5 Do you think.... Its a girl?

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I eagerly stared through the slits of my messy blue locker when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey um whatcha doing?"
"Oh hey Nina......."
"Why are you staring through the slits in your locker?"
"I uh."
"It's okay, I know what your doing."
"You do?"
"Your waiting to see Rose's reaction to your friends letter! I saw you put in in for him, you such a nice friend. Whoever is make sure he knows to keep you."
I whispered to myself:
"Well she......"
"What did you say Bloom?"
"Oh uh nothing thanks."
"Text me later?"
"Yea yea thanks."
"See ya."
Bloom walked to her homeroom as the bell rang in the opposite direction of Rose's locker. Bloom disappointed that she was absent walked looking down regretting all the decisions she had just made. Then Bloom heard her name yelled behind her.
Who on Earth could be behind me? I mean homeroom already started I don't have time with this girls nonsense.
"Bloom? Could you give me a hand please?"
The familiar voice of my true loved made my hair stand up and my ear perk.
"Oh yea totally."
I grabbed her books that had fallen out of her backpack and nervously watched her open her locker. The note fell to her feet and she bent down to grab the messy note. I saw the emotion in her eyes. She was happy. I began to nervously bite my finger nails and watched her face go from happiness to straight up shock in seconds. After a minute she looked back up at me.
I grabbed the note on from her hands trying not to throw up with my hands shaking.
"Well, someone who can write good poetry, and with good handwriting....."
"Wait do you think...."
"It could be a girl."
"Oh of course...... That group of lesbians they all go to poetry slams all the time."
"How do you know?"
"Uh..... Because I see them there...."
"You like poetry....?"
"Well I um I psssh whaaaat sorta I mean uh maybe, um, I'm going to be late, see you around."
I scurried off and looked back as I turned the corner looking at her beautifully confused brown eyes, even when she was clueless her eyes sparkled.
One word.

The Girl With Locker Number 854 [ girl x girl ]Where stories live. Discover now