Chapter 14 (The End!)

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I bolt awake. I take in my surroundings. A hospital? What? Was that all a...dream?! Tears streak my face. My mother jumps from her slumber at my side and hugs me tight. I stare at her with wide eyes and spot my little brother in a chair on the other side of me next to the IV that is steadily beeping. Fresh tears run down my face and I begin to sob. "Shh...Melody, honey, it's okay." My mother says soothingly as she kisses my forehead. She has a bruise on her eye, a busted lip, along with a wrapping on her head. I glance over at my brother who has a cast on his arm and a few bruises spotting his ivory face. My mouth drops open and I let out a mangled sob. My whole body shakes as I remember everything. The dream, the robbery, and life. I thought we....jumped? I struggle to make sense of everything that happened. "I-I thought you both died!" I cry out as more heated tears flow down my cold face. "Oh, honey! The police got there! You saved us both..."My mother says, caressing my cheek comfortingly."B-but...." I think about my dream, felt so real.. I sit there speechless. "Melly, it's okay, don't cry." Matt says to me and puts his bunny on my lap as he kisses my cheek. I smile at him as I sniffle back my sobs. My mother stands up "I'll let the doctor know you're awake. Then we can go home okay? Come on Matt, let's go. We'll be right back Melody." she says, taking my brothers hand and leaving me alone in the pale hospital room. I sit and wait for them as I try to shake that dream from my head.

 The doctor comes in and gives me a quick check-up. After he finishes, he writes a note saying I can leave. "You're ribs have almost completely healed. They may still be alittle sore but that's normal." He says to me kindly as he hands my mother the papers. We leave the hospital and head home. After the shock had gone down, I began to relax. At least for alittle bit. I had graduation in two weeks and had to take finals in school to do so. Finally after two weeks of studying and testing, I got my results back the day before graduation. My mother teared up, I aced all of my tests and could graduate with my class. I, myself, was extremely excited and over-joyed.

~The next day~

Finally graduation is here! It might've only been a day but it felt like an eternity... I think happily as I skip towards the auditorium. My teacher directs me to my seat and I wait anxiously. A sea of white gowns flood the stage as people are called one by one. Those are just the A's too... I think as I watch and cheer my classmates. Finally when the B's are being called I can stand up.*One name sticks out to me, "Jeremy Burhi." My eyes narrow at the figure walking toward the stage and my body freezes up.


"Hey, my name's Jeremy."...."Some day Caroline will be Mrs. Burhi...."

Parts of my dream flood back to me but are interrupted by my name being announced. I walk unsteadily up to the stage and take my diploma. I was on edge for the rest of the ceremony. It's probably just a coincidence. I reassure myself Yeah, a coincidence...

~A week later~

Me,my mother, and Matt are headed to this new store downtown. "I hear it's going to be really great and huge!" My mother says as we drive downtown. Matt and I sit in the back seat and just play and joke around the whole ride. This place is huge... I think as we pull into a large parking lot in front of the store. Balloons, banners, and streamers are scattered throughout the shopping center. We head towards the front where a large group of people are gathered. The shopping center owner is standing at the front and talking. We stand and listen to him talk about how 'Everything you'll ever need is here!' and so on. The Grand-Opening timer beeps, signaling five seconds 'til opening time. We all count down. "Five...four...three...two...o--" An ear-shattering scream erupts from someone in the crowd. People start to scatter in all directions. I stand there with wide, shock-filled eyes So, it begins....

*they are called up for graduation by last name I believe...

So, that was Forgotten Memories! Please tell me what you thought of it, it'll mean the world to me (even if I get bad feedback) I still would like to know. :3 So, yeah! Thank you for reading...I might make a part two as well so tell me if I should or just leave it like this, you decide! ^_^

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