Chapter Thirty-Four

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We probably looked like a hand-holding middle school field trip as we made a mad dash out to the parking lot. Fang playing the part of the not so Little Engine Who Could as he towed our asses across the asphalt full speed ahead.

"What about Brittany?" I puffed, trying to keep up with his hectic pace and not end up being dragged behind him. "Aren't you worried she'll remember?" After all, there were a plethora of images of him I will never forget. They are burned into my memory cortex forever. For instance, that glorious memory of him the other evening came to mind. How his firm, naked butt swaggered in the dim light as he went to go fetch my coffee. How he looked in those silken pajamas hanging off his lean hips, his muscles still slightly glistening after his shower. How his lips felt on mine...

"Her mind was as empty as yours," he snapped, coming to a sudden halt. His angry retort snapped me out of my reverie and caused a derailment when Courtanya and I plowed into his back.

Aaaaaand he opens his big, fat mouth and officially popped the fantasy bubble.

"Oh, really nice!" I yanked my arm away from him while I rubbed my shoulder, hoping there were a few tendons left still holding it on. "My head is not empty," I huffed, moving to rub my throbbing nose. Seriously, running into him was like running headlong into a brick wall. Though I never had the desire to find out, I now knew how a road test dummy felt after a collision.

"The jury is still debating on that," he muttered distractedly, his eyes searching the parking lot.

I was about to give him what for, but I quickly shut my mouth. Fang stood stalk still. His jaw tight. Lifting his head, he sniffed the air like a bloodhound, every muscle in his body going taunt as if he was about to explode at any moment. I didn't think this sudden change of behavior had anything to do with me having blown our cover, but it was so intense, it gave me the willies.

"What are you looking for?" I asked in a hushed whisper as I mimicked him. Taking a deep inhale of the chilly evening air, I got a snoot full of grease, waffles, bacon and something so foul, it tickled my nose. Whatever it was made my face crinkle and my lips curl up into a pre-sneeze snarl as my whole face took on that awkward, rather weird look it gets before I blow like Mount Vesuvius. And then...nothing. The building sneeze disappeared with maniacal laughter at leaving me hanging with only a stupid look on my face and a tingly sensation.

"You are an idiot, aren't you?" Courtanya questioned, her eyes growing wide as she looked at me as if I was a circus freak. "You really are a terrible vampire."

"What is this? National Pick on Mel Day?" Sniffing, I folded my arms across my chest and gave them both the most contemptuous look I had in my arsenal, which really...wasn't that impressive. I could never totally pull haughty off completely. I only ended up looking mildly mad and slightly confused. And really, who would find that intimidating? Frankly, the fact I couldn't only pissed me off more.

"Just because I turned into a vampire overnight doesn't mean I automatically became versed in being a super spy. How the heck was I to know they would stalk my credit cards?" I shivered at the thought. Talk about creepy.

Fang blinked down at me for a few seconds and I took advantage of his momentary silence to plead my case. "I mean, give me a break here guys! This is my first time of ever having to be on the lamb. I don't know what the protocol is!" I waved my hands irritably in the air. "Considering nobody tells me anything, I'm doing the best I can to cope with all this...this...freaking bullshit!"

I started pacing around, warming up to my topic as my frustration and anger joined forces. "Look, just a few days ago I was pumping gas and selling Slim Jims. Now, you're expecting me to be the next Mara Hari." I laughed and it sounded a bit hysterical, but I didn't care. "Seriously, I'm just a girl that worked at a gas station. If you need to know the difference between regular and premium, I'm your girl. You can't decide between Nacho flavored or Cool Ranch, I can help you with that. You want some free toilet paper, I can hook you up and keep you stocked for eternity."

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