12 || ...If you Can't Tell me the Truth...

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"Prom is coming up soon," Two informs the gang. "You know what that means?"

Darry smiles, "we're gonna throw our own prom again this year!"

"Obviously at Buck's again...right?" Dally looks around the room.

Soda nods his head, "it is the tradition."

Pony blushes deeply and everybody notices it as Two yells, "I think Ponyboy has a date."

"It's nothing," Pony smiles as he blushes.

I walk over to him and mess up his hair, "what's her name?"

He looks up at me and smiles, "Bethany, we're not dating or anything. She's just my friend, but she's a greaser and she wants to come with me."

I smile, "she sounds sweet. Am I gonna meet her?"

"If you want to," he shrugs.

I look at him like he's crazy, "of course I want to meet her!"
*****************************************************************************************************"Who are you going with to prom?" I ask Dally curiously.

He shrugs, "I haven't thought about it yet."

"What?" I ask. "How?"

"It's not a big deal,"he chuckles.

"You're crazy," I roll my eyes at him playfully. "Who do you want to go with?"

He sighs, "the girl I wanna take is already taken. Are you going with Sodapop?"

"I'm not sure," I admit. "I mean I want to, but he hasn't asked me. What does that mean Dally? Does he want to go with me?"

Dally chuckles, "you two have been together for like four months of course he wants to go with you Chloe. Who wouldn't? You're crazy beautiful."

I look down blushing, "thanks Dally."

He shrugs it off as it was no big deal and to him it wasn't, but to me it was everything, "anytime Chloe. Do you think you're gonna be going home soon?"

"Do you want me to go home soon or something?" I ask him.

"No! It's obviously not that Chloe," he defends himself.

I roll my eyes, "well that's what it sound like."

"It's not!" He snaps.

I groan as I storm out, "whatever."

I bump into Sodapop as I walk out and he smiles, "hey Chloe."

"Hey Sodapop," I smile before pecking his lips. "How you been babe?"

He shrugs, "okay, but I'm nervous about something."

I chuckle, "like what?"

"Nothing," he smirks as he walks away.

I chase after him, "Sodapop! Sodapop! Hey!"

He turns back with a pleased smile on his face, "talk to ya later babe!"

I sit next to Johnny and smile down to him. I always forget that Johnny is my age because, he's so little and he hangs out with Ponyboy all the time. I always think he's just a little thirteen year old. "Hey Johnnycake, do you know what's up with Sodapop."

He shakes his head before talking with his quiet voice making me have to lean in a little, "nope, sorry. Why?"

I shrug, "he's been acting funny."

"Maybe it has to do with prom," he chuckles.

"He hasn't asked me yet," I sigh.

He shakes his head, "isn't it obvious?"

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