*Chapter 23*

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By the time November ended, Harry decided that he was going to Black Manor for Christmas.

The day before they left for break, Hermione and Ron told Harry they were coming with him. "You guys really don't have to." Harry said immediately, although he didn't want to be alone.
"Oh we know." Hermione smiled and patted his cheek. "We want to."

They were leaving after lunch, Harry made sure his bags were packed when Dobby appeared beside him. "Dobby is coming with Harry Potter for Christmas." He sounded so sure that Harry just agreed.

Harry was making his way to the Great Hall when Luna stopped him. "Hullo Harry." She said, giving him a small smile. "Neville and I are coming with you for Christmas." She didn't give Harry time to respond. She turned and left him there. "Okay." Harry sighed to himself.

After lunch, all the students that were leaving lined up in Dumbledore's office. This year, we were using the floo instead of the train.

Harry felt a lot of mixed emotions when he stepped out of the fire place, but it didn't last long. He wasn't alone. His four friends followed soon after.

Hermione cleaned and decorated with Luna and Dobby. Ron and Neville helped Harry carry all the trunks upstairs and pick rooms for everyone.

As the sun was setting, the house looked alive again. They had a tree and lights and tinsel all around the house. They all sat down and ate dinner that Dobby prepared for them.
They ate and talked and remembered. They shared stories and before Harry knew it, his eyes were watering from laughing so hard.  His stomach hurt but he felt better than he had in a while. Harry realized that this was his little family and Harry was okay with that.

When they all retired to bed, Harry knew he wouldn't be sleeping that night. He left his room and went to Sirius's. He turned on the light and looked at the muggle posters that were plastered to the wall. Harry walked to the center of the room and watched the dust rise with every step he took. Harry stopped suddenly when he heard a voice whisper: "Harry,"

A/N: Yes, I'm leaving it there.

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