Ice Ice Baby

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I was putting the finishing touches on my outfit.

He was around the corner, and for some reason my dad was more excited then I was.

"You look very nice sweetheart."

"Thanks dad."

"Remember I dont want you dressing like this all the time. This date only type of outfit."

"I know. I know."

"Ok well do you have everything? Phone, wallet, mini tazer, mace? Just in case someone gets you while Mason goes to the bathroom or something."

I laughed.

"Yes I got it."


Ding Dong.

My dads face lit up.

"He's here!!"

He opened the door. And there he stood with that cocky smile on his face

"Good Evening sir."

Mason held out his hand.

"Hello son."

My dad gripped his hand and gave a nice firm handshake.

"Now I already know the rules."

Mason said proud.

"Oh really now."

My dad lifted a eyebrow impressed.

"Yes sir. Home no later then 10:30. Don't get too close. The only parts of us that should be touching is our hands. And no kissing at all."

I rolled my eyes. And my dad smiled.

"Since I'm gonna be late tonight and I trust you two . You can be home by 11:00 and you can give her a goodbye kiss. On the cheek."

This is so stupid. I'm 17. Why do I have a curfew?

"Yes sir. Well we better get going."

"Yes you should. Have fun but not too much fun."

"Bye daddy."

I hugged him.

"Bye sweetie."

He waved at us as we got into the car.

"After you."

He opened up my door and I got in.


He got in on the other side ,started It up.and drove out of our driveway.

"My dad really likes you. Your the 'perfect' boy he always wanted me to be with. "

I said with loads of sarcasm

"Really? Thank you."

Annd he thought I was serious.


He pulled into the parking lot and we got out. We got our skates and sat down to put it on.

"So have you ever skated before?"

I asked him.

"Nope first time"

I laughed so hard. And he looked at me.

"Whats so funny?"

I started lacing up my skates

"Excuse my language but your gonna. Bust. Your. A**."

I laughed again.

"Oh come on it cant be that hard just like roller skating. Right?"

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