it was just a nightmare

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Claire's POV

"Its was just a nightmare" i whispered

I heard a knock on the door

"Come in!" i yelled

The door slowly opened and in came Shawn.

"Hey babe" he smiled as he clised the door and walked towards me holding food

"Hey" i say

"I brought you food" he lifts up the food and puts it on the table

"Thanks" i smile

"Welcome" he sat down next to me and i shifted uncomfortably

"Can i ask you something?" i ask

" Sure" he faces me

"Would you ever Hurt me?" i ask and his face drops

"I would NEVER hurt you Claire. What makes you think that?" he aks

"A nightmare" i say as he was about to hold my hand but i flinched at his touch

"Are you afraid of me?" he frowns

I stayed silent

"Your afraid of me" he answers his own question

I nod

"Why?" he asks

"It felt so real. You were beating me up, badly, you left me bruises and i was bleeding. Then you left and never came back" my voice cracked

"None of those were real. It was all just a nightmare, ok?" he gives me an assuring smile

"Ok" i nod and smile at him

"Are you still afraid of me?" he asks

"No." i smile at him

"Good" he smiles back

"Can i have a hug from my best boyfriend ever?" i open my arms

He laughed and went towards me hugging me tightly

"What are you trying to do? Suffocate me?" i say gasping for air

"Oh, sorry" he lets go as he blushes

"Are you blushing?" i laugh

"No!" he turns red

"My prince is blushing!! My Prince Tomato!" i joke

"Stop it!" he turns around so his back is facing me

"Hey, im sorry. Face me" i beg shaking his shoulder

"No" he says like a kid

"Please?" i beg

"Fine" he sighs in defeat

He turns and faces me

"Your so adorable!" i squeal pinching his cheeks

"I know right" he says

"Wow so humble" i joke

He pulls out his phone and dials a number and places it on speaker

"Whos that?" i ask pointing to the phone it says ' MILK '

" Sup Shawn" Sammy greets answering my question

"Sup Sammy. Could you come to Claire's hospital room?" Shawn asks

"Why?" he sounds concerned

" 'Cause im boooreeed!!" i groan

"Ok coming!" he yells then hangs up

"Really, Shawn? Milk?" i ask

"What?" he pretends to look offended

"I dont get it. Why milk?" i ask

"His last name is Wilkinson, Wilk for short and it rhymes with milk so... Why not?" he laughs

"I get it now" i laugh

The door swung open and made a loud bang

"Ahhhh!!" Shawn screamed like a girl

"Chill its just Sammy" Sammy points to his face

"You scream like a girl!" i Laughed at Shawn

"Hey! Its manly!" he defends

"Whatever man" Sammy adds

"What you got there?" i ask Sammy pointing to his hands

"Pepperoni PIZZA" He sang

"And what did you get?" i ask Shawn

"Waffles" he sang

"Nice!" i cheered

"Lets eat!" we all screamed


This is just a filler

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