Chapter 12: You Promised To...

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She ran down stairs. Her optics teary. She saw her uncle, Alphatron the great golden knight was sharpening his sword. He was sharpening it for the war. 'How did this happen?'

Alphatron noticed Sirena's presence. "What is it Sirena?" He kept sharpening.

"Uncle this can't be right..." She walked up to him. "I'm sure Megatronus has made a mistake... i... I'm sure of it!"

"No sweet! You aren't. He is not the same..."

"NO! He is the same mech!"

"Who said that? He..."

"NO! NO! NO! NOOO! I CAN'T believe it you are his father!" Sirena grabbed her audio receptors.

"I WAS! HE BETRAYED HIS KIND AND HIS FAMILY! HOW IS A STUPID WAR ... GOING TO CHANGE THE ERROR IN OUR SOCIETY?!" Alphatron approached her. Sirena ran out of the mansion and went to the arena directly.

She saw Megatronus's pals and ran to them.

"Guys!" She breathed. "You gotta do something..."

"Easy cowgirl!" Cruella approached her. "There is nothing that we can do to stop Megatronus. He already has Badlands, Icon's near lands, Tiger pax ,Polyhex and many others under his full control!"

"But you are his friends!"

"We were HIS friends! He doesn't need us, besides he has an army... ready to take his orders!" Cruella spat. "He was like a brother to me but now..."

"He is nothing but a scraplet! Just like scaplet whatever he sees he tears it apart." Obsidian continued. " And NOW HE IS TEARING CYBERTRON APAAAAART!"

Sirena couldn't stand it! Everybody turned their backs on him unless she could convince him to stop the war before it was too late!

She decided to take a ground bridge. She was on her way to the bridge station when she saw ratchet. He had an Autobot symbol. 'Him too?!'

"Sirena!" Ratchet called. She ignored him and ran all the way to the station.


And the swirling portal closed behind Sirena. She was there... Darkmount!

She heard jet engine voices closing in on her and they were eradicons and a familiar blue paint job. They all transformed and there goes the blue jet who transformed had a golden face plate and stripes plus he was almost as tall as Megatronus.


"Miss Sirena?"

"I... I came to see Megatronus."

When she said that Dreadwing's expression suddenly changed as if he didn't want to take her to Megatronus. "Very well... I will take you to him but..."

"But what Dreadwing?"

He hesitated for a moment. "Nothing important."


Dreadwing took Sirena to the throne room where Megatronus was. "Please Miss stay here." Dreadwing asked and he entered inside the room. A few seconds passed and he came out, nodded which it meant she can enter.

She entered the room. (You guys know how does Darkmount's throne room looks like.)

There he was Megatronus, Standing and staring at the sunset.

"Megatronus?" Sirena finally dared to call him. He turned around facing her and smiled. "Sirena!"

She ran to him and wrapped her arms round his neck and he hugged her back. Megatronus patted her head gently.

Transformers Prime: Memories (Megatron x OC)Where stories live. Discover now