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Im sick, its storming outside and my dad just left to go take someones shift. I was laying on the floor listening to the thunder rumble and lightning crackle. I was coughing and shivering but I didnt have any energy to get up. I heard my back door close and footsteps walking closer.


The person wouldnt answer. They just kept coming closer. I sneezed about 5 times in a row.

"Just take me out my misery."

I tried breathing out my mouth as i spoke. since my nose was stuffed and snot was running out.

."Eww girl do you need a tissue."

I groaned at the slightly nasaled voice that was above me. I learned to stop questioning his abilaties to do stuff.

"What are you doing here?"

He laughed at me

"You sound just like me."

"What? Stupid."

"No sexy."

"Can you leave me alone?"

I started shivering violently.

"If I left who would take care of you?"

He lifted me off the floor and layed me on the couch then draped a blanket over me.

"Better right? You're .welcome"

I rolled my eyes.

"Arent you supposed to be in school?"

He shrugged and went to go turn up the heat.

"Yeah well. Jo' told me you were sick and by yourself. So I came to check up and make sure my baby was getting taken care of."

I coughed and smiled.

"You're so sweet."

"I do try."

"But I want you to be in school not here." I tried to breath through my nose again but ended up getting a mouthful of snot and boogers that I had no choice but to swallow.

"Thats gross."

He went into his bag and took out a container filled with liquid, nyquil,oreos, a neck pillow, Vicks and a bunch of bootlegs. He put the container in the microwave for 3 mins.

"Im not leaving until your better. Now what do you want to watch? I have Nick, Disney, Love Stories, and World Ending Movies."

I tried to talk but i started coughing hard and he rubbed my back sitting next to me.

"Take your time."

"I feel like shit ." I rested my head against his chest.

"Thats why Im here so youll feel less like shit."

"Do you have Danny Phantom?"

"Season 1 through 3"

"I ammm the box ghost." I groaned looking at him. He smiled.

"BEWARE!" We both yelled at the same time.

He laughed and got up to get the container out of the microwave.

"Do you want tea?"



His eyebrow raised up at me.

"Thorry my nothh ih thupped"

"Your cute."

He put the kettle on then went upstairs and came back down with my comforter and put in on the floor. After he grabbed all the pillows from my bed and threw them on top,

"Ray what are you doing?"


He set the Xbox on its side next to the biggest pillow and placed the dvds next to it. The oreos and controller also were put next to it. He opened the Vicks and put it on my chest and under my nose.

"Breath if you can."

"I cant"

He put the neck pillow around my neck and then pushed me onto the floor.

"What the hell?!"

A blanket was draped across me and a bowl of soup (I couldnt tell the flavor) and a mug of tea was placed next to me.

"What flavor is this? I cant tell."

"Chicken noodle soup for the soul."

"Thank You."

He kissed my forehead and gave me a hug.

"Ill be back later baby. I have to atleast show up for the first part of class."


He gave a kiss on my lips then grabbed his bag about to leave.

"Wait your gonna get sick."

His shoulders shrugged

"I dont care ill be with you and we'll take care of each other."

He smiled his toothy smile.

"Alright im gonna leave before i get even more lovey dovey. Bye Pooh."

I smiled as he closed the door.

No one will ever understand how much heart he has. He comes off like a tough hard person, which he is at first, but the longer you know him and when he actually cares about you, you can see theres so much to him. Yeah he used to be caught up in the wrong crowd. He used to smoke weed and hung out with people who did. His cousins gangbang and occasionally they try to pull him back, but since im with him he stays away. Im his anchor. And we're all we have at times.

Daddy's Little GirlWhere stories live. Discover now