The Pain

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The Next Day


It Hurts. Everything hurts. My head. My body. My heart. I keep wishing last night was a dream. I really dont want to go to school today. Theres a good chance I will violate my probation. And even if im not with Faith anymore. Im not going to jail and leaving my brother with my mother. ughh Faith. I never want to see her again.


My closed door opened and my brother walked in. I pulled my pillow over my head and groaned.

"What do you want?"

"I need a ride."

Hes in the 9th grade so we go to the same school.

"Dont you usually have one of your friends take you?"

I really dont want to go but thats my brother and if I dont take him then he wouldnt be getting a education. And he needs to.

"He bailed out on me."

"Im not staying tho. Be ready in 15."


He left to go downstairs. I put on just a shirt and brushed my teeth then took my slow time down the stairs. Travis was sitting there doing his hair.

"Didnt i say no twisting your hair at the table." I said hitting him upside the head.

"I dont want hair in my cereal."

"Chill bro I have to look good for the ladies. You feel me?" He said closing the gel

"Yeah whatever. Did you eat?"

"Eat what?"

He said referring to the lack of food. I walked to the mini fridge in the back of the closet where it wasnt seen and pulled out a container of leftover chicken. I walked back over and placed it infront of him.

"Its cold but its food."

"Where do get this from?"

"Dont worry about it just eat. You have 5 mins."

After he ate I grabbed my keys and we got into the car.


I barely slept at all last night. I couldnt stop crying. I need to take a shower because guess what? Im on my period too. I got out and tended to my needs. I got dressed in some sweatpants a crop top a hoodie and some Timbs. I straightened my hair and put on some some red lipstick and eyeliner.

Ray never liked when I straighten my hair he says it looks plain and boring. And he thinks I dont need makeup because im already perfect.

I messed up such a good thing. Even if I didn't want to admit it. It's all my fault I don't know what I was saying last night. Ray was just trying to comfort me. And I just yelled and complained about nothing.

He's just so damn stubborn. All I wanted to do was have him talk to me and he just shuts me out. And I hate that!! I'm your girlfriend tell me what's wrong so I can help you some type of way. I mean even if its just by comforting him I can do that but just don't push me away.

I walked down stairs to find a note from my dad.

"Had a early shift ill be back at 5. There's food if you want breakfast. Don't be late to school. I love you. ~ Daddy"


I grabbed a Snapple from the fridge making sure I have my extra tube of lipstick. Then started my walk to school. Usually Ray drives me, of course Mason offered but I needed time to myself.

I put my headphones In and started playing my music low. I'm not trying to get kidnapped by being distracted.

I turned the corner and was looking down at my phone for a second. I saw a car approaching from down the street but I wasn't really worried about it.

Until it started honking at me. I looked up at the purplish black SUV rolling infront of me.


We were riding down the street and I got distracted by thinking about Faith. I was trying to make a U turn because I turned the wrong way. There was some girl walking but I didn't pay much attention.

"Hey isn't that Faith?" Travis said leaning over a bit.

He was blocking my view so I couldn't see her.

"Yeah that is Faith." He started honking the horn at her. Getting her attention before I could stop him.

"Stop it!!"

I looked out the window and her eyes connected with mine. So much emotion passed through us. I stepped on the gas and sped down the street.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you give her a ride?" Travis asked completely oblivious.

I shook my head "There's so much you don't know."

Theres a pic of Travis on the side

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