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I was in the commissioners office and he was giving me the dirtiest look from the other side of his desk.

"So are you going to tell me what I have to do?" I asked slumping my shoulders.

"Take those stupid sunglasses off." He said sitting up.

I shook my head "No. Why should I." He doesn't tell me what I can and can't wear who does he think he is? My daddy?

"What did you say? This is my firehouse all of these firehouses in the city are mine ,so what I say goes." He said intertwining his fingers.

"Are you going to take them off for me? No. So I suggest you give that a rest." I kicked my feet up on the desk.

He slammed his hands down on his desk and stood up. "LOOK PEREZ"

"Dad I have your copies." Aaliyah said walking into his office.

Wearing denim shorts and a red tube top with her naturally curly hair just everywhere. Its a good thing I'm wearing sunglasses.

"Just rest them over there by that delinquent" he said pointing at me.

"Why do you have those stupid sunglasses on?" She asked staring into my eyes

"Why do you have that stupid mask on? Oh wait that's just your scary face." I turned my head away from her.

"That's enough. Here is your list " he handed me a list of things to do " but Ill read them aloud since I know your below average."

He picked up the list an cleared his throat. "Sweep the station, check all of the sprinklers (which means your going to get wet), wax the poles top to bottom, polish all boots and helmets, clean the bathrooms, take out the garbage, and lastly the one that will take you more then one day." he put a ugly smirk on his face

"Clean and organize the locker room. Cleaning consist of washing the uniforms and all of the other dirty smelly things hanging around. Any thing you don't finish to day will be finished the next." He stuck his hands in his pockets

"Do you get it? Alright then the broom is over there in the corner conversation over. " he handed me the list and escorted me out.

"Wait." Aaliyah ran up to me and snatched my glasses off. "I know you can't see anything with those stupid things on"

She walked back in the room and threw them in the trash. Those were apart of my top 5 :(.

Her dad looked back at me and scrunched his nose "You stink. You better have none of that marijuana on you boy. Ill have you arrested on site for that."

I stepped away from his peppermint breath that was burning my eyes.

"No, I wasn't smoking weed. That's just how my house smells you can drug test me for all I care."

He looked me over then went back to his office.


I was sitting in my dads office about a hour later playing on his computer and takin a new profile pic.

I'm basically not really doing anything just chillin. I took out my nail polish because I was bout to do my nails.

Too bad it was interrupted by a loud bell ringing almost giving me a heart attack.

"Man your stations!!! Get on the truck we got a wildfire and there requesting all engines!!" I heard my dad yell from the hallway.

He burst in the room and threw a pair of keys at me. "I'm going to need you to lock up tonight at 11 can you do that for me? Just make sure Perez does what he's supposed to."

Before I could answer he already left grabbing his coat and hat. I stayed still until i heard the firetruck fade in the distance. I stood at walked to the doorframe leaning on it.

"Jacob." I said facing the direction of the kitchen. He didnt respond but I felt a pair of hands going around my waist.

"So we're all alone?" he kissed my cheek as he rested his head against mine. i laughed and kissed his forehead.

"Yeah but your still doing your community service." he sighed behind me. "Can I atleast get my shades back?"

I kicked the trash towards him and he took them out. It was empty except for a piece of gum stuck on the lense. "Eww gross."

He tried taking it off but it was sticky. "Come on. You have to be kidding me."

I held my hand out so I could clean it."Gimme" he put it in my hand.

"Why do you wear these anyway? Your eyes are pretty." I said placing it next to the air condition.

Jacob sat in the chair and twirled like a little kid. "Well I'm not trying to look cute I'm trying to look sexy."

I went over and sat on his lap straddling him. "You do look sexy. Who else are you trying to impress? Your mine." I started to kiss his neck softly then his lips.

"Don't baby." He said wrapping his hands around me.

But does Aaliyah listen? No. So I continued to kiss his neck softly as he tilted his head back biting his lips. His hands went up the back of my shirt pulling me on top of him.

"Wait baby stop." He pushed me me off and gave me a serious look. "I don't want you to start anything you can't finish."

I'm tired of hearing about that. I feel like a little kid. I'm scared of taking it that far but I just want to get it over with. Maybe people will stop talking.

"Come On. Are you scared? I thought you wanted to?" My hands started to go up his shirt as I slowly lifted it. Kissing his abs.

"Mmmm Liyah." He closed his eyes about to give in. The weight on the chair was causing it to tilt and ended up knocking one of my dads glass awards off the shelf. I caught it just before it hit the ground and shattered.

"Thank god." I sighed in relief and placed it back on the shelf. Jacob was shaking his head. "I told you this was a bad idea." "Shut up" I said giving him a dirty look.

Am I really that desperate? I swear I'm so stupid. My eyes started to get cloudy with tears .
Jacob reached out and grabbed my hands.

"What's wrong with you?" He pulled me on his lap and smoothed my hair resting my head on his chest.

"Talk to Papi"

"I'm just trying to make you happy." I sniffed.

"You do make me happy."

"No I don't. I never give you what you really want. And I know you get mad when I dont."

He laughed.

"I don't mad Liyah its just my guy hormones talking.Besides I want to wait for you. When your ready. Right now your nowhere close to ready, Believe me."

No. If you were wondering He's not a virgin but I don't stress it. He won't tell me who THEY were.

I don't even think I want to know. Wait. Scratch that. I don't want to know.

"We're 17 we Have the rest of our lives to do that. And trust me you'll be glad you waited." He winked at me.

"Ignore everyone else because they don't know a thing about us. Ok? I don't ever want you to cry over anybody again. "

He kissed me close to but not on my lips.

"You know I hate when you do that." I pouted.

He bit his lip and ran his hand down my Cheek. "I don't wanna temp you."

"Go finish cleaning." I said rolling my eyes.

"Later baby." He said closing the door.

Daddy's Little GirlWhere stories live. Discover now