Chapter Eight

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The following day, Asta and Eir made their way down to the prisons and Asta smiled brightly as she walked into Loki's cell. He was asleep and Asta enjoyed seeing him at peace.

"Now, for today, I shall stay for the beginning lessons but, Thor has requested to come here and watch you work." Eir told her.

"He...he has?" Asta asked.

"He cares for his brother and wants to ensure that you treat him with all the care he deserves." Eir replied.

"But, I already do." Asta said.

"I know. But, he wants to see it for himself. Don't worry over it. You'll do fine, dear." Eir told her.

"I hope so if I'm being surveyed by the prince." Asta chuckled.

Eir smiled as Asta turned around and looked at Loki. He lay on his back and Asta sighed as she hovered her hand over his.

"What is it?" Eir asked.

"He needs to sleep. It's all he can ever do yet he rarely does it. When he awakes, we can start. And I know he'll awake shortly." Asta told her.

"If so, I'll leave you to it. I trust you'll be alright alone with him. Thor shall be here soon." Eir told her.

"Thank you. I'll see you later, Eir." Asta said.

Eir left the cell and Asta sat up from the bed and watched over to the corner of the room to pick up a book. She sat herself back on the bed and read, waiting for Loki to awake. As the minutes passed, Asta felt Loki's leg push against her and she set the book as she turned her body to face him. She watched as his brow furrowed and he moaned as he began to wake. Asta stood up and leaned over the edge of the bed as Loki stretched and began to open his eyes.

"Good morning, Loki." Asta beamed.

Loki's eyes widened as he saw Asta and he sat up in the bed quickly before taking her hand in his.

"Did you sleep well?" Asta asked.

Loki nodded his head and Asta grinned as she sat back down on the edge of the bed.

"Eir told me that Thor is coming to watch how I do with you." Asta told him.

Asta watched as Loki's eyes lit up at the mention of Thor's name.

"I bet you're excited to see him. I don't think you've seen him in years." Asta commented.

To save time and not wanting to have an episode with her not understanding, Loki simply nodded his head. Asta let his hand go and stood up.

"Care for some imaginary breakfast?" Asta asked.

Loki laid back down on the bed and watched in pure joy as Asta used her seidr to fill his stomach.

"One day, I hope you'll be able to enjoy a good home cooked meal." Asta confessed.

"As do I." A voice said.

Asta turned around and immediately bowed her head as Thor entered the cell.

"My prince." Asta said softly.

"Please, I told you before. No formalities...just Thor." Thor told her.

Loki quickly stood out of the bed and Thor watched as Loki's eyes rapidly moved in every direction as Loki took in Thor's face, trying to remember him.

"Good morning, Loki." Thor grinned.

Loki ran over to Thor and Thor gasped as Loki wrapped his arms around his neck and embraced him tightly. Asta beamed at their altercation as Thor sighed and wrapped his arms around Loki. Loki gripped Thor's tunic tightly and Asta furrowed her brow as she watched Loki's shoulder shake. Thor patted Loki's back and smiled as he tried his best to soothe Loki. After a few more moments, Loki pulled away as Thor held his shoulders. Thor looked Loki in his eyes and smiled brightly.

"It's been too long, Loki. How are you fairing? Is Asta treating you with care?" Thor asked.

Loki turned to look at Asta and nodded his head. Asta smiled back at Loki and Thor observed the two. Loki looked back up at Thor and Thor sighed as he laid his arms back at his sides.

"If you don't mind, I have to check his stitches." Asta told the two.

"Oh, please do so. Don't keep me from your work." Thor said as he sat down in a chair in the corner of the room.

Asta took Loki's hand and led him to his bed. He laid down on his left side and Asta pulled out her kit. She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled up his shirt as she ran her fingers delicately over the stitched skin.

"Your stitches are ready to be removed. Now, Loki, I need you to stay still. You'll feel some pressure but don't move." Asta told him in a gentle tone.

Loki nodded his head as he looked up at Asta. She smiled down at him and then directed her attention back to the stitches. Thor watched Asta as she worked and whenever Loki tensed or flinched, she would hush him and take a few seconds to caress his head. When she finished, she ran some cream over the scar and laid a bandage down on it.

"This bandage is only for today. Tomorrow, I'll remove it and you won't have to worry about it anymore." Asta told him.

Loki nodded his head and Asta pulled back down his shirt. He laid back down on the bed and Asta fluffed his pillow as he did. She kissed his forehead and Thor's lips parted as he watched the altercation.

"All he needs is a gentle hand. He doesn't need this." Asta told Thor.

"I know." Thor said.

"Then why isn't anything being done?" Asta asked.

"Because Asgard's king despises Loki." Thor replied.

"Why can't he see that he's just scared and vulnerable? Loki isn't the man he once was." Asta told him.

"And how do you know that?" Thor asked.

"Because I know how he feels. I know his pain." Asta replied.

"You can?" Thor asked.

"Yes. We understand each other. He's helping me with my emotions as I am for him. I bet I'm the only person in this godforsaken realm that has tried to help. You are all such an apathetic people...and I hate it. You don't care for anyone but yourselves!" Asta exclaimed angrily.

Loki quickly took Asta's hand and she squeezed it, telling him that she was alright.

"Would you like me to leave then?" Thor asked.

"Yes, I'd like it very much if you left." Asta replied.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" Thor asked as he stood from his seat.

"What ever happened to no formalities?" Asta retorted.

Thor stormed out of the cell and smiled as he was out of view. He had gathered more information that he needed and made his way to Odin. Asta panted softly as she furrowed her brow and felt herself begin to cry. Loki sat up in the bed and wrapped an arm around her as he cupped her cheek with the other. She turned to look at him and moved back slightly, not wanting him to wipe her tears.

"I don't think I've ever gotten this riled up since..." Asta trailed off.

Loki rested his forehead on her shoulder and Asta inhaled shakily as she cradled his head to her. Thor stepped into Odin's chambers and found the old man sitting at his writing desk.

"What is it you wish to speak of now?" Odin asked, not turning from his work.

"I think you already know." Thor replied.

Odin sat up straight and put his pencil down before turning to look Thor in the eyes.

"If it's about him, I-"

"Father, you have to do something. He's-"

"I will have nothing to do with that deceitful, good for nothing, murderer." Odin told him.

"I went to visit him as Asta cared for him." Thor said.

"Who?" Odin asked.

"The maid training to take Eir's place. How do you not remem-"

"Oh, yes. That little wench who called me a cruel old man." Odin spoke.

"She's not a wench. She's a good woman with good intentions." Thor said.

"Whatever it is you wish to speak of about Loki, just get on with it." Odin told him as he turned back around.

"Father, you will look at me as I speak." Thor said through gritted teeth.

At the tone of his voice, Odin immediately turned around and furrowed his brow before standing up and facing Thor.

"Go on...enlighten me." Odin said.

"Loki, he's...he's sick. He's afraid. Keeping him in that cell will not do him any good. He's learned his lesson. Please, I beg of you, release him." Thor told Odin.

"He shall remain there until his final days are done." Odin said.

"I can barely recognize him, you know? I can't even tell that he's my brother anymore." Thor explained.

"He's not your brother." Odin scoffed.

"He always was my brother!" Thor shouted.

Odin's eyes widened at Thor's booming voice and Thor puffed out his chest, knowing that he now had the upper hand.

"He was always my brother and you cannot deny me that. The girl's right, you know? All he needs is someone to care for him and give him the attention that he, as a person, deserves." Thor told him.

"She's only training." Odin said.

"They love each other." Thor stated.

"Love? Please, don't be absurd." Odin scoffed.

"It's true. Father, if you stay with them for a few minutes, as I have now, you can see the love that they bear for one another. They care for each other like no one else. And she understands him. She gets his pain. I don't think anyone else but mother could do that. Even I don't know how to. I think it would be best that Loki is released into the care of Asta. By doing so, he'll be better. He'll improve even more than he already has. Just do this. They both deserve it." Thor explained.

"Not until I am no longer king." Odin said.

"And when do you plan to step down?" Thor inquired.

"When he is dead." Odin replied.

"Because you think that if I were king, I'd-"

"Release him as you have just now described? Yes...I very much believe that." Odin told him.

"If you just sat in that cell for five minutes, you'd realize how pathetic you are." Thor said.

"Excuse me?" Odin asked as his eyes widened.

"You're a pathetic old man...and cruel, like Asta said. From the beginning, from the moment you took Loki into your arms, you had cruel intentions for him. You cannot deny that. You've seen how he's grown and how she is helping him grow. She was able to calm him during his many episodes and was able to get through to him. He showed her his scars. He would never do that for you or for me. If you didn't release him, you'd be a fool." Thor explained.

Before Odin can even mutter a single word, Thor had stormed out of his chambers and slammed the door shut. Loki and Asta lay down on the bed. He lay on his back as Asta curled up against. She had been crying for several minutes and Loki tried his best to soothe her, but found it impossible. Which made him question how easily she could soothe him when he was in need, but he could not do the same for her. He had a hunch as to what could soothe her but, it was impossible at the moment. Loki slowly turned on his side and laid his right hand against Asta's left cheek.

"I hate being angry." Asta confessed.

Loki nodded his head and Asta smiled weakly.

"It's not healthy. But, I don't understand why he'd just come down here to rile me up like that. I mean, I know he doesn't know my history, but, he could have had some decency, you know." Asta explained.

Loki nodded his head as he moved himself closer to Asta.

"I want to help you, Loki. I really do but..." Asta trailed off.

Loki furrowed his brow and caressed her cheek, trying to get her to speak.

"But, I'm not being heard. My work with you will never be appreciated. And I think I'm hurting you even more by being here. Odin doesn't want me here nor did Eir or my grandmother from the start. I feel that I am to blame for why Odin will not try and release you. Which is why, I think it's best I leave and don't come back." Asta explained.

Loki's eyes widened as fear ran through his veins. He shook his head and grabbed at Asta's dress as she rolled of the bed. Loki followed after her and Asta sobbed as she stopped right in front of the barrier.

"Nothing is getting done by me being here. Maybe, if I leave, it will bring attention and something may happen. But...I know that the longer I stay here, the more you'll be neglected. I really enjoyed the time I've spent with you, but, it's not helping you or me. When I look at you, I know that you are still in pain due to what's happened to you and I am the exact same way. When I look at you, I remember all the terrible things that have happened to me and I can no longer bear it. I have to leave." Asta explained.

She put her head down in defeat as she cried and tensed up as Loki laid his hand on her shoulder. She felt his hand grip the fabric of her dress at her waist and she shook her head.

"You and I both have to heal our wounds but, I do not know how much more I can help when I, myself, have not yet healed." Asta confessed.

She felt his grip tighten and his breath down her neck. Asta inhaled sharply and sighed.

"I don't want to leave but it's the right thing. I don't want to leave you, Loki. But, although I care for you and understand what you're going through, it's impossible for me to help. Can't you see? We both still have so much to do but we cannot do it together. I need to heal by myself and you as well. Being together in the states we are in will not do us any good." Asta told him.

Loki tried to turn her but Asta kept her ground.

"I fear that if I look at you, I'll stay when I know I can't." Asta said.

Loki still tried to turn her around and she whispered 'forgive me' before she pushed Loki away from behind. He stumbled back and shook his head as he ran in front of her. He dropped to his knees and gripped her skirts as he shook his head. Asta let out a sob she tried to contain as she looked up at the ceiling.

"Don't worry, Loki. When we both have healed, I'll be back. But for now, nothing can get done if we are both hurting." Asta told him.

Loki sighed as his grip tightened and Asta feared he'd rip her dress.

"When I look into your eyes, I see the pain that I once went through. And it hurts to remember. Being here is not doing me any good. I would love to stay here and help you, I truly do. But seeing you in this state brings back memories that I want to forget. And the more I speak of you and how you should be treated with respect, the more people turn their ears from me. They will not listen to me either because I am preaching on behalf of the fallen prince or because of my status. In time, I will return. I will." Asta explained as she held back her tears.

She felt Loki remove his hands from her dress and she whimpered as Loki walked away, defeated.

"I'm sorry, Loki. I really am." Asta whispered.

Asta quickly paced out of the cell and before she walked down the hall, she did what she told herself she shouldn't do. She looked into the cell and felt her heart sink as she observed Loki's broken expression. As he stood staring at her, he looked like a lost soul...just as she had found him.  

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