*Chapter 24*

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Harry turned and gasped quietly. "What're you doing here?" Harry asked. Harry wanted to be angry but the person he loved the most looked as if he was going to fall over. Harry sighed and walked over to Severus. He helped him into a chair. Severus groaned as he sat. "Harry," he said as if the name hurt him. "I had to come see you."

Harry didn't want to do this in Sirius's room but he didn't have a choice at the moment. Harry felt a weird mix of anger and joy. He was angry at Severus for killing Remus but he missed Severus so much it hurt and he was just glad to see him. Harry crossed his arms and leaned against the opposite wall. "Why are you here?" Harry asked. His voice betrayed him and cracked. Severus looked at him and Harry almost gasped again. He looked so drained. He had bags under his eyes and it seemed to be taking all of his power to stay conscious.
"I'm here because I owe you an explanation." Severus said. "I know what you must have heard. That all looked really bad but Harry, I did not kill Remus."

Harry was in a state of disbelief and wanted to say something along the lines of You're lying, but all that came out was: "Are you okay?"

Severus shook his head. "No. Not at all. Can we please argue or talk about this tomorrow?"
Harry was still trying to process what was already said but he numbly nodded and helped Severus down the hall to the room Harry had claimed as his own.

Severus sat on the bed and reached for Harry. "Be mad at me tomorrow. Lay with me tonight." Severus sounded so broken that Harry couldn't even think of denying him this. Harry slid under the cover and Severus slid in next to him. Harry felt his arms wrap around his waist and pull him close. Harry laid his head on Sev's chest and took a deep breath. "I really missed you." Harry admitted. He felt lips brush against the top of his head and press against his forehead.
"I missed you too." Severus said before he fell asleep for the first time in a very long time.

Harry laid there for a while just watching Severus sleep. He turned the words over in his. I did not kill Remus. I did not kill Remus. But the school saw Severus kill Remus, didn't they? Or did they see what they expected to see? Harry didn't know what to think. His mind was spinning but Severus would explain in the morning. With that semi-comforting thought, Harry drifted off to sleep.

A/N: I know the last chapter was short and this one was too but they were just fillers. The next will be longer:)

E/N: Can I Slytherin?

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