4 Your Prettier Than You Thought

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I came early to school with Jewels because the bus was just an awkward hour long ride of boredom.
Especially when everyone on the bus was either popular or just a jerk that I didn't want to get involved with.
I did all my homework from the previous night and Jewels helped me make my French class flash cards.
The supervisor let us go to our lockers so I walked with Jewels down the 8th grade hall until we were at my locker,
Locker 829.
I got rid of everything I could and slowly out of my bag pulled out a small piece of lined paper.
I cut it into a small heart and wrote a message on the front:
"I know you don't know me, but I fall in love with you everyday all over again, and even though you don't, I somehow feel as though your there, when your not." ~Your secret admirer
You hear that,
I hope you do.
I hope your thinking about me right now.
I walked over and squealed slipping the note into her locker as everyone from the busses started to spill in.
I quickly retreated and ran back to my locker before anyone could see that I dropped in the note. I watched Jewels walk away and quickly turned back to face right so I could watch her read the note.
I stared through the slits of my locker waiting eagerly for her to realize,
She's prettier than she thought.

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