Chapter Four

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       Katniss's POV 

                               "Katniss.... You need to wake up, your ultra sound is in five minutes." I open my eyes and Effie looks at me with a smile. "Okay." I mumble and she helps me up from my hospital bed and I shuffle down the cold and dark halls and I see a doctor waiting for me and she smiles. "Hello Katniss lay down for me and we will begin the ultra sound." Her blue spiked up hair kind of scares me but her warm smile calms me. "Now I am going to lift your gown, alright?" She does and puts some cool gel on my abdomen and turns on the hologram and she holds the instrument in her hand. "Now when I put this on your belly we're going to see your beautiful baby." I nod slowly and she puts it on my belly and looks at the hologram and i do to. I see a little form and I feel tears running down my cheeks.

                          "That's your baby Katniss, do you want to hear the heart beat?" I nod slowly and hear the steady sound of it's heartbeat and I grip Effie's hand and she smiles. "Do you want to know the gender?" I nod and she moves the instrument around. "It's... A little girl congrat's!" I burst into tears and Effie hugs me as I tremble. "I have a daughter." I whisper and she nods. "You do indeed! Oh my I am going to buy it some of the nicest clothes I can find!" She says and the doctor prints out the ultra sound picture. "Do you want me to send this to your family... It can be there in two hours." I nod slowly and she wipes off the cool gel and sets her hand on my belly. "I hope the odds are in your favor." I sit up and when i get to the pent house my prep team puts my hair in it's usual braid and put me in a dark green shirt and tan pants with boots and then Haymitch escourts me to the hovercraft.

       When I am right in front of the hovercraft Haymitch hugs me and I look at him. "Good luck." He mumbles and looks awkward and then walks away. I grab onto the ladder and it freezes me onto it and pulls me up. A peacekeeper leads me to my seat and I am locked in. A woman walks over to me and puts my tracker into my arm and i grimace. Then she asks me some extra questions. "How many months are you?" "Eight and a half." I mumble. "Very good almost full term." She walks away and I sit there for the long ride. I look around and see Peeta and he mouths. "You okay?" I nod slowly and he smiles and mouths. "Sorry for last night." I nod and then when the hovercraft stops on the roof two peacekeepers are assigned to every tribute and they walk me down the hall. They open the door to the launch room and I see Cinna and tears flood from my eyes and I hug him.

          When we break apart i look at him. "Its a girl." I say and he brushes my tears away. "She's going to look just like her mommy... Gorgeous in every way." He puts a hand on my tiny bulging belly and then helps put on my jacket and then he opens a flap and i see my pin and he puts his finger to his lips. "Thank you." I whisper and he nods. We stay in a hard embrace until the electronic voice breaks it. "Ten seconds to launch." I walk over to the tube and step in. It shuts and I spin around quickly and Cinna nods slowly and lifts his chin. I do the same and then I am brought up to the arena.

                        Gales POV

                                    I sit on the floor with Posy and I see Katniss and her belly is now even bulging out of her jacket and Posy gasps. "Why is Catnips belly so big?" I kiss the top of her head. "She has a baby growing inside of her... Our baby." "She's going to be a mommy like you mommy?" My mother nods slowly with a tear rolling down her cheek. "If she wins." I see her holding something and I grab it from her hands and see it's a picture of our baby in her womb and there's a note behind it. "It's a girl!" "And you're going to be a daddy?" I nod Then I look up. "Three... Two... One."Then the gong sounds and i hear her say the thing that made me melt before she kissed me. "I love you Gale Hawthorne, more than anything."

                           Katniss's POV

                                                                          I run right into the blood bath and see a backpack. I run and grab it and then trip and a boy comes up to me with his axe and tries to swing it over my head but then he falls to the ground and I look and see Clove with a menacing grin on her face with a cruel knife in her hand. She throws it right towards my abdomen. I bring my backpack over and it buries itself in the pack. I flip it on my back and run for the woods with my predator following. Then when i look back to see if she's following I run right into Foxface. We both look at each other and run in different directions. Then I fall right off a small hill and roll down. When I roll to a stop I put my hand on my belly to check if the baby's okay.  I feel her little feet kicking and I sigh. "I have to be more careful." Then I sit there and see whats in my pack. A sleeping bag, some crackers and beef, a water bottle that's empty, and some wire and matches.

                     Then the cannons fire for the bloodbath and I count them. Twelve gone from the games already. Then at that moment I smile to myself, I made it through the first few hours which is my own little victory.

   Hello everyone! Now fans I want to hear what team you all are on Gale v.s. Peeta whichever gets the most comments will get to tell me an idea for a chapter! Good luck! :))))


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