26 Jasmine

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I knew this entire night I had to figure out who I loved more.
James or Rose.
I really just.....
I don't know.
The entire night that's all I could think about.
I slept for about an hour and woke up feeling like crap.
My stomach was churning with anxiety and even though my house was cold my palms were sweaty.
I wasn't sick.
My heart was.
I swear to god this whole thing was literally making me sick.
I got to school with bags under my eyes and a crappy mascara job.
"What happened to you?"
Eve and Jewels snickered waiting for my answer.
"I'm sick."
"Why are you at school...?"
"I'm not virus sick,
My heart is sick."
Both Eve and Jewels knew what I was going threw.
Then James showed up.
His perfect hair was cut short and his natural light brown hair spiked up.
He had braces that revealed his big nerdy front teeth and a small gap between his two bottom teeth that was always covered by an over bite.
Jewels stood up and slammed her hands down on table.
"do you know what you are doing to this poor girl?!
She hasn't slept in days.
She has major anxiety and has started failing lots of her classes. 
James if you love Bloom....
You will let her go."
He sighed and grabbed my shoulder.
"Well. Isn't this awkward."
"Yea.... I uh came to ask for advice.... About a girl.... That I like."
I turned around confused.
"It's okay Bloom lets still be friends were just too alike it's weird if we're too alike."
I guess he had a point.
It would be easier being friends right?
"So who's this girl?"
"Well she's beautiful, dark, mysterious, yet quirky.
She's just AGH."
He laughed at himself.
"You mean.... Jasmine."
"Uh huh."
Then there was Jasmine.
She was one of my first ever girly crushes before I realized I was bisexual.
We were best friends until I told her and she was totally weirded out and we stopped talking.
Then a year later what do you know....
She fricking comes out.
I was p*ssed but I wasn't into her at the time.
But I swear she still likes me.
She's that one girl with short emo hair.
She wear chokers and graphic t shirts. 
She into the super natural and claims to be psychic.
I mean don't get me wrong I'm obsessed with blood and gore and paranormal activity and black magic and demons and myths and legends and all of that fun stuff but,
Doesn't it all sound a little far fetched.
She had dark eyes like Rose and slightly tan skin.
She had a birth mark on her right shoulder in the shape of the symbol for the supernatural ironically.
She claims it's a tattoo but I've gone to school with her since we were 6 and then she was afraid of the flipping boogie man.
I mean seriously.
I just sat silently staring at James.
He's leaving me.
I'm finally free.
What about m-my feeling for James?
Do I have any?
Oh sh*t.
Are you kidding me?
I pulled out my phone and texted Jasmine.

Bloom: Text me back ASAP I need your help with something important

She texted back quickly.

Jasmine: you mean like us?

Bloom: There is no us.

Jasmine: That's why it's important.

The Girl With Locker Number 854 [ girl x girl ]Where stories live. Discover now