Chapter ten

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   Katniss's POV

               I wake to feel Peeta's hand on my belly and I open one eye and see him smiling in his sleep. Then a announcement comes on. "Tributes! There is a feast today at sunrise! All of you need something despretly and it will be there, but you have to come." Claudius says and I look at Peeta after he has woken up and see the concern in his baby blue eyes.

   "Your medicine." "Katniss don't go." "Well you need it and you're dying." "Katniss I'm not going to let you go, I won't let you." He says and grabs my bow. "You would do it for me, wouldn't you?" "Why are you doing this?" He asks looking at me with his face going pale. Then I lean down and our lips meet. His lips are hot with fever and it feels weird in a way but...Comforting. His hands slide to my belly and I let a moan escape my lips as his hands rub it gently. Then after a few more moments we break away and I look at him.

      "Now there's no way I'm letting you go." "Peeta." I whisper and he looks at me. "Please, stay." I finally just give up. "Fine, I'll stay." I lay my head back on his chest and wait until he has fallen back to sleep. Then I leave the cave and jog to the bloodbath. When I get there I see the cornucopia and a table with a few backpacks on it and I am about to run but Foxface does before me. They let her go because I know they are waiting for me.

Then I run for it. I run as fast as I can and grab my pack and am about to run around the cornucopia to get to the cave but then a knife gets me right in the four head. Blood runs down my face and I shoot my arrow blindly and am tackled. We tussle for a while and then I am pinned to the ground and my foe wipes the blood from my face carelessly.

             I then see Clove and she grins evilly. "So twelve sorry about your little friend... Who was it Rue?" This makes me angry and I start squirming under her weight but then she knees me in the gut sending pain up my spine and I grimace. " "Yeah we killed her and now we're going to kill you and your baby." She says and puts her knife to my face and then I feel something warm running down my leg and then it hits me. "My water broke."  Clove looks down and grins.

"Baby on the way too? This has to be a joke!" Then someone grabs her from on top of me and I see Thresh. "You killed her?" He asks angrily and she shakes her head. "No!" "I heard you." "Cato! Cato!" She screams and then Thresh throws her against the cornucopia and she falls to the ground dead.


He turns to see me and my soaked pants and he grabs his pack. "Just this time twelve, for Rue." Then I limp to the cave as Clove's cannon fires. When I get there the contractions are only minutes apart and I lay down and moan quietly in pain and Peeta wakes. "Katniss what's wrong?" He asks and sees my wound and he goes to take care of it but I shake my head. "Peeta the baby's coming... I'm in labor."


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