Chapter 12: Dancing in the Stars of Life

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It's been a couple weeks since Akira had talked to IcedSapphire and Carnage has stayed at the castle to hang out. Tonight is the quarter annual ball at Luna Anima. Birds all around the world from other kingdoms have come to meet Luna Anima's new king. Abraxas and IcedSapphire stand by the grand ballroom's opening greeting their guests. The music is playing loud and the stars are sparkling in the sky. The last guest to arrive to the ball is the blue jay princess from Gemma Empire, ShimmeringTopaz. IcedSapphire's eyes light up as she sees her.

IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: Good evening ShimmeringTopaz, it's been quite a long time. I thought you couldn't come to the ball.

ShimmeringTopaz_Blue Jay: Good evening. It has been awhile hasn't it. Oh, those were such fun times. Especially when our parents tried to have me and Abraxas have an arranged marriage. Thankfully we managed to convince them otherwise. *lightly laughs* Ah, yes. I thought I wouldn't have been able to make it but my plans opened up. How have you been doing as of late? I hope that life has been treating you well. I see your brother. But may I ask where your sister is? Is she hiding in her room? She never was one for crowds.

IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: Those were fun times and I'm happy you two didn't marry, both are you couldn't stand each other when we were younger, you two would have fought everyday. *laughs lightly* I am happy you were able to open up your plans. Abraxas and I have been doing quite well, *sighs deeply* You may not have heard since you're so far west but our sister, MoonzShadow, died two years ago, killed by our possessed father, saving my brother and I when we were unconscious. When we were in battle with our silent enemy Vladimir. *hangs head* I'm sorry it's still a little hard to talk about.

ShimmeringTopaz_Blue Jay: No...*tears come to her eyes* I... how can it be? Just the last time I was here she was but a little bird. *sobs* Oh, IcedSapphire... What pain it must be for you when for me it is heartbreaking and you are her sister. I wish I had known sooner I would have come down here as fast as I could to comfort you. Do you think perhaps after the ball you could show me.... her grave? So that I may say goodbye and bring her some Nightshade, her favorite flowers.

IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: *Smiles through tears in her eyes* ShimmeringTopaz it means a lot to me that you would do that. It was a great loss to us, but we have gotten through it. I can show you her grave and you can visit anytime, the nightshade would look nice. Well shall we go inside ShimmeringTopaz and please call me Saph. *Brings ShimmeringTopaz inside with birds dancing and music sounding delightful on the ears*

SimmeringTopaz_Blue Jay: *wipes eyes and then smiles gently* Yes, lets go in. It is a ball after all. And as always you know you may call me Topa. These melodies are just beautiful! *looks to Saph* Now be honest here, did you give the band personal lessons? *looks around* Wow, it sure is packed. *looks at the red Cardinal, that is flirting with other birds* You even invited Farnak. He's such a player. Did you know he's apparently supposed to be getting married to a Canary? And look at him, *sarcastic* sure shows that he's loyal. (A Owl Finch flies up to Saph and Topa) My aren't you cute one. What lineage are you from?

Carnage_Owl Finch: Um.. I'm not actually from a royal family. *looks down at the floor* I'm sorry if I was interrupting.

ShimmeringTopaz_Blue Jay: Oh, it's quite fine my dear. Are you a servant? *looks at Saph* Is she yours? I wasn't aware that you hired such maidens.

IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: *Laughs* no Carnage is a very good friend of mine. She was staying for a few days and I asked to her attend the ball. But Carnage I must say you do look exceptionally lovely this evening. Also you're right it was a big turnout, Abraxas invited more birds than I realized. I have to say though I do agree that Farnak could never settle down, it's not in him.

ShimmeringTopaz_Blue Jay: I am sorry, my mistake. Of course he invited more than needed, just the way he is. *chuckles* Oh! I forgot to ask. how is your friend Akira? You are still friends with her right?

IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: Well, I'm honestly not sure. We haven't talked in a long time and the last time we talked I could tell she was quite angry. Plus later Carnage told me what Akira was thinking. So I concluded that I would back off and just let her come to me, if she wanted to.

ShimmeringTopaz_Blue Jay: My, how things have gone bad. *thoughtful* No matter, tonight is a night for fun. Let us leave worries behind for even though dark times come there will always be light at the end of it. See anyone you wish to dance with Saph, how about that handsome bird over there. *points with wing*

IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: *Starts to blush* Don't point Topa he might look over here. Why don't you dance with him, I'm far too shy. But you are right tonight is suppose to be fun so I will have fun conducted the band or something. *Trying to be convincing* Right?

ShimmeringTopaz_Blue Jay: *laughs* Oh, no. You simply must dance with him, I saw your blush. I will find someone else. In fact, *looks at Carnage* would you like to dance, O' fair Carnage?

Carnage_Owl Finch: What?! Me? Um... no no I don't even know how to dance.

IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: *laughs* With these white feathers I can't hide my emotions. But really Carnage you should dance. It's not a formal at the moment so just go with the music there isn't any steps. I'm sure you would have fun.

Carnage danced for awhile with Topaz, while Sapphire had got enough courage to ask the handsome bird for a dance. The rest of the night was spent dancing and laughing. After the ball ended Saph took Topa to MoonzShadow's grave, ShimmeringTopaz thus saying her goodbye to Moonz, and leaving the Nightshade the two of them had picked up on the way over. Topaz was invited to stay at the castle and agreed to stay for at least a month.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene change~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Back at Akira's place the wind whistles harshly. Leaves hold their stems and trees fight to support themselves. In her little house Akira and Najaal stand by their window; the small one right next to the door.

Najaal_Grey Parrot: Akira, we can't keep this up anymore.

Akira_Raven: Sure we can. We just have to carry on.

Najaal_Grey Parrot: No, we can't, Akira. (Both hang heads) I can't carry on like is.

Akira_Raven: Fine. I'll let you go.

Najaal_Grey Parrot: Thank you, Akira. *Nestles neck against Akira's. Akira is silent.*

Akira_Raven: Uh-huh. The chicks will be so big when you come back. *Tries to be cheery.*

Najaal_Grey Parrot: Yea, I'm scared.

Akira_Raven: Don't be. You have more important things to concentrate on.

Najaal_Grey Parrot: Yea, way more important than my family..

(The night slowly fades away into darkness.)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene change~~~~~~~~~~~~~

At Apollo and Carno's house. Specifically Apollo's as neither of them sold the other one when they moved in.

Apollo_Macaw: Yes, you have a very valid point there but I can't take the initiative in this. Separating those little ones from their mother when they still have a living parent is just not right. ...And many birds take care of their children without a mate.

Carno_Vulture: Yes, they do, but not that bird species. Come on, Apollo, don't act this way.

Apollo_Macaw: Even you are having doubts about this predicament.

Carno_Vulure: I feel bad about hunting him down! The boy has been a rebel for as long as I have known him. I can't just accept his allegiance with the other side. Bird groups from all over have it out against us, and as he joins one he turns on us.

Apollo_Macaw: You'll let him make that choice?

Carno_Vulture: I won't kill him!

Apollo_Macaw: I'm asking you if you'll let him go.

Carno_Vulture: I no longer care for a traitor and will meet him in battle if I must. He has betrayed all of us, his mate included, and I will make sure his wrongs are turned to right. So, I ask you now to please, escort those children from the premises.  

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