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Saturday August 28th 2015:

7:53 - Joe:
I know your not gonna be awake but I'm on route to another roof and I'm so bored :/

7:54 - Amber:
Well, to your luck, I am awake and NOT cause you woke me up this time

7:57 - Joe:
Oh...so are you ok to keep talking?

7:59 - Amber:
Yeah, just don't say anything too complex cause my brains hardly working

8:02 - Joe:
Isn't complex kind of complex?

8:03 - Amber:

8:07 - Joe:

8:08 - Amber:
You should be.

8:09 - Joe:
Well that's good then isn't it ;)

8:12 - Amber:
It is :)

8:13 - Joe:
So why are you up then?

8:15 - Amber:
Because of yesterday :/

8:16 - Joe:
Hanging out with all your friends?

8:18 - Amber:
No cause after the fight and all I didn't know what to think

Anyway you never told me what happened with Courtney that made you not want to talk about her - not that you've said much about her at all apart from the initial spark of this friendship - but still

8:24 - Joe:
Basically, we broke up, not that I care

8:26 - Amber:
Oh...well even if you don't care, I'm sorry :)

8:28 - Joe:
Well, thanks but it's about time, she's off with some other guy spreading rumours about me now...

But on the bright side, I've got 340 subscribers! Like, and I haven't even posted a video! Actually, I posted one three minute one and I suppose people recognised my face ;)

8:31 - Amber:
Well that's brilliant news Joe!

I'm so proud ;)

But you know, your sister has 8,999,660 more than that...

8:33 - Joe:
...Amber :(

8:37 - Amber:

8:38 - Joe:

8:43 - Amber:
No, Sam just text me saying he's gonna call me like any minute :/

8:47 - Joe:

Are you going to answer?

8:49 - Amber:

8:54 - Joe:
I think you should, I mean you obviously still have feelings for this guy since you were feeling jealousy toward him and Maria, and this could be the time that sticks, yunno? Besides, he might just be ringing to say hi or what's up rather than anything relationship wise. And anyway, it's better than being in person since you actually have the ability of hanging up on the boy :)

Being 18 and single gives you more dating experience than you'd think ;)

8:55 - Amber:
Right, thanks Joe :)

8:57 - Joe:
Np ;)

9:34 - Amber:
Shit that was a long convo -_-   :|

But a good one ;)

9:37 - Joe:
What happened?

9:39 - Amber:
We basically got back together after a lot of me denying I liked him but he basically told me he'd never stopped liking me and basically just dated Maria to basically make me jealous

9:41 - Joe:
You said basically a lot there

9:43 - Amber:
I know

9:44 - Joe:

9:47 - Amber:
I know you have something to say about it

9:48 - Joe:

9:51 - Amber:
You've got an opinion on it, tell me

9:53 - Joe:
I don't, don't worry :)

9:58 - Amber:
Spit. It. Out.

9:59 - Joe:

I think your setting yourself up to get hurt I mean, you clearly like him more than he likes you and it sounds as if your being used by him because he doesn't want to be single and he knows he can come crying to you whenever he's lonely cause I mean, he only just broke up with Maria yesterday it's a bit suspicious and to be honest, he doesn't sound like he deserves you.

10:04 - Amber:
Well honestly, I don't need some strangers opinion even if you do have dating experience

10:07 - Joe:
Look, I wouldn't have told you if you hadn't pried it out of me

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