02 || Just Your Hero...

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***Warning this chapter is gonna be like super short!***

I walk around the town with no where to go and nobody here. "Mom! Courtney! Where are you guys? Okay mom, I know I was a bitch before, I've learned my lesson! MOM!" I pull out my phone and walk as I look through photos. It's so weird I have no wifi and my texts aren't sending. It's probably my mom trying to teach me a lesson. "Okay mom, I get it!"I sigh as I sit down in front of a tree, it's freezing outside.

"Hey pretty girl, watcha doing all by your lonesome," some guy in a blue old corvette speaks. "Wanna hop in and go for a ride."

I smirk as I walk over to the car, "hey boys...watcha want?"

"We want ya pretty lady," one of the gut calls sending a wink my way.

I chuckle, "well thank ya. Hey, I hate asking ya this because, I just met ya and all, but would you mind if I get some money, my mom cut me off."

One of the guys steps out, he would be cute if we back in the 60s. He walks over to m grabbing my hand, his are rough and sweaty...gross. "Listen pretty lady, we'll give you the money if you come with us."

"What are you asking?" I rebut knowing what they want.

Another guy comes out and smirks, "you know...stuff."

I bite my lip as I walk over to one of the guys and hug him, "what about we just do some of this?" I stand on my tippy-toes and peck his lips softly. "Or some of this?" I ask as I grab his cheek, smashing my lips against his. He slides his tongue into my mouth and let him explore despite the taste of lingering alcohol attached to his breathe. He grabs my butt and I rub my hands up and down his sides after moving them down his face. The guy tries to pull of my shirt and I pull away punching him dead in the mouth, "what the hell?"

He stands up and looks at me before softly saying, "get her."

I laugh slightly, "what does that mean?"

"It means this," a guy behind me says. As I turn around the guy punches me in my jaw. I stumble back and go to punch back, but as I do another guy grabs my shoulder spinning me around making my eye meet his fist. I weakly swing at a random guy, but miss as I get tripped. My face slams into the concrete and I try not to yelp in pain. I get flipped over and a guy climbs on top of me. I feel a sharp pain in my cheek before feeling a warm liquid trickling down it. I weakly reach my hand up and release I'm bleeding as a stinging feeling occurs after I touch the cut. I scream out loudly, "somebody!....Anybody! Help me!"

"Shut her up!" The guy on top of me who I believe is also the guy who I was kissing before yells

I feel a rag got stuffed into my mouth I try to scream but it comes out way to muffled. A few tears roll down my cheeks as I look at these guys. How could they? I look up at the guys before I close my eyes. They cut through my shirt and I already know what's gonna happen.Just as I think it's about to be over I hear somebody scream something that is too far into the distance to hear. I don't know what just happened, but the guys all start running away. "Yeah run!" The person yells. "I don't wanna see ya'll around here again! Ya hear?"

I open my eyes to see some guy standing over to me looking down at my cut up face. As my vision goes back to normal and I release how attractive he is I immediately feel embarrassed once again, "oh my god! Who are you?"

He smiles as he looks down at me, "just you're hero..."

"Don't look at me!" I scream loudly. "I look horrible!"

"Woah! I'm sorry," he says as he sits next to me not looking at me. "So what's you're name."

"Chloe," I speak as I sit up. "Just meeting somebody without a shirt on typical."

He laughs loudly, "Sodapop Curtis at you're service."

"Sodapop?" I ask wondering where I've heard that name before. "Sodapop, where am I?"

"You're in Tulsa. Did they hit ya head or something?" He jokes.

"Tulsa as in Oklahoma?" I ask him slowly.

He nods, "yeah why?"

"Oh my god!" I yell loudly.

"What's wrong Chloe?" He asks genuinely concerned.

I sigh as I look away, "I live in Beverly hills."

He looks absolutely baffled, "how'd you get all the way down here?"

"I wish I knew," I shrug.

Okay, so Chloe is in the past and she met the one and only Sodapop Curtis. Stay gold. Do it for Johnny!

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