Chapter Nineteen

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I slept like the dead. Well...not literally because it's been a proven fact several times over that I am not actually dead, but you know what I mean. This bed was seriously amazeballs and if I could have thought of a way to strap it to the top of my Gremlin, I totally would have. Stretching like a cat after a nice long afternoon nap in the sunshine, I rolled over on my back and slowly blinked my eyes open.

Two glowing, diamond icicle eyes stared down at me and a set of white fangs blazed in the dark. Which really wasn't technically dark. Not to me and my trusty vampire vision. Too bad that didn't help out with the creep me the hell out factor. Waking up with two eyeballs and fangs looking down at you only inches away from your face, is every horror movie script brought to life.

I screamed like a girl, pulling the covers clear up to my chin. Now, in my defense...I am a girl, so I totally owned the right to scream like one. Besides, everyone screams like a girl. It would be amazingly awkward if someone screamed in a real low pitched voice.

Once the final bits of my "Aaaaarrrrggghhhhhh," faded away, I realized Fang was lying on his side. His handsome head suspended by his hand propping up his chin. Watching me. The covers had fallen low across his hips revealing his chest. His naked chest. His very well-muscled, with perfect pecs, a smattering of delicate dark curls and fantastic abs...naked. His two nipples, pert in the coolness of the room, stood out like two small pepperonis. Making me hungry for pizza...and other things.

Wait. I gulped. He hadn't went to bed that way. Had he? Quickly, I peeked under the covers I had clutched in my hand to check to make sure I was still fully clothed. Thank goodness...I was and hadn't turned into a sexsomniac sometime during the Stanger things have happened. Becoming a vampire was definitely on the top of my list of strange shit.

"Holy Moses on a pogo stick!" I bolted upright and scowled at him. "Don't do that!" I started groping my way towards the edge of Satan's satin acres. Somehow, I had ended up in the middle of the gigantic bed and judging by the divots...wrapped around him. "And stop smiling, you look like an idiot," I grouched.

"And a good evening to you too, Red," he purred cheekily, grinning wider.

"Shuddap," I muttered as I scrambled over to my side of the bed with all the grace of a pregnant water buffalo.

He laughed a deep, dark...morning voice...type chuckle. It was sexy as hell, sending a small shudder through me. Which I stubbornly ignored.

"I take it you are not a morning person."

"Not anymore, genius." I pointed a finger at my chest. "Vampire, remember?" Rolling my eyes, I flopped back amongst the sea of pillows. "And just to set the record I never was a morning person before at least one pot of coffee. Half the time, I am not even an afternoon person." I waved my hand in a shooing motion. "If you want bright eyed and bushy tailed, go chase a squirrel," I grumbled.

Another rumbling chuckle came from the other side of the bed and I frowned. In my humble opinion there were only two types of people in the world. Morning people and the folks who wanted to shoot morning people. The only thing that kept me from being a mass murderer was I looked terrible in stripes and jail house orange.

He bounced over to my side like an excited puppy, hovering over me with a stupid grin on his face and a well past five o'clock shadow on his chin. He looked better than he had a right to and I wanted to slap him.

"Then, by all means, let's remedy the problem and get some coffee in you." Dipping down, he plunked a wet kiss on my lips before bounding off the bed and heading toward the door. One pass of his "open sesame" hand and he was striding down the hallway.

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