Chapter Thirteen

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The following morning, Asta groaned as she woke up to feeling someone shake her awake. She opened her eyes slowly as she rolled onto her back and saw Agnette hovering over her.

"Darling, did you go to sleep late?" Agnette asked.

"No." Asta replied.

"You slept in. A few hours more than usual." Agnette told her.

Asta immediately jumped out of bed and furrowed her brow as she gripped Agnette's arms.

"What?" Asta asked.

"It's nine in the morning." Agnette replied.

"What!" Asta exclaimed breathlessly.

"I didn't want to wake you since you rarely sleep." Agnette told her.

"Well, you should have. I have to be in the healing rooms in about an hour. I won't have time to make breakfast, eat it, brush my teeth, wash my face, change, and get there on time. I've never been late. I can't be late!" Asta explained.

"Asta you're rambling on again." Agnette sighed.

"And if I'm late she won't see me as punctual and she'll see me as lazy and...and...incompetent. She'll think I won't want to be the head healer." Asta whimpered.

Upon hearing her voice grow loud and distressed, Loki walked into the bedroom and stopped in the doorway as he saw Asta and Agnette together.

"Asta, just calm down. If you keep rambling on, you won't have enough time to get your stuff done." Agnette told her.

"You're right!" Asta gasped.

She quickly rushed into the living area and kitchen, completely ignoring Loki and almost knocking into him. He pushed himself back against the doorframe and raised a brow as he watched her get ready.

"Asta!" Agnette exclaimed.

Asta stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Agnette.

"Yes?" Asta asked.

"If you were not in such a state, you would have realized that Loki went through the trouble of making you your breakfast this morning." Agnette told her.

Asta looked at the table and saw her eggs and sausage on a plate along with some neatly cut fruit in a separate bowl. She then looked over at the door and saw Loki against the doorframe gazing at her.

"Oh." Asta said.

''Oh' is right, Asta. You'll be there by ten. Just calm yourself, take a few deep breaths and relax." Agnette told her.

Asta took a few deep breath and Agnette smiled.

"Thank you, Loki." Asta smiled.

Loki bowed his head and watched as Asta blushed. She sat herself at the table and Loki took a seat next to her as Agnette walked up to her.

"I'm going to go to the market to get some new fabrics and patterns to use for sewing. I shall see you when you return." Agnette told her.

"Be careful." Asta said.

"I always am." Agnette chuckled.

Agnette kissed the top of her head and left the quarters. Asta looked up at Loki and smiled.

"I wish I could spend more time with her. You know, given that she's my only family member left." Asta told him.

Loki took Asta's hand in his and Asta chuckled softly.

"I bet you have a lot of stories about her when she was young." Asta said.

Loki nodded his head and Asta giggled as she took a bite of her food.

"She has told me many about you." Asta beamed, with a mouth full of food.

Loki raised a brow at her and Asta laughed softly as she nodded her head.

"She always told me of how you two would play jokes on people in parks when she was a Midgardian." Asta spoke.

Loki chuckled at the memory of it and Asta quickly finished her breakfast.

"Um, since my grandmother won't be returning soon, would you care to join me in the healing rooms?" Asta asked.

Loki nodded his head and Asta patted his back as she stood up.

"Good. I'll just wash up. I'll be out soon." Asta smiled.

Loki watched her as she walked away and inhaled sharply as Asta quickly turned back to look at him before entering her bedroom. Loki took her dishes and cleaned them off, eliminating one other thing from her to do list. Once he finished, he looked towards her door and noticed she had not fully closed it. He also realized that she was taking a little longer than she had told him and he furrowed his brow, walking towards the door. He wanted to see what was keeping her and silently opened the door. Asta gasped as she covered her naked dress with her corset. Loki's eyes widened as the two stared at one another. She turned to face him and her face flushed as he shook his head and turned around, his back to her.

"Um, Loki? Can I ask you a favor?" Asta asked.

Loki looked over his shoulder and nodded his head.

"My grandmother is usually here to help me with this but...can you lace up my corset?" Asta asked.

Loki turned around to face her and Asta swallowed hard as she watched his eyes move up and down her body. He slowly made his way towards her and the two stared at one another. Asta stuttered to say anything and gasped as his fingertips grazed the skin of her arm. He gently turned her around and she heard him take a sharp intake of breath as his eyes roamed over her naked back. She felt his fingertips touch her skin so lightly, that she at first thought it was just his breath. Asta looked over her shoulder at him and raised a brow as his eyes met hers. Loki quickly took the lace as Asta held the corset up against her chest. Asta sighed every time his fingers touched her skin as he laced up her corset. Finally, she gasped as Loki pulled on the lace, tightening everything together. He then wrapped his arms around her waist and Asta held her arms up as he tied the lace together to the small clip in the front of the corset. For a moment, Loki's hands stayed on her waist and lingered down her waist as he took a step back. She furrowed her brow as she turned to face him and smiled softly.

"Thank you." Asta said softly.

Loki bowed his head and Asta chuckled nervously.

"I still need to finish changing." Asta told him.

Loki's eyes widened as he nodded his head and paced out of the room. Asta giggled softly and began to put on her skirt as Loki closed the door. Loki sat at the kitchen table and quickly stood up when Asta entered the room.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I should have made sure the door was locked and-"

Asta cut herself off as Loki walked up to her and shook his head.

"It's almost ten now. Do you still wish to come?" Asta asked.

Loki nodded his head and Asta smiled. The two left the quarters and as they walked down the halls, Loki still noticed the people staring at him and Asta. They pointed and whispered to one another. Loki sensed Asta's feeling of discomfort and he took a deep breath before wrapping his arm around her waist, which earned him a few gasps and more chatter between the people. Asta looked up at him with wide eyes and she furrowed her brow. He simply gave her a nod before looking straight and continuing to walk to the healing rooms. Asta admired his confidence given the state he was in and sighed before smiling and looking forward as she kept walking. No one's words mattered to her. She preferred Loki's silent but meaningful gestures rather than their harsh and empty words. As Asta opened the doors to the healing rooms, she heard all the other girls chatting and laughing with one another. It wasn't until a few noticed Asta that they quickly turned to look at her and grew quiet. Loki immediately removed his arm from her waist and looked down at Asta as she looked at the other healers around her.

"Now what has gotten into you girls that you've-"

Eir cut herself off when she looked over at Asta and Loki. She paced towards Asta, gripped her wrist and led her and Loki into her room and closed the door.

"Why have you brought him here?" Eir asked.

"Agnette went into the markets for fabric and did not tell me when she would return. I did not want to leave Loki alone with nothing to do. I thought it might be nice for him to walk around and see how the healing process of the healers has improved over the years." Asta explained.

"Fine. I'll allow it for today. But today only. He is a distraction to the other healers. Just make sure he does not disrupt any of their work or yours." Eir told her.

"I promise he won't distract anyone. Right?" Asta asked as she directed her attention towards Loki.

Loki looked at Asta and then at Eir. He nodded his head and Eir sighed.

"Very well. You can sit right there while Asta and I work." Eir told him.

Loki did as he was told and sat down, watching the two. As Asta took her notes and listened to every word Eir told her, he couldn't help but fall in love with her even more. As she smiled and laughed, he felt saddened by the fact that soon, he would never be able to see that smile, knowing that if Odin kept him in the state he was in, he was sure to die. He admired everything about her and wished to have more moments with her, like this morning. He wanted to tell her he loved her but knowing that she was trying to hide her true feelings from him, he wanted to give her time to think to herself about what she really felt. As the time went on, Asta recited spells and Loki watched as her hands glowed red instead of green, like he had always known the color to be. He had a green color, and so did Frigga. Loki furrowed his brow as he looked down at his gloved hands and sighed. As the day went on, Loki walked around the room observing the books and other equipment on Eir's table. When the day was over for her, Asta made sure she had taken all the notes she needed.

"Study these tonight and the others from before because tomorrow is the end of the week and I will quiz you." Eir said.

"Yes, Eir. I'll be sure to study, like I always do. Thank you." Asta beamed.

"I have no doubts you'll do well. I shall see you tomorrow. And remember what I said earlier." Eir told her.

Asta nodded her head slowly and Eir leaned close to her.

"If Odin were to ever walk in here for whatever reason, to find Loki here, he would not be pleased with me and even you." Eir whispered.

"I understand, Eir. I'm sorry. I just didn't want to leave him alone since he's been alone for so long." Asta explained.

"Well...look over those notes." Eir said.

Asta walked over to Loki and smiled at him.

"Are you ready to go?" Asta asked.

Loki nodded his head and Asta patted his arm.

"Come now. You must be feeling very hungry, yes?" Asta asked.

Loki once again nodded his head.

"Don't worry. Once we get back to our quarters, I'll make sure to have that taken care of." Asta told him.

Eir watched the two leave and sighed. She knew Asta cared for Loki a little too much for her liking. Eir could tell from the moment she saw them interact in his cell that they both had a mutual attraction for one another. Asta was captivated by him as well as curious while Loki forgot what it was like to be cared for with a gentle touch like Asta's and not have his past come inbetween them. The more she thought about it, the more Eir wished for Odin to remove Loki's sentence. She could tell he was a different man but did not want to tell Odin in fear that she may be punished. Back in her quarters, Asta laid her notes on her desk and went looking for Agnette.

"Grandmother?" Asta asked.

Loki followed her around looking for Agnette.

"That's strange. She should have been back. She's never out this late." Asta told him.

Loki shrugged his shoulders and Asta sighed as she opened the door to Agnette's bedroom. Panic began to settle in when Asta saw that she was not there.

"She should have come back. Why hasn't she come back?" Asta asked Loki.

Loki furrowed his brow as Asta stormed into her bedroom and he went running after her. He saw her shoulders shake as she buried her hands into her face. He got up behind her and laid his hands on her shoulders. Asta inhaled sharply as she let out a sob.

"What if she got hurt? What if something's happened to her?" Asta asked.

Loki then turned Asta around and she sighed as Loki took her face in his hands and wiped her tears away. Her bottom lip quivered as she shut her eyes tightly and threw herself against Loki's chest. She sobbed into his chest and Loki slowly wrapped his arms around her. He cradled her head to his chest as Asta cried.

"She's old and could easily trip and break something. She's all I have left, Loki. I have no one." Asta sobbed.

Loki pulled her back and Asta furrowed her brow as he pointed at her and then at him. Asta smiled weakly as she nodded her head. Loki helped Asta onto her bed and laid her down as she cried into her pillow. He caressed her head as he tried his best to soothe her so she would sleep. A few minutes passed before Asta was able to fall asleep. As she slept, Loki sat on the edge of her bed, watching her and waiting for Agnette to return. he stayed up the whole night and never did he hear the front door open. There were no quiet footsteps or anything to signal that Agnette had returned. The following morning, Asta woke up to her eyes feeling raw, her pillow still wet from her tears, and Loki still sitting on the edge of her bed.

"How long have you been awake?" Asta asked groggily.

Asta shook her head as she went to rephrase the question.

"Did you sleep at all?" She asked.

Loki shook his head and Asta sighed as she sat up in the bed and laid her hand against his cheek. Loki closed his eyes softly as he leaned into her touch.

"Thank you for comforting me." Asta said softly.

Loki took her hand in his and bowed his head.

"Since you were awake all night, did you hear her come back?" Asta asked.

Loki watched as her eyes brimmed with tears and he took a deep breath before shaking his head.

"Why hasn't she come back?" Asta asked as her voice broke.

Fearing she would cry, Loki took her face in his hands as he moved closer to her. He wrapped one arm around her as the other touched her cheek.

"She should have come back." Asta whimpered.

She laid her head against his chest and Loki rocked her softly. He furrowed his brow as she quickly got out of bed and ran over to her desk.

"I didn't study! Oh my gods, I forgot! I never forget to study. I always study. Eir is going to be so disappointed. I won't be able to get anything right today. I'm not even ready to go yet. Could this day get any worse?" Asta rambled.

As she turned to face Loki, he wagged his finger at her and Asta sighed as she nodded her head.

"I know. I'm rambling. That's just what she'd tell me too." Asta spoke.

Moments later as Asta tried to look over all the notes she had, there was a knock at the door and Loki slowly stood up from her bed as they both turned to look at her bedroom door.

"It must be her." Asta said cheerfully.

She ran out of the bedroom and towards the front door as Loki paced after her. She beamed with excitement as she unlocked the door and opened it. But her smile soon faded as she saw two men standing in front of her.

"Good morning. Um, what can I help you with?" Asta asked.

"Are you Asta?" The first man retorted.

"Yes, I am." Asta replied.

"And your grandmother? Her name was..." The second man trailed off.

"Agnette. Why?" Asta asked, fearing she already knew the answer.

Loki watched as Asta listened to the men speak. She covered her mouth to quiet her sobs and Loki felt himself tearing up as he watched as Asta lost all hope. She truly had no one left now. Although he would always be there for her, he was not her family.  

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