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When Albus Dumbledore approached Severus all those years ago and made him promise to help protect Harry Potter, he never thought he'd have to do this. He was a professor. He was a spy for Hogwarts. He was famously hated throughout the school he protected. Surely, he could say no. But the professor looked at him and reminded him of his promise and Severus said yes.

A/N: Hello! If you do not ship Snarry then this story is not for you! This story is going to take place during the summer before Harry's sixth year and into the year. The events of the fifth book/Movie are basically the same unless stated otherwise. Sirius is dead and Severus is well Severus. I don't exactly plan things so idek how this story will go. Hope you enjoy. -Charlie

Disclaimer: Although I have asked on many occasions and through countless emails, I do not own Harry Potter. It all belongs to the wonderful author J.K. Rowling.

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