Chapter Eighteen

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I swallowed back a scream that would have been loud enough to shred eardrums as I stomped my foot in irritation. Drat! So much for me acting like an adult which lasted maybe a total of 15 minutes. Oh well...being an adult was highly overrated anyway. Sighing, I closed my eyes and tried to erase the vision of all that male provocativeness leaning so causally against the wall. He might as well had worn a "Come and Get It" sign around his neck.

Fang was making the whole...let's not sleep with the sexy vampire...thing harder to do by the minute and knowing him, he was probably doing it on purpose. Okay...technically I can't blame him, but since I have decided to forget the whole grownup thing...I totally was. A soft knock sounded on the door and I growled at it like a pissed off badger.

"Is there a problem, Red?" he asked, playing all sweet and innocent.

My heart skipped a few beats at the sound of his voice and I stuck my tongue out at him. Which, in hindsight was pretty silly, considering he couldn't see it. I couldn't very well sit in the bathroom all dang day making faces at the door. Although, it was pretty tempting to try. But, alas, if I was going to use him to stay alive, I needed to learn to deal with temptation. No matter how gorgeous it was. Biting my lower lip hoping pain would distract me...I reopened the door.

"Sorry about hand slipped. You know...lotion." I shrugged, avoiding his gaze. I had no idea if my eyes were still doing the come hither glimmer, so I figured it would be best if I found my toenails to be the most fascinating thing on the planet.

"Right," he drawled out sarcastically. "Anyway...It's been a long night. I think it's best if we call it an evening and hit the hay."

"Vampires sleep?" I stuttered.

It had never occurred to me creatures of the night would need their beauty sleep. Oh my God! What if there were coffins involved? Gross! I shivered at the thought of snuggling down into a cozy pine box filled with the dirt of my homeland.

I peeked up under my lashes at Fang, who was standing with his arms crossed against his chest and was giving me one of patient, she's special...kind of smiles. Condescending cave dwelled that he was, he still made me drool. I totally blame his perfectly sculpted body for my inability to focus on what was important. Which I couldn't remember at the moment because I was suddenly absorbed with his feet.

Dammit! Why couldn't he have those fungus infested, callous encrusted, crooked and hairy toes most men had? Why did they have to be pink, perfect and provoking? I was just wondering if the skin of his feet was as smooth to the touch as they appeared, when I yawned. And not one of those cutesy ones either. But, a long...drawn out, jaw cracking one which sounded like a lion roaring out a call of the wild...kind.

He chuckled softly. "I guess that answers your question of whether or not vampires sleep." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the bathroom. "Come on, let's get you to bed Sleeping Beauty."

"I'm not tired," I whined, dragging my feet behind him like a disgruntled toddler. I wanted to jerk my hand away, but right just seemed like way too much effort. It was taking every ounce of energy I possessed just to put one foot in front of the other. My eyelids grew heavier and heavier with each step we took.

Rounding a corner, we shuffled down a long hallway. Fang entered a room at the end of it and flicked on the lights. My eyes took one look and I turned on my heel to make my escape, but he took my arm in a sure grip and gave me a little shove inside. Closing the door firmly behind us, he passed a hand over the knob and a little snick sound could be heard as it locked. Suddenly...I was wide ass awake.

Turning, I grabbed the door handle and twisted the sucker like it owed me money, but it wouldn't budge. "You open this door right now!" I hissed over my shoulder, still trying to pry it open.

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