Chapter Forty-One

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Usually, I am not the overly emotional type person. Yeah sure, I cried like a two year old when Charlie went to heaven during that sob fest disguised as an animated children's movie All Dogs Go to Heaven, but give me a break. I'm not made of stone. Under normal circumstances, I like to consider myself practical and composed. I'm one of those few lucky people who find it easy to act like I don't care, because, honestly, I don't. I was born with an amazing super power called 'I don't give a fuck'. I was, crumpled on the floor bawling like a PMSing prom queen with a pimple. In my underwear no less, which considering I was being emotional for one of the few times in my life, gives me extra brownie points for at least being dramatic about it. The worst part of this whole crazy scenario that was now my life...I could still feel him.

Not in the drippy romantic way of some too stupid to live heroine who claimed their skin still burned from the touch of their one true love. I mean, seriously people. Did he touch you or brand you like a slab of beef, because the way you describe it, makes it sound almost painful. Or worse, something you need to take an embarrassing trip to the clinic for. No, this had nothing to do with swooning romanticism. My blood literally pulsed harder in my veins when he was near. I really have no other way to describe it. It seemed my body had become one of those hairy, fat dudes in a Speedo on the beach with a metal detector that pinged like it hit the mother lode whenever he was close. As fabulous as all that sounds, it really wasn't. Because not only could I feel him, but my body now craved him. It was if every attraction molecule I had for him suddenly has been magnified by a gazillion and one.

For instance. I could sense him prowling around in his lair, which was fine and dandy, but when he came close to the door...which he was doing every other body went on high alert. The feeling was like a big mug of hot chocolate and marshmallows. I was steamy hot and wanted him to be on top in the worst way. I groaned at my own thoughts. I really needed to stop with all the sexual innuendos and analogies. But it was incredibly hard.

"Dammit, Fang! Get away from the door!" I growled, wiping a dribble of snot from my nose with the back of my arm. Gross. I totally needed to get off the floor and pull myself together. Another shudder racked my body as if I was having a small epileptic seizure.

"You know I can knock this door down," his voice rumbled through the door causing things to tingle in places I didn't want to be tingling.

"Don't you dare! I swear, if you knock this door down I will...I will...," Drat! My brain drew a complete blank. I couldn't think of anything suitably terrifying to threaten him with. "I don't know what I'll do, but it you'll regret it!" I finally yelled back. Not exactly the stimulating banter I had been hoping for. I sighed...with my luck...I will think of something absolutely perfect to say...20 minutes after he leaves.

"Please, Red, come out so we can talk about this." The door creaked as he leaned against it.

"No!" I moaned back. I meant to yell, I truly did, but I was too busy writhing on the floor at the moment to be snippy. The last thing I needed right now was to have a one-on-one chitchat with him. Unless it was a naked one-on-one with lots of dirty talking, my inner hussy shamelessly suggested. I shoved her uninhibited butt over to the corner and told her to stay there. Getting shakily to my feet, I took a deep breath and tried to get my shit together. Too bad it didn't work. Instead of getting a lung full of nice, calming air...I got a snoot full of Fang.

His glorious scent filled my senses with leather, brawn and a special earthy scent that was his signature calling card. Holy Moses on a pogo stick, he smelled nice. Better than nice, he smelled fantastic. Before I knew what I was doing, I leaned against the door. My nose pushed up against the wood like a kid at Christmas looking at toys in the window display or a diabetic at a bakery.

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