Hunters Love

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Chapter One

        Prim wakes from a nightmare and i hold her close. "It was me." She mumbles and i kiss the top of her head. "No but its not. Its your first year Prim your name has only been in there once they aren't going to pick you." Then her hands go to my tiny bump and i don't smile. She whispers in my ear if i could sing to her and i nod slowly and sing Deep In The Meadow.

    After i am done i look down at her and kiss her four head.  "I have to go." "Where?" She asks with her hands still on my belly. 'I just have to go, I love you." I walk downstairs and grab my fathers leather jacket and see the evilest cat... Buttercup. He hisses at me and i glare, putting on my jacket. "I'll still cook you." Then i walk out of the house.. The baby has never moved and i like that cause it doesn't scare me.


        When i start hunting and i corner a deer a big kick comes and i gasp and fall to the ground and crawl back quickly and lean against a tree and put my hand to my bump. Then it jabs again and i start crying because it scares me. "Catnip! Why are you crying?" Gale asks and kneels down in front of me and puts his hands on our baby.

           "Did your water break?" I shake my head. "What happened?" "It kicked!" I sob and he looks at me. "That's why you're crying? Catnip that's great! don't cry... Why are you crying?" "I never wanted kids! Why did we get drunk and made that mistake?" I think back to the night we made love on our hill.

            All i really remember is the cool wind and the grass on my bare back, and Gales grey eyes and his lips. When i woke i flipped out that we spent the night in the woods when it was not even hunting season. I dressed myself quickly and ran away with my head pounding from hangover. When i got back to my house my mother was having a fit and Prim asked me where i was and all i told them was i was hunting.


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