Part 15

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Hogwarts was just as beautiful as the years before and like all the other years we got a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. A pink lady, I didn't like her.

The first years were to be sorted, but one tall guy, with dark brown hair and bright green eyes stood in the middle of them. He was long and handsome. His eye locked with mine when he caught me staring at him. He smiled a beautiful smile and waved. My cheeks burned and I looked away. To Fred, who sat next to me. He looked from me to the boy and he didn't look pleased.
McGonnagail called the names again.
"Sheppard, Xavier" She said. The handsome guy came forward out of the crowd with first years. "Transfer from Durmstrang" McGonnagail continued.
The boy sat down on the chair and the sorting hat was put on his head.
It didn't need time to think. It only took a second.
"SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled. The boy stood up from the chair and walked over to the Slytherin table, which was loudly applauding.
The new boy was in my House.

After the sorting we started eating. The twins were talking about pulling a prank on Snape, while Lee was telling them that was suicide. I was looking at the new boy. He sat alone, nobody did try to talk to him. That's how the Slytherins are, an outsider never gets the chance to fit in. New kids, nop.
Suddenly he looked at me again, we locked eyes. He smiled and waved, this time I smiled and waved back.
For him I must probably look weird, a Slytherin tie and badge, but sitting at the Gryffindor table..
"Luc, what do you think?" George asked. I broke the contact between me and the boy and looked at them. The three of them were looking at me like they were waiting for an answer.
"Huh.. what?"

"I think I will go to bed" I said when Fred, George and Lee asked me after dinner if I would like to come with them to the Gryffindor common room.
"Okay" They said, shrugging their shoulders. They hugged me and then left. I left too, but in the other way.

"Where did all the people go
They got scared when the lights went low
I'll get through a nice one slow
The world's spinning out of control
Hiding here
Hiding there
Hiding underneath the stairs
People hiding everywhere
Trying to be still like a stone
I'll get it if you need it
I'll search if you can't see it
You're thirsty I'll be rain
If you get hurt I'll take your pain
I know you don't believe it
But I said it
And I still mean it
When you heard what I told you
When you get worried
I'll be your sol-"
"Lovely singing voice" I jumped and then quickly turned around.
The boy from the Great Hall stood leaning against the wall, arms crossed in front of his chest.
"Well, thanks" I muttered awkwardly. Darn! Next time if you sing in the hallway Luc, check if you'r alone.
"Don't act so shy. I meant it" He said. I looked up from the floor and into his stunning emerald eyes.
"Hi, I'm Xavier" He introduced himself. I took his outstretched hand in mine and shook it.
"Lucelin, but you can call me Lucy or Luc" I said.
"What a beautiful name" He didn't sound like he was flirting, not even a bit. It sounded like he was just saying what struck his mind. I already knew I was going to like him.
"You're a Slytherin too, aren't you? I'm kind of new with that sorting stuff.." He scratched the back of his neck nervously when we had let go of each others hands. It kind of remembered me of when the twins did that, I instantly felt a wave of affection go through my body.
"Yes, yes I am" He let out a relieved sigh.
"Nice.. can you show me how to get to our common room? I kind of.. got lost" He said. I shrugged my shoulders and nodded.
"Sure, I got lost many times in my first year. I'll show you around sometime. Come on" I started walking into the direction of our common room.
"Why are these hallways so empty?" Xavier asked after we had walked five minutes in an awkward silent. Silences like you have with a person you just met and you don't know what to talk about.
"These hallways lead from the Slytherin common room immediately to the Gryffindor common room. Usually they are not.. getting along very good" I explained. Xavier looker at me questionably.
"Then why o why were you sitting at the Gryffindor table, if Gryffindors and Slytherins don't get along" I looked up at him. He was smart, noticing all the little things.
"Observing type, aren't you.. but I said usually, there are always exceptions and here you have one. Me. The daughter of the most feared wizard ever can't even make friends in Slytherin. My best friends are Gryffindors and blood traitors" He didn't even shiver when I told him about my father. "I'm slightly different from the other Slytherins, from any other student at this school really" He shrugged his shoulders and smiled his stunning smile at me, a golden sparkle in his bright emerald eyes.
"Isn't being different what makes someone perfect?"
I laughed and punched him on his shoulder, he grinned too. "Just trying to make you laugh, you looked a bit sad" He said defending himself.
I laughed again. Nice guy.
At the common room I showed him where the stairs down to the boy dorms were.
"Here you go" I said.
"Thanks" he took a few steps down, but then turned to me again. "Hey, you maybe wanna have breakfast with me tomorrow?" He asked. I though for a second. Well, Lee, Fred and George could survive for one morning without me, couldn't they?
I nodded.
"Sure. Be down in the common room at eight, classes starting at nine" I said. He smiled.
"Great. See you in the morning! Goodnight" He started to walk down the stairs again, I turned away and started walking towards the stairs that led down to the girl dorms, smiling.
I made a friend who's a Slytherin so in my own House, well that's a first.

Big world, small me ~Wicked seriesWhere stories live. Discover now