3 Lying For Love

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I know in my heart that I love you,
And I simply can't jeopardize that,
I just have to keep living through,
But I cant live like that forever so maybe it's time for some change.
All I need is her locker number,
I can leave her one simple,
Love note.
A classic love note although I'm a girl and so is she,
All I would ever want is that she never finds out,
It was me.
It was 9th period study hall and I pulled out my Samsung and went straight to Instagram,
And pulled up the Instagram of her best friend Nina.
I DMed her my phone number and told her I had something important I needed to ask her,
She responded by texting me a smiley face and an enthusiastic "hi".
Nina: :) hi!
Nina: So what's so important?

Bloom: Uh would you happen to know the locker of Rosabella Heartsfield?

Nina: I'll give you it if you tell me why.... You know I'm also super curious :|

Bloom: Well.......

Nina: Yes

Bloom: okay so my uh guy friend has a huge crush I her and wants to give her a note....

Nina: oh well why didn't u say so! Of course!

Bloom: What's her locker number?

Nina: first who's this boyyyyyyyy

Bloom: it's really personal..... To him....

Nina: Your making this weird.... You know that right.....

Bloom: okay fine you really want to know?


Bloom: Truth is.... It's a girl


Bloom: Huh?

Nina: sorry I'm confused. We're in 8th grade and one of your friends is a lesbian.

Bloom: ......bisexual.......

Nina: I just don't really think she's into love at all.
She always gets all weird when we start talking about our crushes and boyfriends.

Bloom: Oh.....

I'll talk to her for you.

Bloom: that's not really what I meant...... But can you give me her locker number?

Nina: if you tell me the first letter of this friend of yours

Bloom: Um it's uh "A" I think she spells her name all weird could be an "I" or an "S" or even an "E"

Nina: fine I'll tell you the damn number......
It's 854

The Girl With Locker Number 854 [ girl x girl ]Where stories live. Discover now