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IT'LL Be Fast. Or you can just skip to the end!!

Hey guys I know this isnt chapter but I just wanted to say a couple of things

Uno. Why don't you guys comment that much? I'm not going to make you guys comment because that's just stupid. But can you guys say something?

I like feedback. Even it's not about the story. But if you like the way I type. I I'm good at it, if I should write another way. If you have my story and you think it's boring or doesn't make sense.


If you don't like long paragraphs or you want more detail.


Because if your sitting there hating the way the story is going I don't want you to stop reading it. (I do that a lot) I can change the way I write if you honestly hate it. I do that a lot as you can see.

Uno (Dos)

If you have any ideas about what should happen then, suggest them! Honestly I don't know if its just me but when I make a story I only know the beginning and the end. I try to make up a couple of thing in the middle but i feel it's really dumb so that's why chapters take so long.

Tell me what you think. Your the reader I'm here to entertain you. Not myself. So please help me.


Are you guys afraid to ask me questions? I mean I'm very nice ill answer any of your questions if my phone or wifi isn't spazzing. It can range from the story to what color my towel is.

You can ask these questions here or on my Tumblr. Ill tell you that at the end.


I might sound really mean here but. . . . If you sit there and type "Hi I love this story can you read mine :D!!!!!!!!!!" -__- chances are I don't read it. But some days I do feel nice and Ill look at it.

The one thing that will piss me off is when I go trying to look for it and I type your name in discover and you don't pop up. If i google it and I still can't find it. I'm done, To be honest I'm not gonna I deep into the archives for you. Sorry. But I'm serious.

But if you honestly want me to read it post a link and make it easy.


Do y'all even know my name? Anything about me? I think you can tell who's my favorite band member but yeah. I know some of you guys don't care but I want to get to know my followers.

If you tell me your name ill tell you mine *creeper smile*


Follow me. Please I have so many views on my stories but only 59 followers. If you don't read any of my stories don't follow me. If you do then why not? I don't care about my number at all but I love all 59 of ya.;)


That's all you guys know I'm not Spanish right? So if I spelled any of those numbers wrong then I apologize . I had Spanish for 3 years and I ended my 3rd year with a 79. OH YEAH #CSQUAD.

Well for those of you who read this far you get a prize. When you comment on the things you read I will give you a shoutout. Just leave your name and your story. But ONLY to people who responded to this. ^_^

My Tumblr is:

I have orientation tomorrow an school starts tuesday >_< Kisses :*

Daddy's Little GirlWhere stories live. Discover now