Chapter 2: The Intro of the Moon

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The sun falls down as the moon rises. It's glorious reflected light shining upon the meadow. Flashes of many fireflies create small lines across the grass and river.Many of the birds have gone away to their homes wherever it may be.

MoonzShadow_Red-tailed Hawk: *flies onto branch* What are you still doing here Owl Finch? Have you not taken care to notice that it is night time. There are many large predators that come out at night, that eat small birds such as yourself.

Carnage_Owl Finch: Oh, hi. I'm actually waiting here until the others get back.

MoonzShadow_Red-tailed Hawk: It could be weeks before they get back, I'll have you know. Besides, why wait for them? Did they not completely find you a pest and wish you dead?

Carnage_Owl Finch: No... Ok maybe they do hate me. But so what. I won't give up. I'll continue to try and be their friend. And if they really do wished for me to be dead, why'd ya not eat me?

MoonzShadow_Red-tailed Hawk: First off, I was only irritated at you, most certainly not enough to kill someone. Secondly, I listen to no one but the moon, I will do what I want to, when I want to. Now then go home and get some rest, come back in a couple of days perhaps or tomorrow, which ever.

Carnage_Owl Finch: Ok, *yawns* I'm tired anyways bye Moonz. (flys away)

MoonzShadow_ Red-tailed Hawk: *tsk, tsk* Small birds.

The sun soon shines its bright face upon the meadow, beginning another day. The rabbits are wide awake and seen scampering across the grassy field. All those who are nocturnal have gone back to their resting places.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene Change~~~~~~~~~~~~

Akira_Raven: Okay, so let's run through this one more time.

Apollo follows Akira through a plank walkway around the town.

Apollo_Macaw: Okay, okay. Let's see here... The food is kept over there and the, the sleeping areas are above us.

Akira_Raven: No, no. The food is kept in a basket over by the council hall and you have to go up this tree trunk to get to the sleeping area. Now, (looking around) what's over there?

Apollo_Macaw: Uh, the wrestling ring?

Akira_Raven: No, the sparring garden! Ugh, that's where we train the young and keep our weaponry. In that tree next to it is the smiths where we craft our weapons and to the right and down those steps is the armory. x sigh x I wish Moonzshadow was here. She's so good at explaining things to others.

Apollo_Macaw: Yeah, she's great.

Akira_Raven: What was that?

Apollo_Macaw: Oh, nothing.

MoonzShadow_Red-tailed Hawk: *from a near by shadow* (annoyed) Did someone request my presence? What is it that you require for my help?

Akira_Raven: Oh, Moonzshadow!

MoonzShadow_Red-tailed Hawk: Well, did you summon me? I was doing something. But if you don't need me then I guess I shall go. *turns getting ready to take off*

Akira_Raven: No! I mean, if you have to go...

Apollo_Macaw: Wait, Moonzshadow! Please, stay. ... Is it bright out here to you?

MoonzShadow_Red-tailed Hawk: Just a bit, but it is a perfectly fine amount of sunlight. Why do you wish for me to stay? Hn. No, matter. Since you both appear to want me here I shall stay. However I shall like to keep my position in the shadows... if that is alright?

~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene Change~~~~~~~~~~~~

The royal song is sung by the choir robins as night falls over Forest Flock and the princess flies silently into the trees and lands gracefully on a branch in the Council Hall.Her name IcedSapphire, a Snowy Owl, her feathers shine like pearls and eyes like sapphires, hinting her name. For tonight was a town meeting and all birds gather there to hear the latest information from the high Council and Royal family directly. IcedSapphire had just come back from a border patrol with fellow council members. She wanted to tell her fellow birds something, but she knew it wasn't the right time yet, so she kept the meeting light.

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