Chapter six

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                          Gale's POV... Flashback


                                        We walk to my house and she looks at me. "Gale why are we going back to your house?" I smile and kiss her four head and shrug. "I dunno.... But you are about to figure out." I open the door and the lights are off and I go with the plan that Sae told me to go with. "Let's go upstairs and try to induce labor." I say and scoop her up bridal style. "Gale... Gale.... GALE HAWTHORNE!" She shouts and starts hitting my head. "RAPE! RAPE! S.O.S!" She screams. Then the lights turn on and everyone is there. "Surprise!" Everyone shouts and she gasps and I set her down. "What's all this?"  She asks and I loop my arm around her waist. "Your baby shower." She gasps and  Prim hugs her and Posy runs up to her as well. As we eat berries and drink some apple juice that me and Katniss made I give her a kiss and she smiles moving our hands to her belly cleverly. It never moves but she knows I like touching her growing abdomen and then something breaks us apart out of the awes and cooing.

             "Why did you do this to her!" We look and see Rory beat red with tears running down his cheeks and he rushes upstairs. Katniss and I follow him and when we get to his locked door and Katniss puts her hand on my cheek. "I'll go in there alone." She knocks as I hide in my room. "Rory... It's Katniss... Can I come in?" He unlocks the door and lets her in and she leaves it cracked and I look through the crack and see her sitting on his covers. "Can you tell me what's bothering you?"  She asks stroking his dark hair and he shrugs. She looks over to the crack and see's my eyes and I shrug. "Gale won't know... Please tell me."  "He forced you to make love to him didn't he?" Thats like a slap in the face and I see the shock on her face.

            "No he didn't... I had every say into getting pregnant."  She says and he sits up with tears running down his face. "But you always seem so uncomfortable and you cry a lot." She laughs quietly and brushes his tears away. "That happens to every pregnant woman, it's normal... But I think it's something else." She says an her eyebrows go up and down and he giggles. "Will you still take me hunting... Without Gale?" "Oh... So that's why, and why couldn't I?"  "Because he is protective over you and he won't let you go." She laughs as I think that's true. "He can't control me... And yes I will still take you hunting and I promise I will spend more time with you."  Then he looks at her. "You shouldn't have made that commitment to Gale... He will break you Catnip... And it will hurt, you need to leave him."

               She gets quiet and kisses his cheek. "Let's talk about this later alright? Lets go enjoy the party." He walks down the stairs after I hid myself and then Katniss walks out and I rush over to her.  "You won't leave me Catnip, will you?" She kisses my lips and smiles. "Does that answer your question? I don't beleive anything he said about you... Maybe the protective part but thats all." "That's because I love you." Then we walk back downstairs to the party.

Katniss's POV

           I wake to the sound of buzzing and I look up and see a trackerjacker nest. I hear a whisper and I turn my head and see Rue and she makes a sawing motion and points to me. I nod slowly and climb up with my belly throbbing a little and grab my knife. I start sawing off the branch that holds the nest and then one flys over to me and stings me in the neck. I yelp and hold my neck but keep sawing. Another goes to my hand and I whimper. Then one goes to my belly and I let a silent tear trickle down my cheek. Then it finally drops and it opens like a egg and a complete swarm goes over my foes. They scream and thrash, trying to run. Glimmer falls to the ground convulsing and I drop from the tree. 

I hit the ground and everything sways and I run over to Glimmer's de-formed body and break her knuckles to get to my bow and arrows. Then I start running and keep running into trees and  I stop for a moment. Then Peeta runs over to me shinning. "Run! Katniss Run!!!!" I start running again and then Ceaser comes out of the  brush and smiles evily at me. "A trackerjacker sting can cause powerful hallucinations." Then I fall to the floor and blackout.

 Did you guys like the flashback?? I just wanted to take a break from the games for a second! Tell me if you liked it... Please comment and Vote!!!!!! Remember the challenge!

                                                                                                                     Maddie Homoelle


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