the bright side of it-" George started, waiting for Fred to finish, what he of course did.
"we think you look hot"

No matter what spell I tried, my hair wouldn't change back to it's original colour, so I guess I have to wait until it wears off.. stupid Fred and George.
Marcus ended up being fine, only a little bit more afraid of the twins. I heard Marcus ended up being a frog for half a day and had been chased by Filch. Until it wore off and he was his fine self again.
It's a little harsh.. the mean kid being pranked gets away fine, while one of the kids that tried to takes revenge ends up in the hospital wing for a few days and with fiery red hair.. life sucks when you are me.

"Omg! Lucy, I love your new hair!" Hermione said as I sat down at the Gryffindor table. "Thank the twins" she raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes. "One of their pranks went wrong. I was the victim. My hair won't change back" I said while I grabbed a piece of toast from the plate in front of Ron.
"Hey!" He exclaimed.
"Hmm.. well. I still like it" Hermione said. I smiled as I took another bite of the toast. At least toast always stays the same old, same old. I love toast.
Marcus and his friends sniggered at the Slytherin table, I knew they were laughing at me and my hair so I send them a devilish glare. One more sound and you'll be dead meat.
They stopped abruptly. Maybe because they were afraid of me, maybe because they were afraid of Lee and the twins. Who knows? After all, I'm their little princess.

My hair hadn't changed back a week after it had been dyed and I started to wonder if it would ever turn back to it's normal color.
Well, like the twins had told me many times: fiery red hair did look good on me. But it could also be they only said that because they felt a tiny bit sorry for me.
Believe me, they are going to feel so much more sorry. Payback time.

"LUCY!" I heard to angry male voices exclaim as I heard feet ruffle down the boy staircase. Good, the twins had found my surprise. Dungbombs in the closet, their clothes will smell really bad the next couple of days..
"Why did you do that?!" They exclaimed when they saw me sniggering on the couch with a book upon my lap in front of the fire.
"That's what you deserved for turning my hair red" they gave each other a look and then looked back at me, sighing.
"I guess you're right" George said.
"What are you reading?" Fred asked a second later as he sat down on the couch, closely next to me while he grabbed the book off of me.
"Advanced potions, year seven..?! Love, you know you are in your sixth year? Just like us" he said looking at me, wondering why in hell I was reading a book for next year.
"Well, I'm trying to get ahead on potions. After all I want to get good grades on my NEWTS next year" I said, grabbing the book out of his hands, checking the page and then closing it. George let out a noise of frustration.
"You sound so much like Hermione right now" he said. I chuckled.
"I'll take that as a compliment" I said.
"Yea, do that"
"But already starting now?" Fred said, continuing our conversation. "Didn't you get like Outstanding on all of your classes last year? And you follow so many!" I rolled my eyes.
"I didn't got all Outstandings. Only for; Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, History of Magic, Muggle studies, Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Art, Muggle Music, Art, Music and Ancient Studies"
"Aren't that like all the classes in school?!" They exclaimed in unison. I chuckled.
"No, they are not and to be fair, I didn't get Outstanding on all my classes, not on Divination and the study of Ancient Runes"
"Then what did you get for those?" Fred asked interested.
"Exceeded expectations" I said sighing. Even if that was still pretty good, I felt a bit sad. I could have done better. "You are so annoying" George said sighing. I looked up at him, because he stood up from the couch. "Well, goodnight my dear friend and brother. I'm going to bed" he said.
"Goodnight" Fred and I said in unison. I looked over at Fred and raised an eyebrow.
"Ain't going with your brother?" He shrugged his shoulders.
Hmff.. that's something new.
George left and Fred and I were the only two people left in the Gryffindor common room because it was pretty late.
I stood up.
"I guess it's also time for me to head to bed" I said, looking down at Fred. "Goodnight"
I started making my way over to the portrait, but just before I got there a hand closed around my wrist. Fred spun me around.
"I'll bring you. It's late, if someone finds you you're in big trouble. I don't want that" he said scratching the back of his neck with his other hand, the one not on my wrist.
"But if we're caught, you too are in trouble" I said wisely. He shrugged his shoulders and an evil grin came on his face.
"Believe me, they can never catch a Weasley twin"

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