Part 1/Three-Let The Games Begin

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AN:Watch for the Hunger Games Refrences.Also If you want your OCs in this story give me their name,weapon,signiture outfit and everything else(like how my OC bio was)I'm choseing 2.One boy ,one girl.Thank you comment,vote,like,and enjoy.Peace Out dragons.-NPDQ
Jeff Point of View(HeHe!You didn't think I'd tell you everything did you?)
"Why am I here again?Its one fucking girl couldn't LJ or BEN get her?I got most of the others..." I complain staring up at the annoying faceless man.He crosses his arms.over his chest and taps his foot.
If its only one girl why can't you get her Jeffrey?Besides,the others are preparing for the games tonight any way.

I roll my unblinking eyes and sigh."Whatever Slendy, just forget it now let's get this fucking girl and leave." I snap.Slendy points to the old rotting house to my left and dosent say any thing.I blow air through my lips before stomping towards the house.
Axel Point of View
I wake up so the sound of screaming.I jolt awake and run down stairs into Izabelle and Ryan's bedroom and see Ryan dead,and Izabelle barely clinging on to life.

A guy is standing over them and he laughs at Izabelle's weak atempt to get away and he stabs her in the head before yelling out,"Go to sleep!" his voice is raspy and deep.

I realize who it is and then he turns to me and steps into the light and my mouth drops open.He has greasey,burnt to black hair that falls to his shoulders,his skin is pale,and he's wearing black dress pants and a.white hoddie covered in blood stains.His eyes and unblinking and have a black ring around them,like his eyelids were burnt off.And his mouth has a smile craved into,going from ear to ear,creating and errie permanent grin."Jeff the Killer," I whisper.He laughs."So you know me?I'm not suprised.Now why don't you be a good girl and come.with me?"He.says,offering his bloody hand.

And the next thing I did suprised him.I took his hand.A shocked.look falls on his face." want to....what the took my hand...I thought you would run..."He can't get the words out right."I want to go with you." I say "Nothing better to do,"he nods and runs out the door dragging me in the process."Ow!What the hell man!"I growl at him.He just keeps running.

The trees pass us in a blur.I start to feel like throwing up when we stop.We stand infront of a fortress,it has metal walls that have spikes on them.I gulp and turn to Jeff who is grinning.I hear the sound of sliding doors and Jeff chuckles."You should have ran..." He says darkly,then he pushes me into the fortress.I land on the ground and the doors start to close,and the last thing I see is Jeff waving his hand at me,when the door shuts.I turn around and m eyes widened at the sight."Oh my fucking god.This shit is unreal" I mutter.

A jungle like scene is set before me a big lake with a large truck in the middle.There are other teens,boys and girls.Including Amy,West,Jamie,and Liam.I don't ask where Makayla and Steven are.

Amy has tears running down her face and a stab wound on her side.She's wearing a dress and has heels on(The pic is not Amy,but one of her friends.).She glances over to me and she motions for me to come over.I run over and kneel down next to her.

Her boyfriend,West rubbing her back,unsure what to do."What happened?" I ask and West grunts,"Those freaks kidnapped us," He explains, "They dragged us here and stabbed Amy because she tried to escape,then they through us in here and left Amy with no bandages,no stiches,no nothing."

Amy's hand is covered in blood as she holds ittothe wound.I don't why I'm doing this but I do it anyway."West,give your hoodie,I can help."
Amy Point of View
My mouth dropped open.She was going to help me."W-why?Why not let me die?I've done so many horrible thing to you,and you still help?"I gasp.She stares at me for a minute,her gray eyes shining."Two wrongs don't make a right." She states,and she starta to rip West's hoodie sleeve.

Jamie scoffs,and rolls her eyes."She's totally lieing.There's no way she would help you without wanting something!" She yells.I open my mouth to say some thing but Axel stands up and gets right in Jamies face."And you totally need to shut up so I can work,or do you want her die?" Axels says in a high pitched voice,a fake smile plastered on her face.West and Steven stifill laughs and I giggle.

Jamie is speechless and frowns ,but doesnt say anything else.Axel then sits down and continues making a bandage,and the starts to wrap the wound,which hurts like hell.But I suck it up untill she's done.Axel has proud written all over her face.I thank her but she shurgs in responce.
Slender PoV(Short)
Masky!Sound the alarm child,it is time for the games to begin.
Axel PoV
Amy keep thanking me,but I didn't know how to respond,so I shrug.West is about to say something win a sound of a horn goes off,echoing throughout the fort,stopping the worried murmurs in their tracks.Then a static voice booms out of hidden speakers.

Hello children.I am the Operator.You are in my kill room.You are going to play my game.There are 20 of you.Some of you though,and you know who you are,are hidden killers.So as a warning,Trust No One.By the lake is a truck,filled with backpacks and wepons you will need.You will have two minutes to get all that you need and leave before my killers have their fun....You will be required to kill also.Think of it as the Hunger Games,only,there is a happy ending for one of you.When one person dies my symbol, an O with a X through it,will appear with their name.Have fun children,and when the bell sounds the two minutes starts.Let the games begin!

And then before we could register that information the bell sounds.I start to sprint to the truck,and people follow my lead.I make it their first and search franticly for a weapon.I rummage through piles of weapons,untill I find the perfect one.A baseball bat with spikes on the outside.Its black with smiley faces with x's for eyes on it.I grab a random backpack,an jump out the truck to caous.Bleeding bodys are everywhere I count 7 .

I then see creepypastas,stabbing killing and torturing others.

At the sight of blood,something in me snaps,and I start to giggle.I grow fangs and black claws.

My clothes start to change,my pants are now black ripped jeans,my shirt black with the same type of smiley faces on my bat on it.I'm wearing a leather jacket and fingerless gloves.I also have boots on.My belt has spikes on it that i can take of.

My eyes turn purple with red iries,and my hair turns black.And I black out
Gamre Master PoV

I smirk at the bloodshed and see Jeff getting ready to kill Amy and West.

I telaport over,so now I'm behind Amy.Jeff sees me a his mouth drops open.I laugh and tap Amy's shoulder and she turns around."Hello,Amy.I see you've met Jeff the Killer.isn't he beautiful." I giggle and Jeff smiles.Amy gets a disguted look on her face and gags,"Hell no!He's ugly as fuck." Jeff growls and frowns before stabbing West in the head.He is about to lunge at her but I hold a finger up, amd he stops.I look back at Amy and click my teeth at her disapprovlly."Wrong answer bitch!"I sweep kick her and she falls on her back.I lean down I front of her."You know,its sad," I start,sticking my fingers into her wound and twisting them.She screams and tears run down her cheeks.I only laugh at her pain.

She starts to beg for mercy.I growl and start to twitch out."Bitch,you derserve no mercy!" I spit,disguted by her ignorance,"You only deserve to rot in hell for your crimes against me,and humanity."I giggle again and lick her sweet blood off my fingers.I stare at her with hate burning through me like fire.I chuckle darkly and she whimpers.

"You thought you would win this game Amy Lealand.You thought you could keep tourtering me without anything bad happening to you in return.But you were wrong.I guess its game over for you!"I shriek and start beating her head in with my bat intill you couldn't tell it was a head.

I admire my handy work,the sink my fangs in her a drain her of the rest of her blood.

I lick my lips and turn around to face all the creepypastas.Their mouths hang open in awe.I skip up to BEN Drowned and close his mouth.I pat his head and say,"You'll catch flies silly!"Then I hear static and come face to well no face,with Slenderman."Hi!" I wave.
Boom goes the dinaymite!That was like, the best chapter!I am proud of mah self.Did you like it?Btw this is my first story so don't hate on it cause i'll get better as I go on.I'll edit when I get the time.Give me honest comments,and be prepare for the next chapter.Rember the Oc contest,and vote and comment.Peace out dragons!-NBPQ

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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