*Chapter 14*

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The next two weeks flew by. Harry was doing better in potions than Hermione. He realized the book belonged to the half blood prince. He didn't care. It was amazing and that's all that mattered. It bothered Hermione but she couldn't do anything about it. Harry was so busy with all his classes and work, he hasn't see Severus outside the classroom. Sev was busy so he didn't notice that much. They always seemed to catch up through their thoughts. They'd talk for a bit and usually fell asleep while talking.

Halfways through the third week of school, Harry missed Sev a lot more than he should. He made up some excuse to Professor Slughorn and made his way to the dungeons. Sev had a class for the next five minutes so Harry sat at his desk. Severus came in and was surprised to see Harry. "Hey," Sev smiled. He looked stressed and tired so Harry stood and let him sit in the chair. "Are you okay?" Harry asked. When Sev sat down, Harry started to rub his shoulders, hoping it would help. Severus sighed contentedly. "I'm fine. Working with first years," He groaned at the thought. Harry laughed quietly and kissed his cheek and ran his hands down his chest. "I missed you." Harry whispered in his ear. Severus was going to say he missed Harry too but his arm began to burn and Harry flinched at the pain. He was getting better at feeling and understanding what it was. Severus stood up quickly. "I'll talk to you later." He kissed Harry quickly on the lips before rushing out of his office, leaving a very shaken and angry Harry.

After that Harry avoided lunch and didn't leave Sev's office until lunch was over and he was meeting Ron and Hermione in the library. They had a free period and wanted to take that time to catch up on homework. Or rather, Hermione was helping Harry and Ron catch up on homework. Harry tried to reach out for Severus but he was keeping him out and that made Harry nervous. He knew that Sev was safe-ish but that didn't make him feel any better.

"Hey," Harry said as he threw his bag on the table. Hermione looked up at him. Ron wasn't there but Harry didn't notice. Hermione instantly noticed Harry's foul mood. "What's wrong?" Hermione asked and Harry let out a loud frustrated sigh.
"Sev had to leave." Harry told her. He didn't want to tell her why he left. It just wasn't her business.

Harry didn't understand why he felt so angry. He was more worried than angry but he couldn't deny that he was very angry.

Harry worked with Hermione and by the time he was done he was feeling better. "Where's Ron?" Harry finally asked as they were packing to leave.
Hermione grimaced. "He's with Lavender Brown. She invited him to study with her."
Harry snorted. As if Ron would study with anyone that wasn't Hermione.

Hermione then launched into a story about how Lavender has been all over Ron since we got back to school. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're jealous." Harry winked and poked her side. Hermione turned bright red.
"Why would I be jealous?" She laughed but Harry wasn't convinced.
"Just admit it Hermione. You like him." Harry prodded. He was grinning and so was she.
"Okay, yes. I like him alright?" She pushed Harry's shoulder as they finally got to Gryffindor tower and into the common room. "Maybe you should tell him?" Harry said sarcastically. Of course she should tell him. Hermione sighed. "How did you tell Professor Snape?" Hermione asked. She lowered her voice. The common room still had a few students in it. Harry shrugged. "I got drunk and gave him a hickey. I think he knew I liked him after that."
Hermione gasped. "Harry," she tried to scold him but she laughed instead. "I can't believe you." Hermione tried to stop giggling. She was drawing attention to herself.

After that, they both went to bed. Harry was feeling better and fell right to sleep.

The next morning, Harry went straight to Sev's office. Harry knew the password. Harry felt his heart drop when the office was empty. Harry sighed and walked back upstairs and into the great hall. Hermione and Ron were gone so Harry went to his first class. Today it was potions. Double potions. Harry was not excited for it today.

Harry's day passed quickly and by dinner, he was both mentally and physically exhausted.

Harry was eating and laughing with Ron and Hermione when Severus came into the great hall from the door behind the head table. He looked okay, just tired and Harry felt like a weight was lifted off his chest.

A/N: Idk how I feel about this chapter.

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