Chapter Twenty

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Asta helped Loki to lay down onto the healing table.

"Once the gloves and stitches are removed, he will have to remain here for a few weeks to regain his appetite while will help him to gain some weight. After he is well enough, his powers will be stronger and he can use his seidr to heal himself." Eir explained.

Asta nodded her head and looked down at Loki as she gave him a smile.

"You're going to be alright." Asta reassured him.

Thor and Odin stood by the doors as Eir used her magic to remove his gloves. Loki moaned in pain as she removed the bound leather from his hands with a spell and Asta smiled upon seeing his hands. His fingers long and nimble and Asta watched carefully as he clenched his hands together, feeling his own skin for the first time in so long. Asta took a step forward as Eir handed her the small scissors. Loki turned to look at her and gazed down at the scissors in her hands.

"Stay still. I don't want to hurt you." Asta told him.

Loki sat on the bed facing Asta and she sighed as she put the scissors to his lips.

"Be gentle." Eir warned.

"I always will be." Asta told her.

Loki's eyes lit up as he could hear Agnette in her voice. Asta slowly cut the thread from his lips and once they were cut away, she set the scissors down at his side and began to pull the thread from his lips. As soon as she finished, she took a step back and Loki put his hands to his lips as he moved his jaw to get adjusted. His jaw cracked and he winced in pain. As he inhaled sharply, a small smile came to his lips and he looked up at Asta. Her eyes were brimmed with tears as she beamed and Loki smiled at her, his true genuine smile. Asta gasped softly and she giggled as she smiled even brighter. Thor nudged Odin's side and Odin glared at him. Asta went to take Loki's hand in his but he shook his head. Asta furrowed her brow as she gave him a look and he pulled out the pad and pencil from the small table next to the bed and handed her the paper after he wrote on it. I want to touch and talk to you but only after I am fully healed and well again. I want you to know the real Loki. Asta nodded her head as she grinned.

"I understand and I can accept that." Asta said.

"I think it's best you return to your quarters." Eir told her.

"Can't I stay here with Loki?" Asta asked.

"The healing process is intense and I want you to catch up on your notes." Eir replied.

"I can handle it. I swear." Asta said.

"We can allow you to visit him for a few hours but that's it. Loki needs his time to heal and cannot have too many distractions." Thor explained to her.

"Am I distraction?" Asta asked.

Loki shook his head and she turned to face him.

"We just need him to focus on healing. The faster he heals, the sooner he can be with you." Eir told her.

Asta took a deep breath before she sighed and nodded her head.

"I guess you're right. But I can still see him during the process?" Asta asked.

"Only for a few hours as Thor mentioned." Eir replied.

Asta looked over at Loki and smiled weakly at him.

"You get better quickly, you hear?" Asta asked him.

Loki nodded his head and Asta chuckled.

"Good." Asta said.

Asta was ushered out of the room and she watched through the crack in the door as the other healers poked Loki's arms with several needles. She winced whenever he did and she sighed as she walked down the hall back to her quarters. Upon entering the room, she noted how quiet it was. She didn't have Agnette to comfort her and Loki was away getting the help he needed. Asta sighed dejectedly when she realized she was alone and had no one there to talk to. All she had were her notes, which she studied for hours on end. That was all she ever seemed to do. It was either study, make more of her creams, ointments, and perfumes, and visit Loki from time to time. Towards the end of the week, Asta could see a change in Loki's physique. The color slowly began to return to his body as he began to gain his normal weight back. Of course, Eir was helping him to move his joints and such. At the end of the week, Asta sat by Loki's bedside and read to him from a book he loved. Loki looked up at Asta as she read and smiled brightly. Asta turned to look at him and mirrored back his smile as she put the book down in her lap.

"What is it?" Asta asked.

Loki shook his head and Asta sighed.

"When will you talk to me? I've waited so long to hear your voice." Asta inquired.

Loki picked up the book and pointed to a word for Asta to look at. Soon. Asta gave him a look as she chuckled and took the book back.

"You look so much better than before. I never knew what you looked like before but, you look like your old self." Asta told him.

Loki laughed as he nodded his head and Asta smiled.

"You have a beautiful laugh, Loki. It's very hearty and full of mirth. Much like Agnette's." Asta commented.

Loki's smile faded away as Asta began to remember the memories she had shared with Agnette.

"She would have loved to have been here to see you like this. I can't wait until you're released back to my care. We're going to have so much fun together." Asta told him as she beamed with excitement.

On some days, Asta helped Loki to move his legs and body. He had so many cracks and aches in his body that he had to get through before he could be released back to Asta. Loki was thankful she was not present through him trying to gain his appetite back. Although he was glad to be eating the foods he once ate, he was not happy that his stomach never settled well with them after so long. But, he quickly learned to keep it down and his body got adjusted to breaking down the food. Towards the end of the month, Loki was fully healed and all he needed was to use his seidr on himself to fix the things Eir could not. Asta awaited outside the healing rooms for Loki to come to her so that they could go back to her quarters together. Thor watched as Loki enveloped himself in his seidr and smiled weakly as he watched Loki become his brother once more. He no longer looked like the sick, broken man who spent his days in the dungeons but looked the way he did when they were younger. Loki used his magic to put on his armor and took a deep breath, filling his lungs and loved being able to take a full breath of air without feeling a pain in his chest. Loki truly felt alive.

"What are you going to do now?" Thor asked.

Loki remained quiet and Thor scoffed.

"You can speak now, Loki. Use your words." Thor told him.

Loki wrote on the paper and Thor gave him a look. Asta will be the recipient of my first words as a new man.

"Alright. Then go out there." Thor said.

Loki bit his lip as he looked towards the door and sighed.

"What are you afraid of, Loki? She loves you." Thor asked.

Eir entered the room with Odin and Loki turned to face them, his eyes widening upon looking over Odin. Odin walked towards Loki and he took a step back.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to apologize for all the pain and suffering I put you through throughout the years. I am sorry that your lips are permanently scared because of what I did. I hope you can regain those years I tormented you with Asta." Odin explained.

Loki smiled brightly as Odin patted his shoulder.

"Now, you get out there Loki. Asta's waiting for you." Eir told him.

Loki nodded his head as he stood up straight and turned to walk to the door. Thor, Odin, and Eir followed after him and stood in the doorway as Loki exited the room. Upon hearing the door open, Asta picked her head up and her eyes widened as she saw Loki, the real Loki. Asta stood from her seat and couldn't help but beam at the sight of him.

"Wow. You look..." Asta trailed off.

Loki chuckled as he bit his lip and blushed softly.

"Like you." Asta finished.

Asta sighed in content as Loki reached out towards her and slowly laid his hands on her face, finally being able to touch her. Loki inhaled sharply as he did and felt tears in his eyes as he gasped. Asta closed her eyes as she felt him caress the sides of her face with his thumbs. Feeling his touch caused Asta to go into a state of complete bliss. She smiled weakly as Loki licked his lips. This moment was everything he could have ever wished for and now that he was experiencing it, it was a dream come true. Asta whimpered softly as his fingers traced over her lips and trailed down her body to her hands. As he took them in hers, he looked down at them and admired how her fingers fit perfectly in his. Her hands were so soft and delicate. He loved them. Asta opened her eyes as Loki squeezed her hands and she looked into his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak and stuttered softly trying to get the words out. Asta waited patiently giving him all the time he needed.

"A...Ah...As-...Asta. Asta." Loki said hoarsely.

Asta gasped as tears were brought to her eyes upon hearing him say her name.

"Oh, Loki." Asta said breathlessly.

"Asta. Oh...Asta. My Asta." Loki told her.

Asta smiled brightly as she cried softly, the tears falling from her eyes and down her cheeks.

"Oh, Loki. You sound just the way I imagined you would." Asta cried.

"Asta?" Loki asked.

"Yes?" Asta retorted.

Loki looked behind him at the three and they were all smiling at him, hearing him speak for the first time in so long too. Loki turned back to look at Asta and furrowed his brow as Asta lifted her hands to his face. She ran her fingers across his lips and felt the rough texture around them.

"What is it, Loki?" Asta asked.

Loki went to bend down and he moaned in pain. Asta furrowed her brow at him as she took his hands in hers and she gave him a reassuring smile.

"It's alright. Just ask me your question." Asta said.

"Asta...wh-...will you...mmm...will you marry me?" Loki asked.

Asta eyes widened as her mouth hung open in shock. Thor smiled to himself as Odin sighed and Eir pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket to wipe her tears away.

"Will you marry me?" Loki repeated.

Asta smiled brightly and giggled softly as the blush rose to her cheeks. Loki mirrored back her smile and Asta wept tears of joy as she tried to answer him. Loki's eyes widened as his face lit up upon seeing Asta nod her head.

"Yes." Asta cried.

"Yes?" Loki asked.

"Yes. Yes! I'll marry you, Loki. I will." Asta told him.

Loki gasped as Asta wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. Loki wrapped his arms around her and felt tears stream down his face as he gripped the back of her dress, never wanting to let her go.

"I...I love you." Loki whispered as he pulled back from their embrace.

Asta put her hands over her mouth and cried softly.

"I love you too, Loki. I love you so much." Asta sobbed.

Eir, Thor, and Odin walked towards them and Loki wrapped his arms around Asta once more, relishing in the feel of her body molding to his.

"Hmm, I never would have thought my brother the marrying type." Thor teased.

"Shut up." Loki said softly.

Thor laughed as he shook his head causing Loki to chuckle along with him.

"So, a marriage is to be arranged then." Odin commented.

"Yes, I believe there is." Eir grinned.

Later that evening, after cooking Loki a good home cooked meal, the two sat on her bed together, face to face.

"How do you feel?" Asta asked.

"Good." Loki replied.

Asta laughed softly and Loki furrowed his brow.

"What's so funny?" Loki asked.

"Now, you're not my conscience anymore. Before, you were the quiet voice in the back of my head and're actually here to speak for yourself." Asta explained.

"Asta, may I tell you something?" Loki asked hoarsely.

"Of course. You can tell me anything." Asta replied.

"You are the most kind and caring woman I have ever encountered in all my years, besides my late mother. I have never known anyone to have such a warm and forgiving heart nor a beautiful soul such as yours. Never in all my life would I have ever thought that someone could ever love me the way you do, unconditionally. You understand me because you know my pain. From the moment you entered my cell and I saw how began to treat me and stand up for me when no one else would, I realized I loved you. My mother always told me that there was someone made especially for me who would love me for who I was. Later in life, she told me that someone would care for me despite my past and my true heritage. I never believed her...until now. So, I thank you, Asta. I thank you for everything you've done for me. If it wasn't for you, I would have surely died in that cell. And to think that I may never have known you is what would have truly killed me." Loki explained.

Asta gasped at his words and smiled weakly as Loki wiped her tears away.

"Aren't you glad I have my words back to express myself to you?" Loki retorted.

Asta laughed and Loki smiled at her as she nodded her head.

"Yes. I am glad. I'm so very glad." Asta said.

"Asta....Asta." Loki spoke breathlessly.

"Yes?" Asta asked.

"Asta...I love saying your name.'s beautiful." Loki told her.

"Then never stop saying it." Asta whispered.

" Asta." Loki whispered back.

Asta leaned forward as Loki took her face in his hands and laid his head on hers.

"We are to be married. Agnette would be having a ball right about now with the news." Asta giggled.

"She was one to throw a party whenever someone had good news." Loki commented.

"Really?" Asta asked.

"Yes." Loki replied.

"Tell me more about when you two were on Midgard together." Asta said.

"Of course, Asta." Loki smiled.

Loki and Asta laid down in her bed together listening to his stories. Asta listened to him intently and loved hearing his voice. But, as the time went by, Asta's eyes grew heavy and she slowly feel asleep in his arms. Loki looked down at her and sighed as he smiled. He got out of the bed and pulled the covers over her and smiled as he watched for a few moments as she slept.

"Good night, my Asta." Loki whispered.

He kissed the top of her head before walking over to his bed and falling asleep.  

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