20 I gave her a real passionate kiss

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At that moment it was vaguely clear,
James father had committed suicide.
I instantly felt grief and pity for James and called him back upstairs.
He quickly ran up and turned the corner.
"Hey what's up?"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"When will I be able to meet your father?"
He sighed slowly and talked lips trembling.
He laughed trying to hold back any signs of grief.
I promise."
So then his father wasn't dead.....
He just left?
Whatever happens I know it was serious,
And I have to take all of it as anyone else would,
James Aunt or Charlotte called down for dinner and I followed.
There was an awkward silence in between bites so I decided to start humming.
Why am I so gosh damn stupid?
"Uh Bloom."
I smiled and lifted my head to be eye level with James.
"Are you humming the best song of all time?"
I laughed because I just realized I had been humming the same song that Rose sang to me.
Oh sh*t.
She still hated me but I loved Rose.
So much.
But I also loved James.
So much.
Geez why does everyone have to be so perfect.
After dinner James lensed me a skateboard and he biked to the movies.
We met up with Jewels and Marcus there and walked a bunch of new horror movies.
Like The Visit and etc.
Then I saw the best movie of all f*cking time pop up on that screen
Tim Burtons,
Basically my favorite movie in the entire universe.
I started screaming and bought everyone's tickets.
I'm pretty sure everyone in the theater was annoyed by my squealing but I couldn't help it.
We left the movie and I saw a familiar ruthless idiot standing in the doorway of GameStop.
I dropped my jaw.
Her hair bounced perfectly when she walked swaying her long purple dress back and forth.
Her dark eyes complemented her cranberry lips and her rosy cheeks became dull when she looked my way.
She ignored me like I thought she would so I ran after her.
"Rose listen I'm sorry we're just friends please just relax I love you babe."
She turned around and hugged me.
"Ok ok fine but only if you kiss me."
I smiled and lifted her off her feet and she was surprisingly light.
I gave her a real passionate kiss and half way through I realized that my phone had been ringing.
I gently put her flats to floor and picked up my phone.
There were 11 missed calls from an unknown number with no voicemails.
I just nodded it off and posted a picture of my girlfriend and I.
Her older sister Stacy told her they had to go so she gave me a peck goodbye and wandered off.
Jewels was in another shop so I followed and found her talking to a few geek girls that we had yet to become friends with.
"Oh hey this is Bloom and Bloom this is Eve and Piper."
Eve nodded and added:
"We just moved her,
New new dweeb alert!"
She laughed taking off her glasses to run off the smudges.
Both the girls were relativity short.
Piper hand light caramel bouncy hair, perfect skin, light green eyes, glasses, and braces.
Eve was slightly smaller than Piper, with dark short hair, dark eyes, and slight freckles on her nose.
"Nice to meet the both of you."
I smiled.
I literally hadn't had any other friends other than Jewels for a long time.
Maybe it's the time I start assembling a new group of friends for myself and Jewels.
Welcome Eve and Piper to my life, otherwise known as probably the most confusing, twisted, and addicting story I've ever lived.

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