Flashback 2

459 12 3

I felt I didn't give enough of their history together. So here you go

^Mid Freshman Year^


Jocelyn came back from her locker happier then usual. She wouldn't tell me what's up but I can tell it had something to do with a boy.

But no matter I'll find out sooner or later. Right now I'm just trying to get this Algebra done.

"Faith, can you please work out the problem on the board?" Mrs.Greene asked handing me a dry eraese marker.

I looked at the problem completely not understanding any of it. I stood up in front of the class slightly getting anxiety because I hate to be seen as stupid. I started to twirl the marker around my fingers.

"Uhh I dont know?"

"Come on sweetheart it's basic slope intercept."

I shrugged still not getting it.

"I dont understand it. It makes no sense."

I tried to drown out the many snickers I heard behind me.

"Well okay why not Mr.Smith help you out then?" She hit her hand on a desk that a boy with two long braids sat asleep.

"Yo can't a guy get some sleep. I mean god damn Mrs.G."

"Dont you dare use that language with me young man." She waved her finger at him the gestured to the board.

"Even though you dont like to show it you can do this. You're a smart young man."

He groaned as he got up from his seat. I saw the red of his eyes and as he got closer I smelled the slight scent of weed on him.

"You smell disqusting." I backed up covering my nose. He curled his lip up at me at stuck his hand out.

"What?" I asked staring at him.

He rolled his eyes aggravated.

"The marker." He snatched it from my hand and stepped back to look at the board. After about 10 seconds he chuckled shaking his head at me.

"The answer is 3 dumbass."

I gasped offended."I am NOT a dumbass, Pothead."

"Alright you two thats enough and I already told you Raquan to not use that language in my class. So thats a detention." Mrs.Greene said handing him a Detention slip.

"Aww come on Mrs. G its not my fault the 'straight A' student sucks at math. Give her one too." He groaned pointing at me.

"What did I do? Just because you want to be a jerk doesn't mean I have to suffer. Seriously NIgga."

"And thats a detention for you Ms.Michell." She said putting her hand on her hip.

"Come on please my mom and dad will kill me." I plead.

The kids behind us laughed.

"I expect more from you. " She gave me a disappointed look while handing me my slip.

"Now take your seats."

"Ugh!" I stomped back to my seat pissed off.

For the rest of the class Raquan kept shooting me dirty looks.

Well maybe he should have a better attitude then we both wouldn't have to be stuck after school in detention.

After the bell rang for lunch I was walking down the hallway with Jocelyn expressing my feelings about that kid.

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