let me explain

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Sammy's POV~

I woke up and fluttered my eyes open realising that Claire and i were nose to nose. I wish i could just lean in and kiss her but i know i can't.

She was still snoring her adorable little snore and her arms was still around me and it was tight but i still have to ask her about the nightmare she had last night

I started to get hungry so i carefully removed her arms that was around me but failed

"Don't leave me" she whispered

"Ok." i replied

I faced her and she wrapped her arms around my waist and i wrapped both of my arms around her pulling her close

"I love you so much,Claire." i whispered although she was probably asleep


Claire yawned and slowly opened her eyes

If you were wondering,no i did not sleep. I was too busy admiring Claire.

"Morning" i smile

She looked surprised to hear me and quickly looked around noticing that we were basically tangled up with each other

She moved away from me until she was squeezing herself against the wall as her back was facing me

"Face me. Please. And let's please talk about it." i plead

"No. I don't want to talk about your girlfriend. Now, Leave." she mumbled

"But she's not my girlfriend-"

"Stop. I don't wanna hear it. Just go, okay?" she whispered, sadness was obvious in her voice

"Okay... But i'm not giving up on you.... I'm not giving up on us. " i sighed before standing up and walking to the kitchen to eat breakfast

Claire's POV~

I turned around and luckily he wasn't in the room.

I slowly got up and washed my face and brushed my hair and teeth

I walked out of my room and dragged my feet all the way to the kitchen and saw Sammy eating a bowl of 'Fruit loops'

I decided to give him a silent treatment and get a bowl of cereal.

I grabbed a spoon and sat in front of Sammy. He was watching me while eating his cereal which was kinda cute actually.

I start eating my bowl acting like he wasn't there

"So your giving me the silent treatment?" he starts a conversation

I nod and he sighs

"Could you please let me explain?" he questioned

"For what? For you to brag about how much better she is than me? If you want me to back off so you could be together, im fine with it." i spoke

"No,no. We're not together. And why would you wanna back off if you love me?" he asked

"If i love someone, i want them to be happy. Even if it's not with me."

"I'd never leave you nor hurt you"

"Liar." i mumbled

"What?" he spoke, louder


"Tell me what you said" he started shouting

"I said nothing." i was starting to get scared

He raised his arm, ready to hit me.

I covered my head with my arms and cringed

"You think i was gonna hit you?" he asked

I looked at him and he was nervously scratching the back of his neck

"Y-you looked s-so s-scary..." i gulped

His eyes softened

He opened his arms and walked towards me asking for a hug

I stepped away from him still afraid of him

"Dont t-touch me. Stay away." i stutter

"Okay. I won't touch you but please let me explain?" he begged

"Fine." i gave in and he smiled

We both went into my room and i sat on my bed and he stood in front of me

"Explain." i demanded

"Ok. Well..."

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