At an old run down amusement park, a Owl Finch stands atop a carousel. The Moon shines brightly on the broken place.
Carnage_Owl Finch: Hm... This place could use something. Oh! I know perhaps a stuff animal there! (points to a small bridge going over a pond in the amusement park). A pink Bear! No.... that wouldn't fit. Hm... Ugh! I'm so bored. No one ever wants to hang out with me. At least not since Moonz death. I guess the only reason they talked to me then was 'cause of Moonz. *looks up at the moon* I hope ya are happy up there, It must be beautiful to look down upon this world. What's it like being in the night sky with the moon? Oh, well. I heard the kingdoms going well, I'm sure ya are proud of your siblings. Akira, I am not sure what's going on with her though, haven't seen her in awhile. Last time I spoke with her she got angry, that was about a year ago, but I heard from a dove flying around that she found a mate, I think his name was either Najaal or Najemal. Or something not sure. Hm, wonder if they'll have little ones? And Apollo, I don't think I should mention him, but I will anyway. He kinda went into this whole psychopath stage. Yeah.... But I think hes better now. I forgive him too, after all who can blame him.
(Carnage sits in silence)
IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: *Having a night flight IcedSapphire sees Carnage sitting atop the carousel, she descends and sits next to her* Hello Carnage, it's been a long time. I thought I heard someone talking, was that you?
Carnage_Owl Finch: Oh, why hello Princess. Yeah that was me. Just... ha ha... talking to myself and all.
IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: Oh Carnage, I may not know you terribly well but I do know you don't really talk to yourself, you do think aloud though. But anyway just tell me who you were talking to.
Carnage_Owl Finch: Ya'll think it's stupid. It doesn't matter. What'cha doing here?
IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: Well I was just having a night flight and I saw you and decided I should talk to you, it's been so long. But I promise I won't think you're stupid, silly at times, but definitely not stupid. Now, will you please tell who you were talking to. *IcedSapphire puts her wing over Carnage*
Carnage_Owl Finch: *jumps up* Well, that's mighty nice of ya to come down. This here *points around with her wings* is my wonderland, at least in a way. It's pretty nice, even if vines are growing on this and that. But it has it's upsides. Though I hate when crows come, they seem to want to always bother me. they're pretty mean too. But I can handle myself well enough. Though I think this place is missing something. To me it seems quite empty. Would ya like a tour?
IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: *Eyes widen, realizing that Carnage wasn't going to say, but it was alight, then she smiled* I would a love Carnage, but I would to say if you need me to I can make a degree for the Crows be forbidden to come here.
Carnage_Owl Finch: Nah, there's no need. They're only trouble every now and then. If I didn't want to stay here I would've left. Have ya talked with Akira lately?
IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: Alright, if you say so. Also I have talked to her lately in fact I had dinner with her this evening. It was mostly small talk but I could tell something was off. I feel like it had something to do with her Najaal, and Apollo. I'm a little worried about her, not to mention whatever it is, she won't tell me. Carnage, do you have any idea what it could be?
Carnage_Owl Finch: To be truthful, I am not sure. I honestly haven't spoken with her in a year at least. Hm... Maybe it has something to do with what I heard a dove say about them. I heard Najaal is her Mate, so maybe she's gonna lay eggs or maybe their having relationship problems. I don't know.
IcedSppahire_SnowyOwl: *Almost stops in mid flight of shock* AKira and Najaal mates?! Oh my goodness this explains everything. That's why she didn't want to tell me I can't imagine why she wouldn't though. Thank you so much Carnage, you are so beyond helpful. *IcedSapphire starts flying back towards Akira's hollow* Thank you, again!
The Wolves and the Foxes
AdventureThis is a story some friends and I made together using Google Drive. To explain some things, this is written in a more script like form, or what you would see when online chatting/Role-playing. Sadly I can't have all the cool fonts and colors we use...