Chapter Eighteen

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Loki was pleased to see Asta getting back to her work. She was starting to study more of her notes, which Loki scolded her for since she was not yet ready to return, and used the kitchen more for creating ointments, creams, and perfumes rather than make herself a meal. Loki prepared her some food as he watched her hum a soft tune while she worked. She ground up the petals of the flowers, her hair was pulled back behind her head and her sleeves rolled up. She wiped the sweat from her brow and Loki saw that the kitchen table was full of her creations. She had spent the entire morning and half way into the afternoon making her goods. Loki set the food on the counter near the stove and walked over to Asta. She looked up at him and smiled brightly, but her smile faded seeing his eyes narrow at her.

"I'm almost finished, Loki." Asta told him.

Loki didn't take that as an acceptable answer. He grabbed her arm and pulled her away from her work.

"Loki!" Asta whined.

Loki pulled her away from the table and gripped her shoulders as he glared down at her. She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed.

"I was almost finished. Besides, it takes my mind off of things." Asta told him.

Loki shook his head and led her to the counter. He motioned towards the food and Asta sighed in defeat. She ate her meal and Loki's eyes lit up in triumph. As the days went by, Loki made sure Asta ate when she had to and she thanked him for being so caring. The two would take long walks through the gardens and Loki would simply enjoying listening to Asta speak for hours about something new every day. He loved hearing her voice and watching her. Loki loved how she waved her hands around when she was excited or blushed a bright shade of red when she was embarrassed. He loved how her eyes practically lit up with joy when she looked at him and how her smile gave him proof that he was loved by her. Loki was crazy about her and wanted to express it to her without writing it out. He wanted to tell her himself. After taking their walk in the gardens, they made their way back to her quarters where Thor was waiting at the door.

"Oh, Thor, what brings you here?" Asta asked after she bowed her head.

"I heard you were doing better and wanted to see if you still wished to see the prisoners." Thor replied.

"Right. Yes, I forgot about that." Asta said softly.

"Do you still wish to come?" Thor asked.

Asta looked up at Loki and he wrapped an arm around her waist and held her close, telling her he was with her no matter what. She turned her head to look back at Thor and smiled weakly.

"Yes, I do." Asta replied.

Thor led Asta and Loki down towards the prisons. She felt Loki's grip around her tighten as they entered and she gave him a reassuring smile.

"It's alright, Loki. I'm here. No one can hurt you." Asta told him.

Loki nodded his head and Asta took his hand in hers. They walked down the halls of the prisons and some of the prisoners whistled and made faces and noises at Asta as she passed by. Asta furrowed her brow as she looked at them and cowered against Loki. He wrapped his arm around her and glared at the men as he passed them by. When the calls did not end, Thor slammed mjolnir against the wall and soon enough the prisoners ended their calls.

"Thank you." Asta said softly.

They continued on their walk and Thor gestured for Asta and Loki to stop walking as he entered the cell holding the prisoners.

"I don't know if I can do this." Asta whispered to Loki.

Loki nodded his head and rubbed his cheek against hers, humming softly. Asta looked up at him and smiled weakly as she patted his chest.

"They killed Agnette. I don't know if I can take it." Asta confessed.

Loki took her hands in his and brought them to his lips. She felt the rough touch of the thread on his lips and Asta sighed as she put her head down. He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and raised her head up. Oh, she wanted him so much. The look in his eyes said everything. She felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach and she chuckled nervously as she began to blush. She looked up at him as his hands caressed the sides of her face, hoping to relax her. Moments later, Thor walked back to the two and Loki quickly put his hands at his sides as Thor gave him a look. Asta turned around and smiled nervously as she took a step forward.

"I talked to them and they won't say anything unless you want them to. They won't do anything to you." Thor told her.

Asta gripped Loki's hand and he cocked his head to the side. She walked towards the cell and as soon as she stood in front of it, she looked up into the cell and was met with the two faces of her grandmother's murderers. Asta inhaled sharply as her eyes moved over the two men. She let go of Loki's hand and took a step forward. Loki furrowed his brow as he watched her, trying to figure her out.

"Look at this woman. Look into her eyes and see the-"

Thor cut himself off as Asta raised her hand into the air. She shook her head as she kept her eyes on the men. Asta closed her eyes and mumbled a few words before taking a deep breath and exhaling as she opened her eyes.

"Your actions have consequences. You almost made me lose the love of my life because of what you did. My grandmother was a good woman and didn't deserve what you did to her. Due to your actions, I not only lost her, but I could have lost the only other person I love and care for because of your stupidity. What kind of a man stabs a woman out of fear of being caught? You could have let her go. You could have run away and let her be. You two took my last living relative from this earth and you will suffer for it." Asta told them calmly.

She took a deep breath and sighed as she quickly turned around and headed out of the prisons. Loki shrugged his shoulders as Thor gave him a look and he ran after her. Once back into their quarters, Asta laid a hand against her stomach as she leaned against the chair at the kitchen table. Loki rushed to her side and Asta waved her hand at him.

"I'm fine. I just can't believe those were the men. I've actually seen them." Asta told him.

Loki began to write on the pad and handed his writings to Asta...How can you forgive them so easily?

"Because once they come face to face with the person's face that they have destroyed, you can see the guilt in their eyes. You can see the remorse and the regret for their actions. They begin to tell themselves that what they did was wrong. They single handedly almost destroyed my life and they knew that once they saw my face. Those two men looked deep into my eyes and felt all the pain and suffering I had to go through. They begin to realize the gravity of the situation they created and regret it entirely. They learn from their mistake and learn to move on. Unfortunately, they can never move on because they have seen my face. They know exactly who it is that they have hurt. Before, they didn't even bother caring about who would be hurt in the process. But now, knowing what I look like and knowing my face, this lesson will hurt them even more than it would have." Asta explained.

Loki began to write on the paper again and slowly slid the pad next to her hand that laid against the table...You're an incredible woman, Asta, and I love you for it. Asta blushed as she smiled brightly and Loki walked over to her. Her smile faded as she saw the look in his eyes and she furrowed her brow as he laid both hands on her hips and pulled her to him. Asta laid her hands against his chest to balance herself and she slowly looked up at him.

"You've helped me so much through these hard times, Loki. I don't understand how anyone could ever hate you. But I believe the love I feel for you overshadows their hate for the love I bear for you is so strong, no one else's feelings can compare." Asta told him.

She got on her tip-toes and Loki's eyes widened. Instead of kissing his cheek, she kissed his lips and felt the thread against her lips. When she pulled away, she put her head down and quickly walked into her bedroom, leaving Loki standing by the kitchen table. His eyes remained wide open as his hand touched his lips. He turned around and stared at the door to her bedroom that remained open after she entered. Loki furrowed his brow and hesitated before pacing into the bedroom and closing the door behind him.

"I didn't mean to do that. I don't know what came over me. I've been feeling somewhat, different around you, but a good different. Do you know what I'm trying to say?" Asta inquired.

Loki slowly nodded his head and Asta chuckled nervously. She watched as Loki walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. She put her hands on his chest and kept her head down, not wanting to look up at him. Loki took her chin between his fingers and lifted her head up so she could look into his eyes. He then wrapped both arms around her and slowly slid hands down her back. Asta arched her back slightly and was pushed against his body. She sighed as Loki laid his head on her shoulder and she could feel his breath against her neck. Although he did not have his lips to use or the real touch of his hand, he was still able to make Asta react the way he wanted her to. She laid her hands on his shoulders and she slowly pulled away from him. Loki furrowed his brow at her as she took a step back and panted softly.

"I'm sorry, Loki. I do want...this. I just don't know if you do...given your situation." Asta confessed.

Loki shook his head and Asta smiled softly. As he took a step forward, Asta took another step back, leaving Loki more confused than he was before.

"I also want this to be perfect. I know it sounds ridiculous and you've probably heard women say it all the time but, I truly mean it. I've heard many things. I know we do love one another but I want, um, I want...I want to be treated equally to them. I guess what I'm trying to say is...I want to have a nice outing with you before anything else." Asta explained.

She heard Loki chuckle and she furrowed her brow as she looked at him.

"Is something funny?" Asta asked.

Loki's eyes widened as he shook his head and took Asta's hands in his. He led her out into the kitchen and began to write on the pad. Tonight, wear your best clothes. I'm going to treat you like a princess. Asta beamed as she looked up at Loki and took his hand in hers. He gesture towards the bedroom and Asta furrowed her brow.

"Now?" Asta asked.

Loki nodded his head enthusiastically and Asta giggled as she ran into the bedroom. He followed after her and sighed Asta walked towards the bathroom.

"I'm going to shower and then get ready. I'll try my best to hurry." Asta smiled.

Loki took the opportunity to change into his armor and waited outside in the kitchen for Asta to finish. She dried her hair, dressed into her best clothes, and fixed herself up. As soon as she entered the kitchen, her eyes widened as she looked Loki up and down.

"Wow. You look...handsome." Asta told him.

Loki nodded his head as he walked up to Asta and handed her a piece of paper. You look beautiful. Asta blushed as she looked up at Loki and giggled.

"Do you really think so?" Asta asked.

Loki nodded his head and Asta beamed.

"Where are you taking me?" Asta inquired.

Loki began to write on the pad once more. To a nice restaurant outside of the palace that I've been too several times in the past. I know you'll love it.

"It seems like you've had this planned out already." Asta stated.

She looked up at Loki and saw his cheeks flush red.

"You have, haven't you?" Asta chuckled.

Loki shamefully nodded his head and Asta laughed as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Let's go then, shall we." Asta told him.

Loki took Asta's hand and the two left their quarters. They made their way down the halls of the palace and both could care less for the stares and whispers they received. All that mattered now was that they had each other. As they walked through the town streets, the sky got darker and Asta looked up at the sunset.

"It's very beautiful out tonight." Asta commented.

Loki nodded his head and Asta pushed some hair back behind her ear, letting Loki lead her to the restaurant. As they reached the place, Asta's eyes widened upon seeing the building. It was quite large and the inside was well thought out. Pillars held up the roof in several places and it seemed to be very busy. Asta's brow furrowed when she saw everyone top what they were doing to stare at her. The music playing softly in the background came to an abrupt stop and she chuckled nervously as a woman came up to her. Asta then noticed that the woman's gaze was not on her but on Loki. Asta turned her head over her shoulder at him and he gave her an apologetic look.

"You have to leave." The woman told her.

"We've only just arrived. We mean no-"

"You and are to leave this building." The woman interjected.

Asta's eyes widened at her choice of words and she took a step forward, glaring up at the woman who was several inches taller than her.

"Now you listen to me. He is not a monster. Whatever he has done, is in the past and he has served his time. This man is anything but a monster. I will certainly not be spending my evening out here. You are a deplorable woman for judging someone so quickly without ever knowing them. This man is the most kind, most loving, and most caring man I have ever met. You should be ashamed of yourself." Asta told her.

Asta took Loki's hand and dragged him out of the building. Once outside, the door slammed shut and she heard the music begin to play and the chatter commence. Asta saw the dejected look on Loki's face and sat next to him on a bench near the restaurant.

"It was a nice looking restaurant from what I saw." Asta said, trying to lighten the mood.

Loki patted her hand that laid on his knee and she sighed as she smiled weakly.

"If you want, I can go some food from that vendor over there and come back and I can eat her ." Asta told him.

Loki nodded his head solemnly and Asta sighed.

"You wanted this to be perfect too, didn't you?" Asta asked.

Loki looked up at Asta and gave her one quick nod. She took Loki's face in his her hands and smiled at him.

"Any time I spend with you is perfect enough already because I have you. Nothing else matters. This night is perfect enough as it is. At least, I think it is. I mean, you had me dress up in my best clothes, tried to take me to a nice restaurant, and now we're sitting in the night and the stars are brightly shining above us. This is what I envision as perfect. Just you and me together." Asta explained.

Loki's eyes lit up and he so desperately wanted to speak to her and tell her exactly how he felt.

"Stay right here and I'll get myself some food and then back at my quarters, I can subside your hunger." Asta told him.

Minutes later, she returned with a pastry and Loki inhaled its scent deeply before sighing.

"Hold on. I've been trying to practice a certain spell for some time." Asta said.

She took a piece of the pastry and Loki watched as she wrapped her fingers around it, mumbled a spell, and as her hand glowed green, she placed it by his stomach. Loki's eyes widened as he put his hand on his stomach and she smiled as Loki moaned softly.

"Do you taste it?" Asta asked.

Loki nodded his enthusiastically and Asta giggled.

"It's a simple variation of the spell I use on you to fill your stomach. Instead of just making you feel full, I can have you taste the food as well. It's quite simple. I don't know why anyone else hasn't thought out if yet." Asta explained.

Loki wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his nose against her neck, causing Asta to laugh loudly and try to pull away from him. After Asta finished her food, the two returned to her quarters and Asta set her bag down on the kitchen table.

"I still must say you look very dashing in that armor." Asta stated.

Loki walked over towards Asta and wrapped his arms around her. He noted how she hesitated to put her hands on his shoulders as she looked up at him.

"I may appear nervous, Loki, but, I really want this. I want to do this with you. I love you." Asta reassured him.

Loki nodded his head and took Asta's hand in his and walked her into the bedroom. She closed the door after him and the two stood at the foot of her bed, facing one another. Loki began to remove his armor and Asta watched as he did. When all the armor was off, he tugged his shirt off and Asta gasped softly upon seeing his bare chest. She had seen it before but not in this manner. He was still skinny and his ribs showed as he raised his arms up. He then took a step towards Asta and wrapped his arms around her. He began to unbutton the back of her dress and Asta inhaled sharply as it pooled around her feet. She was left in her corset and underskirt as she stood before Loki. He then unclipped her hair and it fell to just above her shoulders in those soft curls that Loki loved. He got behind her and Asta panted softly as Loki unlaced the corset. Once it was off, it fell to the floor and Asta furrowed her brow and arched her back while gasping as Loki's hand flattened against her back, feeling her. She didn't know if she should turn around or not, but the hand on her waist answered her question. Asta slowly turned to face Loki and his eyes widened as he inhaled sharply upon seeing her bare chest. She had never been this bare before anyone, not even Agnette, and she immediately felt self-conscious. Asta went to cross her arms over her chest but Loki gripped her wrists and prevented her from doing it. She furrowed her brow at him and observed him as his eyes wandered over her chest and then up at her face. She saw the gleam in his eyes and smiled weakly.

"I love you, Loki. I know you have been hurt in the past for so long. But tonight, I want you to forget about all of that. I want you to with me." Asta told him.

She could tell by the looks in his eyes that if the thread were removed, he would be smiling. She walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it as Loki walked towards her. He stood in front of her and leaned forward. He placed his hands on either side of the bed to steady himself and Asta leaned back as he nuzzled his face against the crook of her neck.

"Oh, I wish you could speak right now. I want to know what you're thinking." Asta panted.

She kissed his neck and Loki moaned softly. Upon hearing him moan, Asta grinned and kissed him again, causing another moan. She chuckled softly as Loki wrapped his arms around her and laid on top of her on the bed. Her head hit the mattress and the two moaned as they felt their bodies move against one another's. The feel of her breasts pressing against his chest caused the two of them to moan softly. Asta wrapped her arms around his back and gently caressed his back, feeling his scars. Moments later, Loki took Asta into his arms and laid her down on the bed so her head laid on the pillows. She watched as he climbed onto the bed and hovered over her. He ached to kiss her. It was all he wanted to do. She deserved to be kiss every minute of every day. He then ran his hands down her sides to the waistband of her underskirt and she gasped at the cool touch of the gloves. Loki cursed his gloves. He wanted to truly feel her with his hands. He wanted to know every curve of her body. He also knew how much she wanted this and he wanted it as much as her. But something told him that he couldn't continue. Eir entered their quarters to check up on the two and heard sounds coming from the bedroom. She opened the door softly and her eyes widened at what she saw. Loki was laid on top of Asta with his face in the crook of her neck while Asta was kissing his jaw down his neck to his shoulder and back up again. Eir saw Asta's naked chest and inhaled sharply before closing the door and exiting their chambers. Loki got on his knees and straddled her waist. Asta closed her eyes and sighed as Loki's hands grazed up the insides of her legs, up her thighs and towards her sex. But, when she felt his hands stop on her thighs, she opened her eyes and saw Loki's eyes fill with tears. Asta quickly sat up on the bed and furrowed her brow.

"What is it? Is something wrong, Loki?" Asta asked.

He shook his head and quickly ran into the kitchen, leaving Asta dazed and confused, as well as frustrated. Believing she had been the issue, she took the sheets and covered herself up waiting for Loki to enter the room again. When he did, he handed her a piece of paper. I love you, Asta, and I wanted to be with you. Just you and me. But, I feel that I cannot be with you in the intended manner that you wish if I am in this state. I want to kiss your lips and feel your skin. I do not want to take you like this when it is not truly me with you. Asta looked up at Loki and smiled as she nodded her head.

"I understand, Loki. I do. It's alright. You don't have to be upset. As long as I still have you, I'll never be upset." Asta told him.

Loki nodded his head and Asta got up from the bed and changed into her nightdress in the bathroom. As she stepped out, Loki had put his tunic back on and she slipped into her bed.

"Can you at least sleep next to me?" Asta asked.

Loki got under the covers with her and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Mmm, now this is perfect." Asta whispered.  

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