Chapter Five

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Fangs? How the hell did I get fangs? I pulled my lips back and opened my mouth wide, knocking my head against the mirror in my attempt to get a closer look at my pointy pearly whites. This can't be real. It must still be the after effects of the drugs giving me hallucinations. Reaching up, I carefully poked my index finger against the tip of one of them.

"Ouch!" I pulled back my injured digit, shocked to see a bead of blood form from the perfect round little hole.

My throat tightened uncomfortably. This can't be. If these teeth were real, that would mean I was...I gulped hard...a vampire. Suddenly, I remembered my dream and jerked my hands up to the top of my head searching for rabbit ears, while I spun in a tight circle looking for a fluffy tail. I sighed, leaning against the sink in relief when I came up earless and found no cotton tail sticking out of my butt. At least I wasn't turning into a rabid rabbit.

As happy as I was about that and the fact I wouldn't be developing a desire to munch through my closet of shoes anytime soon, it still didn't make me feel better. Okay, maybe a little better. I had some really awesome shoes.

Maybe I should CSI this situation or better yet, use my inner Mulder and Scully since this would be right up an episode of X-Files alley and this shit could definitely be classified as some bizarre paranormal phenomena. Mulder would automatically believe in the existence of vampires, so I will have to channel Scully's skeptic attitude and scientifically debunk why this just wasn't possible. That didn't sound too hard.

I focused on the mirror searching for any visual evidence. My green eyes seemed to be greener than normal. I blinked. The eyes in the mirror blinked back. Yup, they were my eyes. The exaggerated color could be a residual effect of whatever concoction creepy science-man pumped me full of.

I crossed it off my list, impressed with my scientifical skills. Narrowing my eyes, I looked at myself critically. My skin was pale, but then skin was always pale, so that too got checked off as any indication. Time ticked by as I tried to think of anything else to investigate, but no other light bulbs ignited in my brain. I sucked my cheeks together and made a fish face. I bet Scully couldn't pull that off with a mouth full of fangs.

Sighing, I turned away from the mirror and plunked my butt down on the toilet seat. Usually, it's where I did my best thinking, but even it seemed to abandon me. I dug my toes into the red shag and fought back a sniffle. Tears wouldn't help. All they would do is make my face blotchy and cause my nose to glow like Rudolph. I already had fangs, I didn't need to look like a beloved Christmas reindeer too.

Resting my elbows on my knees, I cradled my chin in my hands. Maybe instead of looking at this scientifically which was harder than I thought, I should go with what I knew about vampires. Which sadly, wasn't much. I was never a Dungeon and Dragons kind of gal, but I did love Halloween.

Screwing up my face, I fired up my brainwaves. Vampires were members of the undead. I looked down at myself, I was pretty lively for being undead. But, if those were the rules, I suppose I could live with that...or...not live with them whichever the case may be. Vampires had fangs, check. They're scared of the sun. I popped my head up and looked out the window into darkness. Can't be checking that one off quite yet. Turning back around, I tried to come up with more facts, when it hit me. Reflections! Vampires don't have a reflection!

Jumping up, I turned back to the mirror. I jiggled, jumped, waved, hooted and hollered in front of the glass and a perfectly synchronized version of me repeated every move I made. I had a reflection! I dodged in and out of the frame a few times just to make scientifically sure I was accurate. Stick that in your pipe Scully and smoke it.

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