searching for love

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Claire's POV~

"What do you mean?" he asks

"I was tough cause you were there with me." i spoke

"Im here right now" he points at the spot he was at

"It's different" i responded

"Why?" he asked

"You were with me all the time when we were little, we were together through thick or thin. But when you left, it was years since i saw you and when we were reunited i was happy but it felt different" i explained

"How was it different?"

"We were seperated for years. Who knows, you could have done something i dont know. Like have sex with a girl, did drugs, smoked, drank.
I wasn't there for you for many years, it feels like we don't know anything about each other." i explained more

He frowned and stayed silent

My stomach felt weird, the bad type of weird. I felt sick.

"You did it,did you?" my voice became quiet

He slowly nodded and stared at the ground

"What did you do?" i stuttered

"All those things you said..." he replied softly

"W-What?" i couldn't control my emotions any longer. Tears rushed down and sobs escaped my mouth

He faced me with guilt written all over his face

"This has to be a joke" i choked

"I wish it was, baby." he sighed

"Don't call me baby" i gritted through my teeth

He tried to hold my hand but i quickly pulled away once we made contact

"Dont touch me." i spat

"Im so sorry, Claire." he cried

"You always are." i hissed as i rolled my eyes

"One last chance please. I need one last chance." he was on his knees, begging for forgiveness

I stared at him

"I never want to see you again" i said flatly and left the house.

I didn't know where i was heading but i kept running because i know, i need to leave. Sooner or later.

Sammy's POV~

I was still on my knees and my hands were covering my face as i cried into them.

I quickly got up and rushed out of the house to search where Claire went

I texted Gilinsky, Johnson,Shawn and Daniel if they had seen Claire. They all replied with a 'no' and i texted them to come


Everyone was here and they kept bombarding me with questions

"Where's Claire?" a panicked Shawn asked

"I don't know" i replied in a sad tone

"What are we waiting for then? We have to look for her" Gilinsky yelled

We all hopped into Daniel's car and drove off

"Where do you think she might be?" Daniel asked, his eyes still on the road

"What's her favourite places?" i asked

Everyone started thinking until Johnson yelled

"The beach! She told me that she has a place no one knows about and that's where she does all her thinking" Johnson exclaimed

"On it." Daniel replied and drove to the beach

Once we were there we followed Johnson to Claire's secret spot

There were rocks everywhere, it had a perfect view of the sky and ocean and you could hear the waves crashing onto the sand

"That's where she usually sits to think" Johnson pointed to a log that was just the right height to be used as a seat

"That means she's not here then" i sigh

"Next place" Shawn ordered

"Her school when she was only in 1st grade" Gilinsky suggested

"Why there?" Daniel questioned

"She said she liked it when she was just a little kid. No problems in life." he explained and we nodded

We hopped into the car and drove to her old school

"What place is her favourite in here?" Shawn asked

"The library." The Jacks chorused

"Why there?" i asked

"She loves the Library" they all replied at the same time

"Oh. I didn't know that." i sighed

"There's alot you don't know" Shawn pats my shoulder and quietly heads to the library while we were copying his actions but

What does he mean?

But most importantly, Where on earth is Claire?

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