22 This is my girlfriend

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Nobody but me knew about his parents so I told him to start sketching while I explained to the rest of the group.
They all felt exactly how I did when I found out.
They were sad, surprised, shocked, and they felt guilt for him as did I.
We all began writing words and he came up with a beautiful idea that we would have one side black and white with negative words and the other side colored with positive words.
We named the project
'Inside and out.'
We all loved the idea and started sketching just as the bell rang.
"James I'm hope your cool we are using you for our project."
"No it's cool don't worry about it."
He ran off to his next class leaving footprints in the sand. 
I felt someone give me a kiss on the cheek and pull me into a closet.
I turned around and saw my girlfriend.
I awkwardly stood there not saying a word.
"Were you my secret admirer?"
I blushed and nodded.
She leaned in closer.
"I knew it."
She laughed and whispered.
She wrapped her warms around around me and nuzzled her nose into my shoulder.
"Love you."
She ran off leaving me in the closet.
I picked up my items and turned the stainless steel doorknob.
After every last bell I eagerly waited because I had felt weirdly sick for some reason almost the entire day.
Not like through up sick but like anxious and nervous.
It was weird.
Then I remembered why I was so nervous.
I was meeting Rose's parents today.
She lived in a modern average sized house that was all a dark blue color.
I knocked on the door and a middle aged man opened the door.
"I'm assuming you must be Bloom,
Your name is absolutely beautiful dear.
Come in.
Come in."
He gestured for me to enter the building and standing at the top of the stairs was my stunning girlfriend.
She quickly ran down and hugged me.
"Good to see you."
She winked at me.
A another middle aged adult entered but it was a woman. 
Both of Rose's parents had light hair and her mother had freckles.
Her mother had light pale blue eyes and her father deep dark chestnut eyes.
"Mom, dad?"
"Yes darling?"
"This is my girlfriend."

The Girl With Locker Number 854 [ girl x girl ]Where stories live. Discover now