Chapter 5: What Happened To Your Parents?

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Previously: Sirena met Megatronus' BFFs but while meeting them some mech decided to take her. Sirena was walking toward home when they raped her but Megatronus reached on time and thought those mechs a lesson. When Sirena and Megatronus were headed toward home some'bots blocked their way. What they wanted was Sirena!


Megatronus killed many of those 'bots with a swing of his blade, dodging their attacks and they were coming out of nowhere! 'What are these things? What ever they are they are not ordinary!' Megatronus thought but then ..."MEGATRONUS! HELP ME!" Sirena screamed. One of those things grabbed her neck and pressed her , hardly , against a wall. Megatronus turned to run toward her but two of those things grabbed his arms , not letting him to go. He struggled to free himself but it was useless. "LET. ME. GO!" He screamed. One of the things came toward him and brought out a knife and placed it on his right side. He didn't waste any time and cut trough his metal. Energon oozed out. Megatronus hold himself not to scream or shout. With that the thing deepened the knife... deeper and ...DEEEEEEEEEEEEPEEEEERRR... Megatronus was breathing heavier now. He pressed hard his dentas "Ggggrrr...aaahhh..." But then couldn't hold himself "Gg... rrRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhh..."

Meanwhile another one took a sample of Sirena's energon. Sirena turned her head and saw energon oozing out of Megatronus' side. She kicked the who was holding her his panel and freed her self. The one who was almost KILLING Megatronus , brought out his knife then turned his head and saw the others were done. A ground bridge opened and they left.

Megatronus was lieing down on the ground, breathing heavily ,groaning. At the same time it started to rain. Sirena rushed toward him and sat down next to him , crying. Megatronus reached out his servo and softly rubbed her cheek and the other servo trying to stop the bleeding wound "A... a... re... you... ou... ok?" Megatronus hardly asked. "I'm fine. I... I'm the who should ask you this!" Sirena bit her bottom lip , tears dripping down her face. She suddenly heard a motorcycle's engine. Wait isn't that... Cruella , Obsidian and Nightbat! "Guys... he..." Sirena sobbed. "We know! He commed Obsidian and told us!" Cruella said. Obsidian help Megatronus to get up. "Wanna have A piggyback?" Obsidian said softly. "N... ohhh... ehhh... I'm..." Megatronus swallowed hard. "Fine... hahhh... ehhh" Not letting anyone to help him walk.


They ringed the bell. Megatronus' systems were about to shut down. When the door opened... "Megatronus?!" Alphatron said with stress. "Hi da..." Megatronus collapsed but Alphatron rushed and hold him up. Sirena screamed. "Me... ga..." She fainted but Obsidian caught her on time.

Alphatron carried Megatronus to his room while Sunshimmer commed the usual good old doctor.

Afterwards she went to the living room where Sirena and the others were. Sirena was now cautious. "So miss Shimmer let us know of Megatronus' conditions." Nightbat said. "Very well. Watch out in the street." Shimmer said nervously.

"Sure thing!"

"Thank you again!"

And they left. "Who do you think they were?" Obsidian asked Cruella but she only shrugged.

"Sirena tell me what happened?" Shimmer asked Sirena so Sirena told her everything , word by word. After she was done , they went upstairs to Megatronus' room. When they entered the good doctor, Ratchet was examining Megatronus' wound. Megatronus was looking down at Ratchet working. He was sweating , breathing heavy and sometimes groaning. Sirena sobbed , forcing back her tears but she couldn't and they dripped down her face. Alpha headed toward the door but stopped next to Shimmer and whispered something then left. "Go sit next to him." Shimmer whispered into Sirena's audio receptor. She only nodded with her helm and walk to Megatronus's bed then sat next to him. "How's he?" She asked Ratchet. "You ask him like I'm de... deaddd..." Megatronus groaned but smiling to her. She smiled back. "Well! His wound is deep and..." Ratchet paused and placed his digit somewhere a bit far from Megatronus' wound and pressed it energon oozed out then... "RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..." Megatronus couldn't finish his scream because Ratchet put a piece of cotton inside his mouth then Ratchet continued "Just as I feared... the knife broke inside and cause his T-cog take damage. It will only take a small surgery and he'll be ok. WHAT Amused me is THAT how did he survive up to here?!" He raised an eyebrow. Megatronus brought out the piece of cotton inside his mouth and then groaned "Trust... ehh... mehh... I...huhh... faced worse..." .

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