Chapter Seventeen

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Loki pulled the covers over Asta and made sure she was comfortable. Asta smiled up at him and caressed his cheek as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"You must really care for my brother." Thor said.

"I do." Asta told him, not looking away from Loki.

"I am aware of the love you two share." Thor told her.

Asta turned to look at Thor and went to speak but Thor stopped her.

"I have nothing against it. Loki has always loved you the moment he saw you. He had confessed it to me in his cell and has done it again in the kitchen. I believe you two are a perfect match." Thor explained.

Asta smiled brightly as Loki took her hand in his.

"That is why I will try and convince my father to rid Loki of his stitches and gloves so that he doesn't have to live like this anymore." Thor told her.

"Thank you." Asta said.

Loki motioned towards the medicine on her table and Asta shook her head.

"I think I need food rather than medicine now." Asta told him.

Loki held his hand in the air and held his head up high as he walked into the kitchen to make Asta something to eat.

"I fear, that after not eating for so long, I may eat all the food in the realm." Asta chuckled.

Thor smiled softly as he saw a glint in her eyes.

"My brother really loves you, Asta." Thor told her.

"I know he does. I don't think he's slept in awhile." Asta said.

"What makes you think that?" Thor asked.

"Well, when he had to administer my medicine every two hours, he was always by my side when I woke and when I asked him about it, he had said he was always at my side." Asta told him.

Thor shook his head as he put his head down.

"Loki is a good man. He means well. I believe he always did, even when he...well, you know. He has a beautiful soul. It would be a shame for him to go so soon." Asta explained.

"Do you see the good in everyone?" Thor asked.

"I always look for it." Asta replied.

"What of my father?" Thor inquired.

"To speak quite plainly...that cruel man has no good. He always had cruel intentions for Loki. All the stories my grandmother told me of him somehow related back to Odin." Asta explained.

"It was our mother that loved and cared for him the most. You remind me of her in some ways." Thor confessed.

Asta scoffed as she tried to hide her smile away.

"I remind you of your mother? The late queen?" Asta asked.

"Yes. You're caring, loving, and kind towards Loki, just as she always was. She saw the good in him when everyone else saw the bad. She knew deep down he was just a troubled child trying to fit in. She wanted to help, just like you do. If she were alive and heard of his sentencing, she would have destroyed an entire realm to keep Odin from doing it." Thor explained.

"I love Loki. I want to be with him for the rest of my life but, that won't happen until something is done." Asta told Thor.

"I will try my best, Asta. But, I must tell you that Eir reports back to Odin each day to tell him of what you and Loki do throughout the day. It was a deal he made with her." Thor told her.

Before Asta could speak, Loki entered the room carrying a bowl with some soup. He set it on the nightstand before helping Asta to sit up properly. He handed her the bowl and she began to eat. She drank the soup rather quickly for Loki's taste and he motioned for her to slow down.

"Sorry." Asta whispered.

She continued to eat the soup and Thor looked over at Loki. He sat on the edge of the bed and Thor could see the loving look in his eyes. He swore he saw Loki crack a smile.

"You must rest Loki." Thor said.

Loki turned to look at him and shook his head. He pointed towards Asta and she sighed as she put the bowl down in her lap.

"You've been awake tending to me. You need it Loki." Asta told him.

Loki shook his head and Asta furrowed her brow.

"Why not?" Asta asked.

Loki pulled out the pad and pencil and handed her the paper.

"You're afraid if you fall asleep something might happen to me?" Asta inquired.

Loki nodded his head and Asta sighed.

"If you sleep next to me and something happens to me, you'll be able to sense it. Would you rest next to me?" Asta told him.

Loki gently laid himself next to Asta as she took her bowl into her hands. Loki rested his head in her lap and curled himself around her.

"He's like a small puppy." Asta remarked.

Thor laughed as Loki looked up and narrowed his eyes at Asta.

"Don't give me that look. You know it's true." Asta giggled.

Hearing her giggle made Loki sigh and put his head back down.

"Why does she see him?" Asta asked.

"I believe it's so he knows you aren't trying anything yourself to relieve him of his punishment. I don't think he wants you with him given that he knows the effect you have on him." Thor explained.

"I can assure you, nothing is going on. I'm only caring for him." Asta told him.

"I will be on my way. When I hear news that you are well again, I will come and take you two to the prisons." Thor said as he stood.

He bowed his head and Asta did the same. Thor left their quarters and Asta finished her soup as Loki laid his body over hers and wrapped his arms around her still with his head in her lap. She set the bowl on the nightstand and ran her fingers through his hair. Loki hummed and Asta smiled.

"I'm going to help you, Loki. I'm going to try and get rid of those stitches and those horrid gloves. I don't want you to leave me too." Asta told him.

Loki sat up on the bed and straddled Asta's legs as she sniffled. He wrapped his arms around her and she gripped the back of his tunic tightly as she cried softly into his chest. Loki cradled the back of her head and rocked her softly, trying to calm her down. Asta pulled back as Loki stepped off the bed and took her hands in his.

"I want to hear you speak. I want to hear you say my name. I long for it so much." Asta told him.

Loki nodded his head and Asta sighed.

"I don't want to lose you." Asta said.

Loki sat on the bed and took Asta's face in his hands. He wiped her tears away and Asta smiled softly.

"I want you, Loki. I want to stay with you forever." Asta told him.

Loki laid himself down next to Asta, wrapped his arms around her, and sighed with content as they laid together. The following morning, Asta awoke to find the door open and Loki doing something in the kitchen.

"Loki?" Asta asked.

When she got no reply, she pulled her legs over the side of the bed and her feet wobbled as she tried to stand. Her body was still weak and in need of nutrients. She felt her head rush and she groaned as she sat back down on the bed, forgetting about her challenge to go see what Loki was doing. Loki walked into the room with a tray full of food for Asta's breakfast and set the tray on her nightstand as he rushed over to her. He sat beside her and ushered her back to lie down.

"I'm alright, Loki." Asta said.

He set the tray in her lap and Asta sighed as she smiled up at him.

"You should take a shower. It's been some time." Asta told him.

Loki sniffed his shirt and nodded quickly as he rushed into the bathroom. Asta chuckled as she ate her breakfast and waited for Loki to finish his shower. Minutes later, Eir entered the room and found Loki changing into his shirt as Asta put her tray on her nightstand.

"Good morning, Eir." Asta greeted.

"You look much better than before. The color has returned to your face." Eir remarked.

"Loki has been feeding me." Asta said.

Loki nodded his head as he buttoned the tunic and sat on the edge of her bed. Eir examined Asta for a few minutes and smiled brightly once she had finished.

"I believe that in two days, you'll be ready to leave this bed and go on normally with your day. Walk through the gardens, make more ointments and creams." Eir told her.

"And study with you." Asta said.

"Oh, no. Not yet. I still want to give you some time off from studying. I don't want you stressing too much. I know already you're going to make an excellent head healer when I'm long gone." Eir explained.

"How long do I have to wait?" Asta asked.

"Only a few days. You won't miss a thing." Eir replied.

"Good. But, I must admit, having some well-deserved rest is great." Asta told her.

"You work yourself too hard." Eir said.

Loki nodded his head and Asta scoffed as she shook her head.

"I know I do. But I did so to support myself and Agnette." Asta told her.

"And she is gone now." Eir said.

"But I have Loki now. I have to care for him. I love him too much to see him go." Asta confessed.

Eir gave her a look as Loki took Asta's hand in his.

"If Odin ever found out about you loving-"

"What? You'd tell him?" Asta interjected.

"No. I am simply stating that if he ever found out that you love him, he would punish the both of you. The deal was to care for him, not fall for him." Eir explained.

Loki narrowed his eyes at Eir and then looked back at Asta.

"Thor told me about your own deal with Odin." Asta stated.

"Asta, you need to understand that-"

"Why do you have to tell him everything that happens between us? Are we not to be trusted?" Asta asked angrily.

"I trust you. You know I do. He doesn't." Eir replied.

"Why?" Asta asked.

"Because he knows Loki and his tricks. He doesn't trust what he could do to you. He hasn't trusted him in such a long time. But, I would never tell him anything that would put you in harm's way." Eir explained.

Asta nodded her head and Eir kissed her temple before moving on. As the days passed, Asta grew stronger and was able to lift herself from the bed successfully. She took a shower and felt refreshed after eating her lunch. She changed into her best clothes and helped Loki change into his day wear. As she buttoned his shirt, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. Asta laid her hands against his chest and swallowed hard as she looked up at him. Asta giggled nervously and batted her eyelashes as she looked down.

"What are you up to?" Asta asked.

Loki swayed softly and Asta smiled brightly as she sighed.

"Dancing? You want to dance?" Asta inquired.

Loki nodded his head and Asta chuckled.

"I don't think I'm strong enough for that." Asta told him.

Nevertheless, Loki kept his left arm wrapped around her waist as his right hand took her left in his. She laid her right hand on his shoulder and beamed as Loki danced with her around their bedroom. Asta looked up into Loki's eyes and saw something different in them. There was love and kindness, but something else lingered there that Asta couldn't put her finger on. Moments later, Asta pulled back from the dance and tried to balance herself. Loki put his hands on her hips and she chuckled nervously.

"I'm fine. It's alright, Loki." Asta told him.

As she looked up at him, she felt something strange. She felt the same love she felt towards Loki, but wished for something more. And then it hit her. That was the look Loki had in his eyes. She felt his grip tighten and Asta smiled reassuringly.

"You are an excellent dancer." Asta commented.

Loki bowed his head and Asta smiled as she got on her tip-toes and kissed his cheek. Loki inhaled sharply as Asta pulled back and she smiled softly as he looked down at her.

"Shall we go out for our walk?" Asta asked.

Asta wrapped her arm around Loki's and they made their way out into the palace. They walked to the gardens and Asta furrowed her brow as she watched the people around her whisper and stare at her.

"I wish they could see you the way I do." Asta told Loki.

Loki patted her hand and they made their way into the gardens. Asta picked some flowers and Loki furrowed his brow at her.

"I use them to scent creams. Sometimes I crush them for perfume." Asta told him.

Loki picked a calla lily and Asta furrowed her brow as she took it.

"They don't have much of a scent to use, Loki. They'd be useless." Asta explained.

Loki sighed as he nodded his head and Asta added the flower to her pile.

"It may bode well for some odor free cream. I know a lot of people who like that better than scented ones." Asta told him.

She watched as his face lit up and she smiled brightly as she patted his arm and urged him to continue walking.

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