Chapter Twelve

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Haymitch's POV

       I wait for the Hovercraft to bring her body but it doesn't come. I look at my watch and then a frazzled Effie runs up and hugs me. "Oh Haymitch a miracle has happened! Peeta found a heartbeat! Katniss is alive!" She makes me drop my liquor but at the moment I don't care. "Way to hold on sweetheart... I knew you had a little bit of fight left in you." 

Katniss's POV

            I feel a warmth on my chest and I sigh. "It must be Prim with another nightmare." But she feels tiny and I notice how terribly weak I am and the pain in my lower pelvic area. I open my eyes and see a tiny baby in a wunzie and has beautiful dark hair and olive skin. She sneezes and I smile. I notice I am wrapped in multiple wool blankets and then Peeta's baby blue eyes come into veiw. He smiles and lays his hand on my cheek. "Welcome back." He kisses me gently and I smile weakly. "She's beautiful is'nt she?" He says and rubs her back. "Yes... She is." Then I pick her up and bring her close to my eyes.

           She has my nose, Gale's thin lips, my smile, his long eyelashes, and his big ears. I giggle and kiss her nose and then she opens her eyes. They are Gale's seam grey eyes but their is something different about it that strikes me. She has slivers of orange and red that looks like a blazing fire and I notice. "It's from the trackerjacker venom." But I found the perfect name for her. "Blaze Anne Mellark." ( Hawthorne is real last name) I say and she gives me a toothless grin. "I'm glad you're okay." Then me and Peeta sit there, amazed that I just had a baby in the Hunger Games.

                                                          XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX Three days later...

          Katniss's POV


              I am gaining a lot of my energy back from the tramatizing labor and Blaze has been nursing... She's fine but me and Peeta need food. I turn over to Peeta and poke his four head. "Hey we need to get some food." I whisper and Peeta opens one eye and nods. "Have you fed Blaze?" I nod and he gets up and grabs something from a parachute and it's a sheath... But for what? He picks  up Blaze and kisses her chubby cheek and puts her in snugly and she sighs. "It's a carrier to put on your back so we can move around quickly and safely with her." I nod slowly and he rubs noses with her. "Now we have to get mommy up."

                                     He grabs my hand and my heart races and then he pulls me out of my cacoon of warm blankets. He grabs my jacket and helps me slip it on. Then he slips Blaze on with my other sheath of arrows around my back and then we are off. I try hunting but there are a few distractions. Peeta is those distractions. I sigh and take off Blazes sheath and hand her to Peeta. "How about you go scavenge for food while I hunt." He sighs and puts the sheath on and walks away.

                I keep hunting for a few hours and then I hear a cannon fire and Blaze crying. I run as fast as I can over to the sound of her crying and then I hit Peeta and I see Blazes red face. I grab her from the sheath and look at Peeta and the nightlocks he's holding. I slap them out of his hand. "That's nightlock Peeta! You will be dead in seconds!" "I didn't know." He says and then I feel tears running down my cheeks. "Damn you." I hug him and he wraps his strong arms around me and Blaze and kisses the top of my head. "I'm sorry." We find Foxface dead with some berries in her hand and I sigh. "She's clever." I whisper to Peeta and he nods.

       We stand there like this for a few moments. Later as we are walking back to the cave Blaze starts whimpering at something as she is cradled by my back. Then it starts turning dark. "Why is it turning so dark all of the sudden?" Peeta asks and I sigh. "They are trying to end it." Right after a say that I hear a agonized scream and then snarling... Then silence. "What was that?" Peeta asks as Blaze keeps whimpering. "It's the finally." (I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong... I'll fix that if someone tells me)    Then we see Thresh's face in the sky and then Blaze whimpers louder.

               We keep moving and I pull out a arrow and aim my bow. I have a off feeling and then Peeta moves closer to a bush and then I start aiming and drop my bow and then a mutation jumps out and jumps on Peeta. I shoot it through the neck and Blaze is bawling and I help Peeta up and we run as fast as we can as more mutations come at us. I see the cornucopia and Peeta lifts me up so I can get up there with Blaze. I help him up as the mutations try ripping his legs to shreds. Then someone grabs Blazes sheath and rips it off and shoves me to the ground.

      I hear Blaze crying loudly and then Peeta tries fighting back as Cato tries to strangle me and then he grabs Peeta and I slide down to my bow and arrow and aim at his chest. He has Peeta in a head lock and Blazes head is under his boot. "Shoot and your baby and boyfriend are dead." I think it over and Peeta points to his hand as he is turning blue and Blazes sobs echo through the arena.

            Then I shoot and it hits him right on target. He steps back away from Blaze and then Peeta shoves him off and the mutations start ripping him to shred's. I shoot him to put him out of his misery and then I pick up Blaze and hold her close and we hug as the sun comes up. Then Cladius comes on the michrophone. "There has been a slight rule change and there can be only one victor... Good luck and msy the odds be ever in your favor. We both look at each other and Peeta turns to me.

        {""Shoot, you have to get back home to your family and raise Blaze... They need a victor." I drop my bow as I cradle Blaze and walk over to him. "NO they don't, why should they?" I show him the berries and he covers my hand. "Trust me Peta." Then I put one on my finger for Blaze and a few in my other hand. "On three." Peeta says. "Three." I say and Peeta kisses Blazes four head. "Two." He whispers and kisses my lips one last time. "One." I say quietly and bring the berries to my lips and Blaze. "STOP!!!! STOP!!!! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THE VICTORS OF THE SEVENTY FOURTH ANUAL HUNGER GAMES!" I won with my daughter and Peeta.



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